Working Prophet

Chapter 579 The person who communicates with water spirits

Soon one dish after another was brought out from the kitchen.

However, facing the food on the table, Shelly seemed a little preoccupied. She only took a few small bites and then put down the knife in her hand.

Matt was just busy eating. As for the sweet medicinal wine brought by the maid, he didn't touch it at all.

Ymel is the most carefree of the three. Although she grew up in the royal capital, she was well protected. In addition, Duren is Edward II's most trusted captain of the royal guard. No one here would make things difficult for her.

So her mind has always been very simple.

Immel had been starving these days, and his eyes lit up when he saw the roast chicken. He started gobbling it up as soon as the banquet started, and the noise he made made all the guests in the hall look askance.

One of the men wearing a strange mask kept staring at her.

After his stomach was full, Immel finally remembered his parents' teachings in daily life and regained some of the elegance of the nobility.

But the man with the weird mask was still looking at her.

Then Ymel also noticed that person, and the girl thought to herself, the mask on that person's head is really strange.

There are two small black round ears on it, and the eyes, nose and mouth are also black, and the surface of the mask is not smooth, but like facets stacked on top of each other, which is indescribably weird.

Immel felt a little uncomfortable being stared at and shrank in the direction of his mother.

The man seemed to have noticed his impoliteness, so he looked away, but after a while Immel found that the man was peeking at her again.

Fortunately, Ivan picked up the wine glass at this time and said, "Let us toast Sir Ilea. She is now the dragon-slaying hero, the champion of the tournament, the Earl of Crab Point, and has defended the glory of the empire.

"Speaking of Crab Point, I went there with my father when I was young. Ah, it was such a prosperous city. The air was filled with the smell of gold coins. It felt like you could make a lot of money by doing anything there.

"It won't be long before you will be the richest man in the Empire."

"Oh, it's not that simple. The nobles in Xinlu will definitely not just watch the corner of the crab in my hand." Miss Rabbit said.

Ivan sneered disdainfully, "What's the use of their reluctance, His Majesty has already sealed the horn of the crab to you.

"Is it possible that they still dare to make enemies of the Vespasian family? Have they forgotten what happened to the last family that ruled the New World? Besides, don't you have the omnipotent Saturday behind you?"

When Ivan said this, he changed the topic and said to Li Yu, "Prophet Merlin, you said before that there is a way to restore the clarity of Hongye Lake, but it requires the presence of Shelly and Ivan, and now they are here.

"You can also tell me your method. I have been having a headache about this for a long time. It is the most important water source in my territory, and I could catch a lot of fish before.

"If you sell it, it will also be an income. For a small lord like us, every money is extremely important, but now the fish in the lake are all dead and there is still a stench.

"The stench can even come to my castle, especially in summer, not to mention how painful it is."

Li Yu nodded and said, "Of course, you only need a purification ceremony to restore your lake to normal."

"So easy?" Ivan didn't believe it.

Before Li Yu, he had asked many priests of the church for help, but no one could really help him solve this problem.

Although the Prophet Merlin and the Shuangxiu Sect gained great reputation during this period, Ivan has never seen Li Yu perform miracles with his own eyes after all, and he always has doubts.

"It's simple and simple, and it's complicated and complicated. The key is to find someone who can communicate with the water spirit here."

"Can't you?"

"I can't," Li Yu shook his head, "Shui Ling is very timid and shy, and I am the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult. As soon as it senses my approach, it will immediately run away without a trace."

"Okay." Ivan was dubious, "Then where should I find someone who can communicate with Shui Ling?"

"The person you are looking for is already in front of you."

After listening to Li Yu's words, Iwan had a thoughtful look on his face, and then looked at Xie Li and Immel who were not far away.

"That's right, it's Miss Immel." Li Yu revealed the answer for him.

"No!" Shelly stood up abruptly from the chair upon hearing this, and couldn't care less about opening her mouth any longer.

"Master Ivan, Imel is your niece, and both you and him have the blood of the Betak family.

"Besides, you can't become a lord without the help of my husband Du Lun. How can you avenge your kindness and treat his descendants like this?"

After hearing these words, Ivan couldn't hold back the expression on his face, and said angrily.

"Mrs. Shelly, where are your etiquette? Keep your mouth shut, otherwise I will have you escorted out of my castle. I know what I am doing."

After speaking, he pretended to ask Li Yudao again, "Will this ceremony be dangerous?"

"Well, the purification may require some of Miss Immel's life force, but it doesn't matter. I will take her back to the green field and treat her with secret medicine. She will be fine."

Xie Li was shocked when she heard this, and wanted to say something more, but her mouth was covered by the maid behind her.

Matt yelled, "What are you doing, let him go!"

However, the guard captain's sword had been handed over to the guard at the door before entering. The unarmed man was knocked down by the guards who rushed up not long after.

As for Immel, he was completely frightened, huddled in the corner and shivering, his eyes full of panic and helplessness.

She didn't know why her life would be in danger if she just came to have a meal. Isn't Ivan her cousin? He actually planned to use her as a sacrifice.

Immel cast his helpless eyes at everyone in the hall, but those people all looked indifferent.

Only the guy with the weird mask seemed a little restless and wanted to stand up, but in the end he held back.

Ivan seemed to be thinking, tapping the table with his fingers. After a while, he finally made up his mind and asked Li Yu, "Can you guarantee the success of the ceremony?"

"Please don't doubt my Lord Saturday's magical power." Li Yu said calmly.

"That's right," Miss Rabbit also cooperated, "Those who questioned it before have fallen under the hands of my judgment."

Ivan was finally moved, "Besides Immel, do I need to prepare anything else?"

"Shelly, her mother."

"What, Shelly is useful too?"

"Follow-up treatment and recovery require Ymel's cooperation. With her mother by her side, I think she can recover faster."

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