Working Prophet

Chapter 610 Reunion

Jacobi had never seen anything so strange.

They have no wings or feathers, but they can still fly in the sky, make buzzing sounds, and have three eyes.

But the most surprising thing is their bodies. There seems to be no trace of flesh and blood on them, and all the white bones are exposed.

Jacobi then noticed that those little things seemed to be helping the Imperial troops hunt down the wildlings in the mountains.

They were condescending and hovering in the air, searching for the savages hiding in the woods.

The savages often only focus on avoiding the pursuers behind them, never expecting that the real danger actually comes from above.

And once those little things are targeted, I don't know how they do it. They can notify the imperial soldiers on the other side from a distance even though they don't fly back.

Then the unlucky savage will be pulled out from his hiding place.

Jacobi followed the Imperials for three days, and then discovered more incredible things.

For example, those Imperial people were able to drive the rats in the mountains. The reason why they were able to find the savage tribes was because of the help of the rats.

Moreover, looting the savage tribes also solved their food crisis. They even gathered the savages and used food to force them to become their front army.

Jacob didn't pay much attention to it before he came, but now he frowned more and more.

The female lord named Ilea is indeed not simple. Regardless of her martial arts skills, after all, Jacobi has never seen a girl take action, but her strategy and military talent are already amazing enough.

If he hadn't come to see this, I really didn't know that his previous plan would have failed.

Jacobi knew that if the female lord was allowed to continue robbing everywhere in the Dragon's Back Mountains, the savage tribes would all turn against her.

He planned to go back and discuss with the dwarves, asking them to give up blocking the mountain pass and engage in a decisive battle with the imperial army.

The dwarf army was already larger in number than the imperial army, and they had sophisticated weapons and the help of the savages.

In addition, Jacobi will also take action to help them regain the advantage in the air, so the dwarves have a high chance of winning.

But Jacobi also knew that it was not easy to convince those dwarves.

Those guys were very greedy. The reason why Jacobi was able to persuade them to take action was because his plan allowed the dwarves to obtain the Western Territory at a very small price.

But if there is a head-to-head confrontation, those imperial soldiers are not soft persimmons, and there is Ilea, a famous military commander with both civil and military skills, as the leader. Even if they win in the end, they will definitely have to pay a high price.

However, the situation has changed now, and if it continues, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for the dwarves.

Jacobi decided to bring back a strange bird flying in the sky to make the dwarves realize the seriousness of the problem.

But Jacobi didn't expect that those strange birds would be so unbeatable that he would just hit them with stones and fall from the air.

And when Jacobi picked it up, he found that the thing was motionless. There is no heartbeat, and it doesn't respond when food and water are put in front of it.

Jacobi couldn't help but frown. Just a dead strange bird couldn't make those brainless dwarves feel a sense of crisis.

In fact, if Jacoby hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there would be such a strange creature on this continent.

So Jacobi decided to find another way to hunt one, this time it must be intact.

And he soon got his chance again.

Jacobi rested on a big tree at night. When it was almost dawn, he opened his eyes and found something flickering in the sky not far away.

At first Jacobi thought they were stars, but stars don't emit green light.

And there should be no fireflies in the mountains during this season.

Jacobi's heart moved, and he got closer, observing the light carefully, and was surprised to find that it was actually emitted by the strange flying creature he had seen before.

Jacobi couldn't figure out more and more what it was. It seemed to have a lot of abilities, but its body was very fragile.

Jacobi watched for a while, and at the same time he did not forget to scout around the area to confirm that there were no imperial archers ambushing around.

When he turned back to look at the strange bird, the latter seemed to be planning to go home.

The place where it was hovering now was over the woods where Jacobi shot down his companions. It seemed that the Imperials had not given up on finding the lost strange bird.

This also proves from the side that these strange birds are really important to them.

Jacoby felt that this was not a trap, and with the height of the strange bird, he could easily escape even if there was any danger.

After all, he is the true overlord of the sky.

The fighting prowess displayed by these strange birds could not threaten him at all.

Thinking of this, Jacobi no longer hesitated and spread his wings behind him again.

He still chose to approach quietly from behind, avoiding the eyes of the strange bird. Until the two of them were less than one step away from each other, the strange bird still seemed ignorant of the danger behind him.

Are your hearing and smelling abilities bad?

Jacobi breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to catch the strange bird in front of him.

Then there was a pain in his palm. Jacobi quickly retracted his hand, put it in front of his eyes, and found an additional wound on the edge.

Jacobi was a little annoyed, he had checked the broken strange bird before, and he also saw the propellers on the four corners, but the thing was very thin and brittle, and Jacobi didn't expect it to have such a killing effect after turning it up force.

But Jacobi was not helpless. In order to capture an intact strange bird, he also prepared a cloth bag.

Jacobi directly put the cloth bag over the drone and packed it up.

Afterward Jacobi was ready to leave.

But just after he turned around, he saw a figure.

Jacobi's eyes widened at that time, because he was still in the air, and the person who came had a pair of wings like him.

It's just that the man's wings looked bigger than his, and his figure was more majestic.

Jacobi also recognized the man by the moonlight above his head.

"Master Moen? You are not dead?!"

Jacobi's tone was full of surprise and excitement. He did not expect that Moen, who was rumored to have died in the tournament, was still alive.

And he seemed to be alive and well, his eyes seemed brighter than before, staring straight at him.

But when "Moen" opened his mouth, Jacobi was troubled again.

I heard the man opposite shout loudly, "Hey! Where did you come from, this little thief, how dare you covet my Chinese treasure! Let me, Greenfield Blues, come and meet you!"

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