Working Prophet

Chapter 613 No choice

The female lord then raised her voice a little more, "Everyone, don't forget that we are still at a disadvantage just because we have just won a few battles.

"Those dwarves dispatched an army of thirty thousand people this time, but we only have less than eight thousand people. It is difficult to defeat so many enemies with our strength alone.

"Even with the help of a few holy weapons from Shuangxiu Cult, those dwarves will not be stupid enough to scatter the army every time."

"But even if we include those savages, we are still at a disadvantage." This time, the shouting and killing finally became quieter, but it was still humane.

"And the elite warriors of these savage tribes have been taken away by the dwarves. How much role can the remaining old and young ones play?"

"Their role goes beyond just the battlefield."

After Miss Rabbit finished speaking, someone brought Red Beard and others over.

And as soon as those savages appeared, some noble generals couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to go up and cut them down.

However, the girl's previous shot reminded many people that she was still the champion of the martial arts tournament, so nothing went wrong.

Redbeard and the others also felt the hostility around them, and they were not surprised by this.

These days, they were often stared at like this, especially after the three thousand remnants of Marquis Cullen also joined.

The red-bearded gaze scanned the crowd happily and fearlessly, seeing Li Yu stop, he couldn't wait to speak.

"I...we want to talk to you. You should stop your people from looting our tribe."

"Has your tribe been robbed?" Li Yu asked.

"Not yet, but sooner or later you'll be ransacked if this goes on like this, right?" the red beard said angrily.

"I don't know how you did it, but you must stop this barbaric behavior. Without food, how will those people survive this winter?"

"join us."


"Join us, and I can provide you with enough food to survive the winter." Li Yu said, "But the prerequisite is that we must defeat the dwarves blocking the mountain pass, otherwise no one will be able to leave."

"I said, you are wishful thinking!" Tie Mao snorted.

Li Yu didn't refute, but said to the black dog Wei, "Okay, let's put them down."

"Wait!" Redbeard didn't expect Li Yu's attitude to be so tough. He didn't even have the intention to bargain with them, and would lock them up again if they disagreed.

But the problem is this level. Hongbeard and others don’t know when they will see Li Yu again. The last time they saw Li Yu was eight days ago. If it takes another eight days, I don’t know how many tribes will be looted. Empty.

There might be their tribe among them.

Redbeard's voice softened a bit, "What exactly do you want?"

"I made it very clear from the beginning, I want you to help us defeat those dwarves together." Li Yu said.

"You may not understand your current situation. I am not pleading or inviting you, but I am giving you a chance, a chance to survive.

"Whether you all agree to help us or not, I will have people rob your tribe of all the food. If you cooperate, the process will be faster and unnecessary casualties will be reduced."

The red beard's face changed, "Don't you people from the empire always call yourself knights, don't you have any kindness?"

"The kindness to the enemy on the battlefield is the cruelty to oneself, besides, I am not a knight." Li Yu said.

"I admire you for wanting to imitate the knights and die to uphold your oath to your allies, but since you have given up on your tribe, stop trying to convince me to help you protect it."

All the savages that Li Yu said fell silent.

It wasn't until a long time later that Red Beard spoke again, "It's not that we don't want to help you, the main thing is...even if we are included, we are no match for those dwarves."

"That may be the case when facing someone head-on, but what you can do is far more than that." Li Yu said.

"I remember that you guys are all the elites of your respective tribes, and you were selected to fight with the dwarves. So there should be a lot of your people in the dwarves' camp now."

"That's right." Redbeard hesitated and said, "But those dwarves are very cautious and are always wary of us. To be precise, our camp is next to their camp.

"And more important places like food storage are guarded by the dwarves themselves."

"It doesn't matter, this is enough." Li Yu said, "If I contact your people, I will give you orders when the time comes."

Redbeard discussed with the people behind him for a while, then raised his head and said, "If we are willing to do as you say, then our tribe..."

"We still have to hand over the food." Li Yu said, "There is no room for bargaining on this point. If you want your tribe to survive, you can only defeat those dwarves with us and open the way back to the west.

"And to show your sincerity, you need to tell me where the tribe is."

Savages, you look at me and I look at you. Finally, Red Beard spoke first, "I can tell you where the Mist Snake Tribe is, but I hope you don't forget your promise."

Li Yu nodded and asked people to take the savages down again.

The female lord then said to the noble generals, "On the night of the attack, Merlin will ask our lord to send down a fire from heaven on Saturday to burn all the food of the dwarves.

"At that time, they will definitely call the savages to put out the fire together. However, the savage warriors there will turn against us at that time, attack the dwarves, and plunge them into chaos.

"And that's our chance," Miss Rabbit said. "Whether we can avenge Lord Marquis and defeat those dwarves depends on this battle. Before that, I hope you can be prepared."

This time no one among the generals spoke out to refute.

Kamzi and Fabrice looked at each other. They did not come with the female lord, but went on an expedition with Marquis Cullen, so strictly speaking, Ilea was not their commander-in-chief.

In particular, Kamzi was entrusted with important tasks by Cullen along the way, commanding several breakouts in the Gravel Valley. After Cullen's death, he was the one who worked hard to support the remaining troops.

He was very grateful to the girl for rescuing them, but he was also worried that the latter was too young and lacked command experience, so he had the idea of ​​taking over the command.

However, after witnessing the female lord's subsequent great victories and hearing her next plan, Kamzi had given up this idea.

Because he realized that he couldn't do better.

Could it be that the empire is really about to give birth to another famous commander? And she’s still a woman, the lord of Hongta City thought.

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