Working Prophet

Chapter 600 The insider exposed

Iron Spear promised Redbeard that she would take down the man in the weird black suit.

But the guy didn't show up again for two days.

Redbeard's patience has been almost exhausted. He has been observing secretly these days, looking for opportunities to escape.

It's just that the guards were vigilant after entering the mountain. Not only were they stared at during the march during the day, but they were also tied up at night before going to bed.

Moreover, the rope used was very strong. After grinding it all night, Red Beard opened a small gap. He couldn't break free at all. The guard even found out and was beaten again.

This beating also made Redbeard completely give up and escape only on his own strength. While he was relieving himself in the afternoon, he secretly used stones to carve a large snake with two wings on its back on the rock wall.

This is the totem of the Mist Snake Tribe and the communication mark they agreed with the dwarves.

Redbeard just knew that there was their internal agent in the team, but he didn't actually know who the internal agent was. He still needed that person to come to him first.

After marking, Redbeard lifted up his pants, returned to the team as if nothing had happened, and continued eating dinner.

When Iron Spear saw him coming back, he immediately came up to him and said, "How's it going? Did it go well?"

The red beard didn't want to lose face in front of his sister, so he put on a look of control, "Of course," he said after a pause, "Don't get so close to me, be careful not to arouse the suspicion of the guards."

"What are you afraid of? They can't understand what we are talking about anyway." The female savage muttered, but still sat a little further away.

Red Beard looked calm on the surface, but in fact he didn't know much about it. He didn't know if the lurking insider could see the mark on the rock, and if he would really come to him after seeing it.

He just gnawed the bread in his hand silently. It has to be said that the food outside the mountain is indeed better than that in the mountain. Anyway, the Mist Serpent tribe would never give bread to the captives.

Although the savages also farm, their methods are very primitive, the grain yield is not high, and they have to open up wasteland again every once in a while.

So food is very precious, sometimes they go down the mountain to rob, and the fight with those dwarves is not entirely because of hatred, but because there are too many people in the tribe.

However, survival resources are limited, and only a part of the population can be consumed through such means.

This is why Old Utu and Red Beard were finally willing to cooperate with those dwarves.

Redbeard sometimes envies Iron Spear. This woman has a simple mind and well-developed limbs. She never worries about tomorrow's affairs, so she can say that the mountain is also very good.

After eating, the ten savage captives ushered in precious free time to move around, and they could stretch their hands and feet in place, but this happiness was short-lived, and they were tied up again as soon as it got dark.

Red Beard lay down on the spot and slept until he sat up from the ground in the middle of the night and signaled to the guard beside him that he wanted to relieve himself again.

The guard cursed a few words, but finally untied the ropes from his hands and legs. Redbeard got up and walked to the place that was convenient before.

But he was stopped by the guard behind him, "Where else do you want to go in the middle of the night? Just settle it here."

Redbeard couldn't understand what he said, but the guard would use the whip in his hand to make him understand.

Redbeard didn't dare to move after being whipped. Then he saw the guard pointing at his feet and making another move to take off his pants.

Here, isn't this a place to rest? Redbeard froze.

"You savages all stink anyway, so go back to sleep after peeing on the spot." The guard sneered.

The red beard probably understood what the guard meant, and glared angrily at the other side. At the same time, his head began to work rapidly, trying to find another excuse to return to the place where he left the mark before.

And at this moment another voice sounded, "Let him go, the smell of pee here is too strong, and it will affect other people. I will guide people to keep an eye on him and not let him run away."

The speaker was a guard of the Arias family, and he was accompanied by three companions, all of whom were responsible for patrolling this area at night.

When the guard saw them, he immediately put on another expression, and said with a flattering smile, "That's so embarrassing, you guys have worked hard on patrol, I'll go."

After saying that, he whipped Redbeard again, telling the latter to walk faster and stop dilly-dallying.

Redbeard secretly swore in his heart that if he could get out of trouble, he would find a way to kill this guy.

But after a lot of hard work, he finally got what he wanted and returned to the place where he relieved himself in the afternoon.

But it was pitch black all around, and Redbeard couldn't see any changes near the mark he left on the rock.

So he first unbuttoned his pants, took a pee, and then pretended that his feet were not steady, fell to the ground, and at the same time reached out and quickly touched the bottom of the rock, and then found out.

The afternoon mark was gone, or rather crossed out.

Redbeard thought about many possibilities before coming, but he didn't expect that the mark would be crossed out.

That being said, that guy was indeed near him, silently observing his every move, that's why he noticed the mark he left so quickly.

But I didn’t want to have any interaction with him, so I just crossed it out?

In other words, that guy didn't care about the life and death of these prisoners at all, he only thought about how to get rid of the group of imperial people in front of him.

And this was in line with Redbeard's impression of those dwarves, which made him very angry.

From the beginning of this cooperation, they, the tribes and clans, suffered a loss. They lost thousands of soldiers as soon as they came up. Now he just wanted the staff in the team to do a little favor, but that guy actually didn't want to talk to him.

For a moment, Redbeard was so angry that he even wanted to poke out the inner being to make the bastard look good.

But when he thought that he didn't know the common language, he couldn't communicate with those imperial people, and they sacrificed so many people to get here, Redbeard could only suppress the anger in his heart, and chose to swallow this dumb loss .

The female lord on the other side has also fallen asleep.

However, Li Yu just went to work early in the morning, so he didn't feel sleepy. He was in another tent, listening to the person in charge of monitoring the red beard report the gains of the past two days.

"We have found the hidden agent." Tom said.


"It's the guy nicknamed Big Hand." Tom said, "I arranged for the people who followed me to find a savage who secretly left a mark on the rock wall by doing tricks in the afternoon by using his hands to relieve himself."

Tom couldn't help complaining while talking, "Those savages are really stupid. I was honest for two days and thought they were hiding some powerful tricks, but the result is only this level. He thinks he can fool us by doing this." ?

"The big hand must have realized that the savage's actions would probably arouse our vigilance, so he quickly went over and crossed out the mark."

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