Working Prophet

Chapter 595 The Generous Female Lord

Li Yu fired six firework bombs in one go, of various colors, and the sky suddenly burst into flames!

Only the people below were stunned.

Miss Rabbit was also stunned by Shuangxiujiao's generosity this time. Although she knew that Li Yu could summon flames, she didn't know that Li Yu could also make fireballs fly into the sky.

Not to mention being able to change the color of those fireballs, causing them to split apart and turn into little sparks.

This is too incredible!

But it was amazing to be amazed. After all, the female lord had been with Li Yu for so long, and she was somewhat immune to similar miracles.

And she has not forgotten her responsibilities. Miss Rabbit knows that this vision of heaven and earth, as well as the exciting war song just now, were all arranged by the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult to help her.

Naturally, she would not waste this rare opportunity, and while everyone was still in a daze, she had already spoken again.

"My lord has sent down an oracle on Saturday, which indicates that we will definitely win a big victory in this expedition!"

As the girl spoke, she pulled out the sword and claw from her waist, pointed in the direction of the Dragon's Back Mountains, and shouted at the top of her lungs, "We are warriors from the West! Be with us on Saturday!!!"

The 2,000 warriors from the Green Field were all believers in the Shuangxiu Sect, and they were the first to respond to the call of the female lord.

They also drew their weapons one after another and echoed loudly, "We are warriors from the western region! Saturday is with us!!!"

And with Miss Rabbit and the two thousand people taking the lead, the others couldn't help but open their mouths and shouted together, "We are warriors from the West! Star... will be with us on Saturday!!!"

Although most of them are believers of the silver moon goddess Picia, many of them were shaken after witnessing the miracle on Saturday.

After all, the 10,000 people who entered the mountain before were also followers of Picia, but until now there was no news of them.

It can be seen that the Silver Moon Goddess does not intend to take care of her followers here, which is also the reason why everyone is uneasy.

Fortunately, there is also Saturday. This god from a foreign land is always extremely generous, and it seems that he does not spare his divine power at all, and responds to every request.

This makes many people feel that they have support again. The nobles are better. They have more things to consider and are used to showing off their loyalty. At most, they can just silently pray to Saturday in their hearts.

But those ordinary soldiers didn't have this consideration, and the believers of the Shuangxiu Sect shouted together.

And after shouting a few times, I found that the tension and anxiety were really relieved a lot.

Seeing that morale began to pick up, the female lord couldn't help being overjoyed, she gritted her teeth and added.

"If you encounter enemies after entering the mountain...every time you kill an enemy, you can come to me to get two golden lions!"

Yes, Miss Rabbit is throwing coins again.

Money is always the most effective means of persuasion.

As a money fanatic, the female lord knows this well, so when she needs to spend money, she will not be ambiguous even though it hurts.

Because as Li Yu said, once they are defeated, those dwarves will drive straight in and fight all the way to Yanxue City.

Greenfield will definitely suffer disaster by then. Even if the rammed earth walls of the new city can block the enemy's attack, the farmlands, mills, and farms outside the city will probably be destroyed, and the losses will only be more severe.

In contrast to the two, Miss Rabbit would rather spend money now. She made a lot of money by winning this time, and now she just uses it to save her life.

The female lord thought that the other side had to besiege the Marquis of Cullen and his 10,000 army, and at most, she should be able to gather another six or seven thousand people to deal with her.

Even if all six or seven thousand people were killed, it would only be fifteen thousand.

The pain was real, but it was still within her tolerance.

And as expected, the crowd became excited again as soon as this real money bounty came out.

In fact, those who were recruited to participate in the battle could also get some compensation from their respective lords, but the amount was generally not high, because the lords in the Western Region generally had no money, and naturally they could not spend much money to reward the people below.

Many of them will not even receive a penny, but will only be exempted from some land rent and labor service.

Two gold coins are given for killing an enemy, which is a windfall for these militiamen.

This is not because the female lord is prodigal, Miss Rabbit is priced in terms of dwarf warriors.

Although those guys are at a huge disadvantage in height compared to humans and orc warriors, they can't stand up to their good equipment.

Dwarves are famous on the Bratis continent for their excellent weapon forging and gem processing skills. Not everyone is wearing iron armor, but the weapons and equipment are generally better than those of the soldiers from the Empire, so they are actually quite difficult to deal with.

But others are not aware of the existence of those dwarves so far, and they only think that they are going into the mountains to kill savages this time.

The savages had already proven how vulnerable they were in previous battles, and even the militiamen had an advantage in equipment.

So under Ilea's generous reward, the anxiety and nervousness on the faces of the militiamen disappeared, replaced by excitement, and they all felt that the trip was worthwhile.

The nobles were also deeply impressed by the loyalty and generosity of the female lord, because among the ten thousand people before, there was only one member of the Arias family. The girl spent her own money to save Marquis Cullen and their people.

What kind of lofty spirit is this?

The brother and sister Red Beard and Iron Spear, as well as the other eight selected savages, had just been escorted out of the closed wooden fence.

They had also heard strange music and restless singing coming from nowhere before, and later saw colorful flames appearing in the sky.

Like everyone else in the clearing, they were also shocked, but unlike those Western warriors who fell into excitement, their faces showed deep fear at this moment.

"What...what on earth is it?" Iron Spear opened his mouth wide.

"Don't look at it, it must be a very powerful witchcraft that can distort people's minds." Red Beard warned.

He guessed based on the reactions of people around him.

If it weren't for witchcraft that distorted their minds, there was no way to explain why the emotions and momentum of these Westerners changed so quickly.

Obviously they were lifeless at the beginning, but now they are as excited as crazy, and they even stretch out their left hands and make strange gestures.

Tie Qiang felt that what his brother said made sense, and quickly lowered his head and murmured.

"It seems that these guys have been controlled by that wizard and have completely become that person's puppets, but why are we not affected at all?"

"Because the mountain spirits of Longji Mountain are protecting us."

"That's probably the case. But that evil wizard is so powerful, he can actually make the sky change." Iron Spear sighed again.

"It's useless. Those dwarves have already prepared an ambush in the mountains. As long as they dare to go in, they will never come out again."

As Red Beard spoke, he saw the black shadow from last night not far away.

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