Working Prophet

Chapter 585 Good News

Ilea said, "I can swear on the honor of the Arias family that what I said is true."

After a pause, she said to Herbert again, "It seems that resting will not reduce the lord's income."

Herbert's face looked a little ugly, but he still tried to defend, "I...I don't know what means you used to increase grain production, but the earth is not that easy to deceive.

“Your grain may increase in the short term, but in the long run those who are too greedy will definitely be punished, and this still does not explain why you want the believers to have a forced rest.

"If they hadn't worked for five days and rested for two days, Sir Ilea, you would have gained more in your territory."

Miss Rabbit was amused by his incoherent rebuttal, "You still say we are greedy, I think you are greedy."

“How can hard work be greed? Without that kind of down-to-earth hard work, how could they marry a wife, raise children, or even get rid of their status as serfs.

"It's not just them, even nobles have to work hard. Otherwise, they will be left behind by others.

"Take you for example," Herbert said to the female lord, "You can defeat a group of powerful enemies and win the championship in this martial arts tournament. You must have been working hard to hone your martial arts skills on weekdays."

"No." Miss Rabbit shook her head, "I haven't practiced all day."

"Ah?" Herbert gave an example full of confidence, but he didn't know how to continue, so he froze in place.

At this time, Li Yu spoke again, "I can remove the terrible curse, make the lord's territory prosperous, and make their warriors unbeatable...

"All of these are the benefits that can be obtained by believing in our Lord, and the only thing it requires of you is to ensure two days off. This is the bottom line of Saturday and cannot be trampled.

"If you are not even willing to pay this price, then the Shuangxiu Church will not welcome him."

Seeing that the old priest seemed to want to say something else, Wilder waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, I'm not forcing you all to write letters to Saturday together now, Herbert, why are you so nervous?

"The Singleton family always repays kindness. I have made up my mind. From now on, Tonya, you will stay with the Prophet Merlin, protect him, and learn from him."

"Yes, Grandpa." The heroic girl said bluntly, first bowed to Wilder, then smiled at Li Yu, and stood behind Li Yu.

The city lord of Plenty Corner then slapped the table, "Now that we've finished talking about business, it's time to drink! That boy from the Bathory family, you are not allowed to run away again this time. We must drink him for another seven days and seven nights, and we will be separated. It's a victory."

Wilde also wanted to take the female lord and her party to be guests at the Horn of Harvest for a while longer.

However, that night, Miss Rabbit received another message.

This time the news comes from Yanxue City.

About half a month ago, the clans and tribes in the Longji Mountains actually gathered an army. It was said that there were three to four thousand people, and they also went down the mountain to plunder a wave of surrounding lords.

Nearly a thousand people were killed and taken away, including three nobles who died in battle.

This move undoubtedly angered the lords of the Western Territory, so Marquis Cullen also issued a summons to his vassals, and soon he mobilized an army of nearly ten thousand people.

Led by the Marquis of Cullen himself, he went to encircle and suppress those clans and tribes.

However, Miss Rabbit is not in the green field at the moment, and it seems that the siege will not be able to keep up with it, because the news says that the army will start tomorrow.

But the female lord still didn't plan to delay any longer at the Cape of Harvest, and planned to leave for the green field early the next morning.

By the way, I brought Amanda with me.

The latter had been in charge of the farms outside the city that were used to keep the damned away when syphilis broke out in the city.

When they first went there, Li Yu and others thought it would be a place full of death and chaos.

As a result, there was death there, but it was not chaotic, because Amanda had been silently managing the abandoned place, guiding the cursed people to help each other and maintain order.

After Li Yu arrived, she helped Li Yu again, injecting penicillin into the patient.

Li Yu felt at the time that this woman had leadership qualities, and Amanda happened to not be a believer in the God of Earth and Grains, and her husband was dead.

There was nothing left for her to miss in Corner of Plenty, so Li Yu invited Amanda to go to the Royal Capital with him.

Amanda refused at the time because she also had to take care of those in the farm who were more severely cursed and had limited mobility.

But this time Li Yu came back, most of those people's conditions improved to varying degrees after continuous injection of penicillin. As for the rest, they basically had tertiary syphilis, and the sequelae caused by it were almost impossible to fully recover.

However, the infectivity was also reduced a lot, and the Treponema pallidum was also killed by antibiotics. Li Yu suggested that the families of these people take them home to recuperate.

In this way, Amanda was finally freed from the farm, so she no longer hesitated.

After witnessing Li Yu using magical means to remove the terrible curse for everyone, she had already developed a sense of awe for Saturday in her heart.

In addition, Li Yu also promised her that he would teach her more ways to get rid of the curse, so Amanda also decided to join the Shuangxiu Cult and follow Ilea and others back to the green field.

When she left the royal capital before, the female lord purchased a group of livestock, including cattle and horses. The former was mainly used for plowing the fields, and the latter was prepared for the new cavalry.

But now they are used to carry people, especially those followers who are elderly or in weak health.

Therefore, the group's speed was a little faster than when they went there, but there were more entertainment on the way. By the time the female lord passed through Lake City again, it was already winter.

Shuangxiu taught everyone in the team a blanket, purchased a batch of tents in the city, and added food for the last time to ensure that no one would starve or suffer from cold.

At this time, the team was less than ten days away from the green field, and during this time, the group heard some good news one after another.

The tribes and clans on Longji Mountain have always been entangled with the dwarves on the other side of the mountain, so they have not experienced the power of the imperial nobles.

I don’t know who gave them the courage to run to the Red Lion Empire to plunder.

The army led by Marquis Cullen gave them a harsh lesson. The two sides fought several times, and the nobles of the Western Region won consecutive battles.

According to preliminary statistics, thousands of wildlings have been killed and captured.

The so-called tribal army was completely vulnerable. In just half a month, one-third of its people were lost, and the rest became frightened.

Now he didn't dare to fight against the army of the Marquis of Cullen. He just kept fleeing into the mountains, and even threw away the only simple weapons and shields.

It looks like this farce will subside soon.

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