Working Prophet

Chapter 592 Melt into the night

"Do you really think we are the ones who won the victory?" the female wild man said, "In order to introduce that old guy with hairy ears into the mountains, the tribe has lost half of its manpower, and even we were arrested. I know if I can still see the sun tomorrow."

"This is a necessary sacrifice, Iron Spear." Redbeard said.

"Don't talk like those people outside the mountain, it sounds disgusting." Iron Spear paused, "I don't believe those dwarves, they are our enemies, our ancestors have been fighting against those greedy guys."

"Today is different from the past. They have agreed to return the land that belongs to us to us."

"I don't think those dwarfs have such good intentions."

"Of course they don't have good intentions, they just have bigger intentions. They want the western region more than the land at the foot of the mountain, the entire western region, and then their army will continue to go east, lay down the Golden Valley, the Elk Valley... until Break the Lionheart Castle and capture the orcs, humans, and dwarf emperors alive."

"If you want me to say that those dwarves must have drunk too much ale, and their brains are not normal." Iron Spear snorted, "If it weren't for the presence of Longji Mountain, they would have been beaten out of shit by the imperial people, and they still dreamed of catching them." Someone else’s emperor.”

"I said that today is different from the past. Those dwarves have allies this time, very powerful allies, and the emperor who was said to be very capable of beating the emperor before the empire died, and a younger one was replaced, and the palace was burned down."

"These are what those dwarves said, who knows if it's true or not, and why did we go down the mountain, wouldn't it be nice to live on the mountain?" Iron Spear hugged his brother a little tighter.

Redbeard was so buried that he almost couldn't breathe. "What are you talking about? There is nothing on the mountain. How can it be compared to the mountain below?"

"But we still have each other, don't we?" Iron Spear shrugged, "And the most important thing is that we can all live."

"Give me a little more time, I'm just thinking about how to escape from here, and isn't our spy here too?"

After Red Beard finished speaking, he found that Iron Spear did not answer him, but looked blankly in a certain direction.

Redbeard followed her gaze and found a figure not far away.

The man was dressed in strange black clothes, completely blending in with the night.

Redbeard was startled, "When did that guy come?"

"It's been a while." Iron Spear said.

"Did he hear what we just said?"

"So what, he doesn't understand anyway." Iron Spear said disapprovingly.

"You still have to be careful." Red Beard muttered, only to see the female savage suddenly puff up her chest.

"What are you doing again?"

"Let's see if we can seduce him. I don't want to sit here and wait for him to die."

Redbeard couldn't help but become jealous when he heard this, and yelled, "Stupid woman, have you ever seen a man who would be interested in a female savage?"

"The wild woman is also a woman." Tie Mao sneered, "This is a military camp, so they can't find any other women, can they? Besides, he has been staring at me just now."

"You are my woman, how can you seduce other men in front of me?!" The red beard's face turned blue with anger, and he couldn't help reaching out to pinch the iron spear's neck.

Not to be outdone, Iron Spear immediately bit Redbeard's ear, and the two wrestled on the ground, and Redbeard finally pressed Iron Spear firmly to the ground with his own strength.

Panting heavily, "If you look at that person again, I will dig out your eyes. I will do what I say."

"I give up." Iron Spear said simply, "My heart only belongs to you, brother, and besides, that guy has already left."

Redbeard turned around and found that the strange man in black had disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

On the other side, Ilea had not yet fallen asleep. She and twenty-four other nobles were huddled in a tent.

There are no chairs here, just a wooden table with a period-looking map on it.

This map was given to the female lord by Hells before leaving. He said it was the only map of the Dragon's Back Mountains that could be found in the entire Western Territory.

The time when it was drawn is no longer testable, and the handwriting has also become a little blurred under the erosion of the years. That's enough. The key is that, like other maps on the Bratis continent, it is not very standard.

Some places are also marked with inexplicable monster names such as Bigfoot and Hairy Monster.

The guys just took a rough look, and mainly studied together where Marquis Cullen and others would be trapped, and how to go after entering the mountain tomorrow.

They have been arguing for some time, but have yet to come to a conclusion.

After all, everyone is too unfamiliar with the Longji Mountains, and no one has been in it before.

All the nobles can do now is to let their imagination run wild in front of a suspicious map, and since everyone is in the clouds, no one can convince anyone.

The female lord was suffering from a headache. When she saw Li Yu coming in from the tent again, her eyes lit up. "Prophet Merlin, you went out and walked around just now. Did you gain anything?"

However, Li Yu's answer disappointed her, "No."

"Uh, great, but it doesn't matter. When we enter the mountain, we will have to rely on you, Prophet Merlin, to use your divine power to summon those three-eyed birds and help us find Lord Marquis." Miss Rabbit continued.

But then she saw Li Yu shaking his head again, "The three-eyed bird is no longer useful."


"Because there is a mysterious power contained in that mountain range, which prevents me from awakening the divine bird."

"How could this happen?" The female lord was surprised.

And a noble named Scrooge beside her thought of something at this time, and his expression changed and he asked, "Is it because of the dragon?"

"Dragon, is there a dragon here too?"

"No, the living dragons should be gone, but the dead ones are still there. There have always been rumors in the western region that this mountain range was transformed by an extremely large dragon after death.

"The mysterious power you mentioned may be the remaining dragon power here."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Li Yu nodded.

All the nobles present were deceived by the seriousness of the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult. Only Ilea, who had been staying with Li Yu, realized that someone might be talking nonsense at the moment.

Because in the previous battle with that black dragon, Li Yuke didn't mention any dragon power at all, and he didn't see any sacred weapon in his hand was affected by any dragon power.

Ilea was a little curious as to why the prophet of Shuangqiu Cult lied on this issue.

But there were many people in the tent at this time, and the female lord could only suppress her curiosity for the time being, and did not pull Li Yu into her tent until the meeting was over.

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