Working Prophet

Chapter 571 Empty Chang’an Street

"Team Han, do you suspect that Wade Health and Third Century are secretly conducting transnational organ trading?"

At this point, Song Hongbiao's eyes became serious. If this was true, it would be a veritable major case.

"I don't know." Han Bin shook his head again and handed Song Hongbiao a cigarette. "I also investigated the Third Age and found that this company is terribly clean. I can't find anything related to this company on the surface. illegal record.

"Just like what happened with Tang Mengjia, except for the disappearance of the body at the end, there were no problems in every aspect. It can be said to be perfect."

"But Captain Han, didn't you teach us that the so-called perfect crime in novels and movies does not exist in this world?"

Song Hongbiao took the cigarette but did not light it. He just put it under his nose and took two dry puffs.

"I still remember your exact words, Captain Han - no matter how careful the criminal is, his trap will eventually be revealed.

“Moreover, in today’s civilized society, there is no such thing as an organization that can cover the sky with one hand, is airtight from top to bottom, and has no flaws at all.

"As long as you do something illegal, it will definitely leave traces."

"That's why I care so much about the Third Age." Han Bin paused and pointed at the cigarette in Song Hongbiao's hand, "Don't you smoke?"

"Oh, my wife won't let me. She is less than a month away from her due date. I have to quit smoking for the sake of the child." Song Hongbiao scratched her head.

"Really, my sister-in-law is about to give birth?" Han Bin was stunned for a moment and then added, "Congratulations."

"Hahaha, I haven't given birth yet. It won't be too late for you to congratulate me after giving birth to Captain Han."

Han Bin hummed and looked out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, the traffic finally began to slowly move forward. Song Hongbiao waited for a while and saw that Han Bin didn't speak anymore, so he asked again, "Captain Han, what are you going to do next to investigate?"

"What to check?"

"Third Age and Wade are healthy."

"This has nothing to do with you. Just focus on the case at hand."

"No, Captain Han, don't say half of what you said. It's going to make me feel uncomfortable. Didn't you have to tell me all the time?"

"I didn't know you were going to be a father soon. I'd better investigate this matter myself and don't get involved."

"Hey, Captain Han, you're nervous about what I'm saying. Let's do this. We'll decide whether to help or not. You tell me all the information you have first, and I'll give you some advice to Team Han.

Before Han Bin could refuse, Song Hongbiao hurriedly said, "I know I'm not as good as you, Captain Han, in terms of criminal investigation, but no matter how smart a person is, there will be oversights.

"As the saying goes, three stooges are as good as Zhuge Liang. And you can also take this opportunity to go over things again, and you might make some new discoveries."

Han Bin thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay. I realized that the forces behind the Third Age may not be simple. After working for a long time, I really couldn't find anything valuable, so I used the old method again."

"Fish in troubled waters?" Song Hongbiao's eyes lit up, "Then why didn't you come to see me, Captain Han? I'm the best at this job.

"Do you still remember that trafficker last time? I pretended to have made a wrong call and started yelling at him. Finally, I got him out of his hiding place and asked me to make a fight. Let's go up together and catch him in one go. ”

"I didn't ask anyone from the bureau this time." Han Bin said, "I directly asked a friend to help me and asked her to enter the third era to collect intelligence in the name of applying for a job."

Song Hongbiao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, "I remembered that one day some time ago you asked us not to leave even after get off work and to stay where we were. That was about that time. It turned out that you were luring the snake out of its hole. How about that? Did the Third Age take the bait?"

"No, but my friend has taken a class, but she refused to leak any information about the third era to me."


"Can it still be like this? Can the salary offered to her by the Third Epoch be very high?" Song Hongbiao asked.

"It's not bad, it looks like eight or nine thousand, but it guarantees two weekends a week, and you can get off work on time. If you need to work overtime in special circumstances, you will definitely be off. And the boss will not arrange anything on WeChat or on the phone after work." Work."

Song Hongbiao was shocked, "There are still such magical jobs in City B?! Are they still recruiting people?"

Han Bin glanced sideways at Song Hongbiao, "Why, you want to go too?"

"I'm just kidding, just kidding, Team Han." Song Hongbiao said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you want to go. The treatment is pretty good."

Hearing what Han Bin said, Song Hongbiao became more energetic, "This is not a good job, the salary is similar to us, but let's not talk about holidays, we don't even have much rest on Saturdays and Sundays.

"And you can't turn off your mobile phone. If you have something to do at night, you have to get out of bed if you call me. Going out of the province to handle a case like this lasts ten days and a half. My wife often complains about me because of this. "

Of course, Han Bin also knew the hard work of the grassroots criminal police. He patted Song Hongbiao on the shoulder and said, "After this time, you will not leave City B for the next three months."

Song Hongbiao nodded, "Thank you, Team Han."

Han Bin then changed the topic back to the case, "In short, I have no evidence on hand to prove that the disappearance of Tang Mengjia's body is related to the third era.

"I asked Tang Mengjia's parents a few days ago, and just now I asked her grandparents. They have never seen Tang Mengjia again."

Song Hongbiao frowned after hearing this, "So except for Tang Mengjia's mother, no one has seen Tang Mengjia at all, so where did she meet Tang Mengjia, at home or outside?"

"On the street, I also specially adjusted the nearby surveillance, but the location was a blind spot, and I could only see Tang Mengjia's mother standing there for a while, looking devastated, but she couldn't see where she was looking. "

"Are there any passing or parked cars around, and did their dash cam record anything?"

"Similarly, only a Buick provided a video that was so blurry that it was impossible to recognize who that person was, but he was indeed closer in size to Tang Mengjia."

"It's troublesome." Song Hongbiao pondered for a while, but couldn't find any breakthrough, so he could only give up temporarily and asked.

"By the way, Team Han, tell me about the nightmare about the end of the world that you've been dreaming about these days?"

"Why do you care about my nightmare?"

"Because I can't help you with your case, so I can only care about your body and mind." Song Hongbiao was very honest.

"Nothing, just an ordinary nightmare. Have you ever seen the American disaster movie called "The Day After Tomorrow"? It was a long time ago. It was about the global climate cooling and New York was frozen.

Han Bin said, "My nightmare is similar, it's probably City B. No, judging from the newspaper I found in the dream, the whole world should have ended because of that inexplicable meteorological disaster.

"It's just like the great flood that the Christians said. Don't say it, the dream feels quite real, and the time is almost two and a half years later.

"It was really cold at that time, I nearly froze to death in that dream.

"I remember that I should be on Chang'an Avenue. I walked for a long time and didn't see a single person. It is estimated that all human beings are dead."

Recalling the bone-chilling chill in the dream, Han Bin couldn't help shivering again, and tightened his jacket.

It's over half of the length, let's push the main thread~ By the way, does anyone still remember the countdown at the front desk of the company? You can also guess the background of the story, but you probably won’t be able to guess it, haha~

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