Working Prophet

Chapter 697: Herodotus' Scientific Enlightenment

Ge Wen rode on his horse to supervise the battle, watching his soldiers climb up the city wall on ladders with their shields on their backs.

However, as soon as most of the people approached the city head, they were knocked down by the spears of the defenders above, or they were hit by stones and fell from the sky screaming.

Even if one or two warriors are lucky enough to reach the top of the city, they often cannot hold on for too long before being driven back down again.

And in just a short time, many vassals came to him to complain, saying that their men had suffered too many casualties and needed to withdraw to rest before continuing to fight.

Their request was refuted by Ge Wen as expected, but Ge Wen also saw that the current casualties of the troops were indeed a bit high.

It is obvious that the opponents are just a group of untrained civilians, many of whom are not even equipped with armor, but they have managed to block the siege of the army. So far, no wall in Scaled City has been lost.

This is a bit different from Ge Wen's previous imagination that once the King Master arrived, the mob would collapse without a fight.

Ge Wen even wondered if all his vassals were worried about casualties and did not really contribute.

But now is not the time for reckoning. Gwen turned around and asked Quintus, "Where are the internal agents in the city? Why haven't there been any movements yet?"

Quintus said, "They will light a beacon to notify us after taking control of the city gate, but Lord Gwen, should we start again..."

Before the high priest finished speaking, Ge Wen's expression perked up because a beacon was indeed rising at the south gate of the Scaled City.

"Tell Otto to have his men prepare to attack and take control of the city gate immediately after entering the city."

Ge Wen ordered an attendant, "I don't care whether those guys are really surrendering or pretending to surrender. Since Herodotus dares to give up the city gate to us, we have to make him pay the price."

After receiving the order, Otto, who came from the Friedhill family, led his 300 warriors and 700 militiamen and rushed in as soon as the south gate opened.

They used the fastest speed to control the city gate, including the towers on both sides, and cleared away the astonished defenders inside. Only then did Otto send someone to report to Ge Wen.

Ge Wen couldn't help but be overjoyed. This time he did not sit in the rear, but personally led the army to kill Lin Lin City.

Ge Wen hopes that this battle can show the style of the Figuerola family as much as possible, and also establish his prestige, reminding the world that Ilea is not the only famous general in the Western Territory.

At this time, the defenders in the city also discovered that the south gate was lost. Reinforcements came quickly and happened to run into Ge Wen and others.

Without any hesitation, the acting city lord of Yanxue City immediately showed his sword and rushed into the crowd.

Herodotus's reinforcements came with a lot of people, but they were all civilians. Although their morale was good, they lost the protection of the high wall, and they seemed a little at a loss when facing the knights in full armor.

On the other hand, Ge Wen and the elite warriors of the Figuerola family behind him were as unstoppable as tigers rushing into a flock of sheep. In just a few breaths, they had cut down more than a dozen people, and the remaining people finally began to feel fear.

In particular, the troops behind Ge Wen were still coming in a steady stream, so the defenders began to waver, and it turned into a rout.

Ge Wen finally felt a bit of the expected feeling of relief. This was right. How could anyone who fought in the Blood Moon Society compare to him?

However, just when Ge Wen felt that the situation was determined and the Scaled City had been captured, he heard the exclamations from the surrounding attendants.

Many people raised their necks and looked into the sky.

Ge Wen also raised his head and saw a dense black dot appearing in the sky, flying towards here.

However, those were not arrows, but jars!

Ge Wen's face instantly turned ugly. He didn't expect that Herodotus had hidden so many trebuchets in the Scaled City.

And it seems that there are quite a lot of them, at least hundreds, but considering that Herodotus packed up almost all the craftsmen in the city before leaving last time.

It doesn't seem surprising that he can build so many trebuchets.

Ge Wen didn't have time to think too much. Under the protection of his retinue, he got off his horse and quickly hid behind a haystack nearby.

The jars whizzed past the sky, but fortunately most of them hit the city wall, and only a small part hit people. However, before Ge Wen could breathe a sigh of relief, he smelled a strange smell.

The acting city lord of Yanxue City was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically, "Resin, damn it, those guys are going to attack with fire!"

Ge Wen then shouted, "Everyone, temporarily evacuate Scaled City!"

However, his order was given a little late. The south gate was originally the smallest gate in the Liny City, and could barely accommodate two carriages.

At this time, most of the army led by Ge Wen had entered. After realizing that the jars were filled with rosin, everyone was running out of the city, but the city gate was packed to the brim.

Even the coach Gervin couldn't get out, and then the second wave of cans came again, mixed with rockets.

Herodotus does not know how to fight, but he also has an advantage, that is, he has a strong learning ability.

Before, the little maid Clara used a lot of small scientific experiments to deceive him. Later, Herodotus gradually started to think about it, but he was not angry. Instead, he felt that a new world had been opened.

Since then, he began to pay more attention to the use of natural elements. Although he still cannot call thunder and lightning out of thin air like Li Yu, he has developed some new weapons through this.

In addition, the battle of those Wing tribesmen in Lionheart Castle also gave him some inspiration.

Herodotus piled a large amount of dry firewood and fodder near the south gate. With the turpentine and rockets falling from the sky, the fire quickly started.

The more the flames burned, the more panicked the people at the city gate became, and the crowd became more crowded.

It happened that at this time Ilkand also appeared with a group of cavalry.

They secretly left the city through a secret passage to the west and came around to the south. There seemed to be less than two hundred people.

This number of people is naturally not enough to see in normal times.

But now it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Together with the merciless fire, they attacked Gwen and his army who were trapped at the city gate, charging and killing among the crowd.

This time it was the attacker's turn to lose morale, and the crowd began to riot, with everyone struggling to escape.

But now everyone is crowded together. Most of them can't even draw their weapons, and it's becoming more and more difficult to breathe. The huge pressure coming from all around is almost squeezing everyone's body. Like an explosion.

Quintus had never seen such a terrible scene. More people died from being trampled and crushed than from the fire and the swords of the enemy.

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