Working Prophet

Chapter 695 The truth of the world

After listening to Yiwang's words, some people were still hesitant, but some people had already taken action, especially some nobles who were not so confident in their martial arts.

There are not many opponents they can defeat. If they are beaten first, they may have to answer here today.

Even if some of them still had friendship with each other, they didn't care so much in the face of death, and some vassals even challenged their lord.

Of course, there are also nobles who don't want to kill each other. They get together and want to break out of the siege of the Wing Clan warriors and escape from Lionheart Castle.

However, these people overestimated their own skills and underestimated the ruthlessness of the Wing Clan people.

Arrows raining so densely that it makes one's scalp tingle, swished down from the sky. After occupying Lionheart Fort, the Wing Clan fighters no longer needed to worry about military supplies.

Therefore, they did not begrudge the arrows in their hands, but within a moment, all the more than 20 nobles fell to the ground.

After witnessing this scene, the remaining imperial nobles completely gave up their luck and began to fight hard together.

When Solomon's figure finally appeared on the ruins of King's Landing Tower, only forty-two imperial nobles were left standing.

You must know that there were nearly two hundred people from large and small families who came to seek refuge with Solomon this time.

In the end, not even a quarter of the people survived, far less than half of Solomon's regulations. Apart from the fact that some people who wanted to escape were shot dead on the spot, it was also because some people participated in more than one contest.

Some of them were forced to be targeted by those who hadn't yet won a victory, while the Wing Warriors on the side didn't know whether it was because of a language barrier, or they didn't care at all, and didn't care about this kind of thing , just letting the imperial nobles continue to fight.

Some people took the initiative because Ivan had promised that the winner could take away the loser's land, so some people started thinking about it.

Among them, two were the most eye-catching. One was a young man dressed as a wandering knight. His martial arts were a bit higher than everyone present. No one was his opponent. He defeated five enemies in just a short while.

Two other people joined forces to kill him, but were killed by him instead. In addition, a thin-looking old man also killed four opponents in one go.

He obviously looked like he was about to fall into the ground, but when he drew his sword, he became lively again. His swordsmanship was not as good as that of the young wandering knight, but he was willing to go all out, and he was ruthless enough to attack him from behind. One person fell.

Solomon looked at the young wandering knight and asked, "What's your name?"

Hearing this, the latter put away the blood-stained sword in his hand and knelt on the ground, "I am Wolfe, from the Vanersen family, and people call me the Wanderer.

"My family has long since declined, and I am the only one left in my generation."

"Wolf, why did you come to Lionheart Castle?" Solomon asked.

"Because I heard that joining you can get land. Whoever gives me land, I will work for." The young wandering knight said.

"Very good, the land of everyone killed by you will belong to you. I always keep my word, and as long as you maintain this momentum in the future, I can guarantee that you will get more land.

Solomon paused and ordered a Wing Clan warrior beside him, "Take him to the emperor's treasury and pick out a sword. Such a warrior deserves a better weapon."

After speaking, he turned his gaze to the old noble again, "Then who are you?"

"Wilstein, old Oak Wilstein." The old nobleman grinned, "I am the head of the Dormund family."

"You seem to be not young anymore, why do you still come to fight?" Solomon said.

"Oh, because my twenty-six wives have given me more than forty sons, and my share of the family fortune is not enough. Even though I am young, I still have to find work."

Wilstein inserted his two-handed sword on the ground, held it with his hands, and said while panting, "Great conqueror, king of the winged people, you don't have to worry that your investment in me will be in vain, I have this sword." The old bones are tough, and they can still serve you for a long time.

"At least longer than half of the people standing here today."

Solomon shook his head, "I am not the king of the Winged Humans, just the commander of this army, but I admire your spirit of fighting for future generations.

"Take a good rest, you will have something to do soon."

Solomon’s last words were also addressed to all the nobles present, “You have eaten the flesh and blood of the Vespasian family, and your swords have drunk the blood of your compatriots. From now on, other people on this continent will The nobles will regard you as enemies.

"But fortunately you are now on the side of the winner. Go ahead and tear up the cancer left by the old dynasty. Your descendants will be grateful for your choice today."

All the nobles present looked at me and I looked at you. I don't know who took the lead first. They also knelt on one knee like Wolfe.

"I am willing to be driven by the adults."

Solomon is very satisfied with this answer. The Wing tribe urgently needs allies now, but they don't want everyone.

Of the more than 200 people who came to seek refuge this time, it was enough to leave 40 people.

He doesn't mind that the people below are ambitious, just like Wolff and Wellstein, because ambition also means motivation.

And Solomon is absolutely confident that he can take care of this group of hounds.

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing."

Solomon had already planned to leave, but he stopped when he thought of something, "I don't care which god you believed in before, from now on you are only allowed to believe in Gaeuya, the goddess of the sky. She erected a statue.

"I noticed that there is a lot of bronze stored in this city. I heard that the previous emperor planned to use it to create a statue for a certain alien god. Now this batch of bronze can be used exactly where they should be used.

"After you go back, you should also check your territory, tear down all the temple statues left before, expel the priests inside, and tell your children and people that there is only one true god in this world.

"The other gods are all forged by mortals. Remember to send your most beloved children here, and I will let Gauya's wizards teach them the truth of this world."

The nobles looked at each other, but just like Solomon said, they had no way out now.

The dozens of captives of the Vespasian family had already been killed by them, and their hands were still stained with the blood of other imperial nobles. It was just a change of faith, and there was nothing unacceptable.

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