Working Prophet

Chapter 703 Death of Herodotus

History is not fiction, but it is often more dramatic than fiction.

Because history does not need to consider the beginning and end of the story.

There are many arrogant and powerful figures, but their exit methods are full of comedy and absurdity.

For example, a king who broke his tibia while lifting a cauldron and finally died, or a philosopher who was killed by a falling turtle while walking on the beach, or a pope who was thrown out of the window by his mistress because he slept with someone else's wife...

And Herodotus, who is now falling rapidly from high altitude.

The most famous heretic in the history of the Silver Moon Church, he single-handedly established the Blood Moon Society and made countless lords in the Western Territory sleepless and foodless. Countless enemies wanted his life, but he was still alive and well until the last moment. of.

And not only is he alive and well, Herodotus has just achieved an unprecedented miraculous victory, which has brought his personal reputation to its peak.

He is no longer willing to hide in the darkness. This trial is the perfect opportunity for him and the Blood Moon Society to turn from darkness to light, regain the support of believers, and bathe in the sun.

Herodotus had been planning for this day for a long time.

He calculated various possibilities. As a master in the field of assassination, he would of course be prepared for other people to assassinate him, and arranged strict guards in advance.

This trial is tight on the outside and tight on the inside. No matter where the assassin dares to show up, Herodotus is sure to take down the opponent as soon as possible.

However, he only missed the threat from above.

Although the Wing Tribes have invaded the continent of Bratis, they have not yet reached the Western Territory, and they have nothing to do with Herodotus and his Blood Moon Society.

Therefore, Herodotus naturally ignored them.

However, in the face of such a killer falling from the sky, even if you are prepared, it is difficult to defend against it.

In particular, Li Yulin gave Zhu Zhigang a gun before setting off. The original plan was for Zhu Zhigang to use his flying ability to avoid the guards in the city, hide in a nearby building, and take advantage of the chaos to shoot Herodotus.

The new gun Ge Lipeng has been equipped with rifling, and its accuracy has been greatly improved, allowing Zhu Zhigang to shoot from a farther distance.

It is best to take action when the crowd is cheering or shouting. The sound at that time can overwhelm the sound of gunfire, allowing Zhu Zhigang to leave calmly after solving the target.

But Zhu Zhigang himself was not very satisfied with this plan. A sneak attack without even saying hello was the most despicable method in martial arts.

In addition, Li Yu gave him the privilege of acting according to the situation. After finding a hiding place, he decided to wait and see.

In the end, it didn't matter, just in time to see Ge Wen jump into the crowd, slashing wildly, attracting the attention of everyone present.

So Zhu Zhigang made a prompt decision, jumped out from his hiding place, and threw himself at Herodotus. At the same time, he did not forget to shout, "Demon Dao, accept your life!"

This shout is quite important. Firstly, it tells the purpose of his trip, and he has a good reputation. Secondly, it also counts as saying hello in advance, so the next step is no longer a sneak attack.

However, because Zhu Zhigang spoke in Chinese, and the scene was quite noisy at that time, Herodotus probably did not hear it very clearly.

He didn't fully realize what happened until Zhu Zhigang grabbed his shoulder, with a smile on his face.

Zhu Zhigang was not polite to him either. He had already said hello, so it was his opponent's problem if he couldn't hear clearly.

It was impossible for Zhu Zhigang to wait aside and wait until Herodotus fully reacted before taking action. Herodotus had many minions around him.

Zhu Zhigang also knew that once discovered by those minions, his situation would be very dangerous.

So as soon as he caught Herodotus, he flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

By the time the archers reacted, the two of them were already twenty or thirty meters above the ground, and those people did not dare to act rashly for a while.

He could only let Zhu Zhigang continue to fly upward until the figures on the ground turned into small black dots. Zhu Zhigang held Herodotus in one hand and took out the Ziwu Yueyang Yue he carried with him in one hand. Without any explanation, he stabbed Entered the latter's throat.

"It's true that Bruce, the one who eliminates evil, has both stopped teaching. When you get to the Hall of Hell, remember to tell me my name."

After speaking, he let go and threw Herodotus' body down.

After successfully completing his mission, Zhu Zhigang flapped his wings and left the Lingyang City.

Herodotus' body fell from the air and hit the ground hard. His head hit the stone steps first and shattered directly, and his cervical vertebrae were also broken together.

The whole body was so bruised and bloody that you couldn't even tell who it was.

All the believers present were shocked. There was a deathly silence in front of the temple, and no one spoke for a long time.

Quintus was also shocked. He had already prepared to be judged or even killed. Unexpectedly, Herodotus, as the judge, died first, and in such a tragic way. He was executed under the gaze of tens of thousands of people.

Especially considering that assassination was originally the most common method used by Herodotus and the Blood Moon Society, from this point of view, his death seemed to correspond to some kind of judgment.

Afterwards, Quintus found that he seemed to have been forgotten. Originally, it would be his turn to be judged after Gwen, but now the priests of the Blood Moon Society are all surrounding Herodotus's body, and no one is there anymore. Care about him.

Even the guards guarding him stood on tiptoes, stretched their necks, and looked up the stone steps. Shock and confusion were written on everyone's faces.

But Quintus didn't take the opportunity to escape. First, he didn't think he could escape, and second, he didn't know where to escape.

Multiscale City was originally the holy city of the Silvermoon Church, but now it is occupied by the Bloodmoon Society, and the high priest who was elected not long ago is left alone.

Quintus only felt at a loss.

And he is not the only one who is confused about the future. The Blood Moon Society was established by Herodotus, and its operation and maintenance are completely dependent on Herodotus.

Everyone in the church firmly believed that Herodotus was the savior chosen by Picia, and they obeyed and worshiped him unconditionally.

This organizational structure ensures Herodotus' supreme authority and allows his orders to be implemented to the greatest extent.

But the problem is that once the leader of Herodotus is lost, the Blood Moon Society will fall into paralysis, and there will be no second person with enough prestige to convince the public.

Moreover, once Herodotus died, his theory of the savior was declared bankrupt, which also made the Blood Moon Society lose its persuasive power to ordinary believers.

After the silence, the crowd soon fell into greater anxiety.

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