Working Prophet

Chapter 567 Du Lun’s Request

I don’t know when Du Lun will be sent to Hongyan Island. Li Yu promised the female lord to leave Lion Heart Castle tomorrow, so he definitely can’t wait that long.

Therefore, the previous plan will not work, and we can only take a little risk, but only if Duren agrees to be kidnapped.

It was not easy for Du Lun to make this choice, because once he left, his title and reputation would not be preserved.

For many nobles, this would be worse than death, not to mention the possibility of involving their family.

Du Lun thought for an extra long time this time until he remembered what Li Yu had said before. If he went to Hongyan Island like this, no one would seriously track down the real murderer of Edward II.

Based on Duren's understanding of Gars and the group of nobles in the royal capital, they would probably introduce an unlucky person and put all the charges on that person.

In this way, this matter will be resolved satisfactorily.

Thinking of this, Du Lun finally made up his mind and lowered his voice and said, "If your people rescue me from Black-Hearted Joniel, how will we leave the royal capital afterwards?"

"You don't have to worry about this, just remember not to resist when the time comes." Li Yu said.

"Resist?" Du Lun was a little confused.

Li Yu explained patiently, "I definitely can't let anyone rescue you like this. Not only will your reputation be completely ruined, but I may also be suspected.

"After all, I have asked someone to plead for you before, and I also asked someone to come in and bring you the sacred artifact of Shuangxiu Cult, so next we have to perform a play together to 'kill' you.

"If only the body is taken away, all the above troubles will disappear. Some people will only think that the person who came to rob you has a grudge against you. It is not enough to kill you, but also to take away the body.

"And this can also preserve your reputation and minimize the impact on your family, but the price is that you will have to live under a different name and identity in the future.

"The green field is far away from the capital. If you are there, you don't have to worry about being recognized."

Du Lun thought for a while and then said, "I can follow you, or even join the Shuangxiu Cult and believe in the gods behind you, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

"You need to allow me to continue investigating the death of Edward II, find out the real murderer, and release me back to the capital at the right time to avenge Edward II. If possible, I also hope that you can provide me with some help. , when I need it.”

"No problem." Li Yu agreed without much hesitation. .

Because he knew that this was the biggest reason why Duren was willing to give up everything and return to the West with him.

After chatting with Du Lun, Li Yu went to Ge Lipeng and asked him to help him build a weapon that could be used to "kill" Du Lun overnight.

Then he left Lionheart Castle before dark.

Because Li Yu will return to another dimension tonight, he needs to arrange everything before leaving.


Early the next morning, Du Lun was indeed informed by the dungeon guards that he would be taken out for execution.

The execution took place in Crow Square.

It was also the place where prisoners in the royal capital, especially those with noble status, lost their heads.

When the guard told the news to the man locked in the dungeon, he wanted to see panic and fear on the latter's face.

But what disappointed him was that Duren's expression didn't change much and looked as calm as ever.

The guard couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, "Don't worry, you won't die. For the sake of the Betak family's many years of service to the empire, His Majesty will only whip you and not take your life."

"But the executioner is Lord Jonil the Black Heart. I guess you will feel better after this."

The guard was a little gloating, but Du Lun remained silent. He just stood up from the cell silently and followed the guard out.

He knew the reason why Garth placed the execution place in Crow Square, because there were usually many idle people gathered there, waiting to see the scene of the head falling to the ground.

Although Garth did not intend to actually kill him, he obviously would not miss any opportunity to humiliate him.

As a nobleman, he was naked and whipped repeatedly with a whip in public. It can be said that all the dignity of the nobleman was completely lost.

Du Lun is just glad now that his wife and daughter are not in the royal capital, so he does not have to see this cruel scene, and after this... even worse things may happen.

Otherwise, the former captain of the royal guard really doubted whether he could continue to act as planned.

After leaving the cell, Duren felt the long-lost sunshine falling on him. And I don’t know where I got the news, but some people actually ran outside the dungeon of the garrison and waited to see his embarrassed appearance.

There were also some people who were cursing and seemed aggrieved that Duren had offended the new emperor.

Du Lun ignored those guys and just squinted his eyes at the prison van outside.

"I'll just walk there."

"No, Lord Joniel personally found this prison car for you." The guard escorting him said, "You have no choice, you must take this car."

Du Lun didn't argue anymore after hearing this, and just got into the prison car silently.

Later, he discovered that the prison car was not going to Crow Square. It was going around the city several times and going very slowly.

It was not until almost noon that we reached the end of the trip.

And a man wearing a black robe with a long nose and small ears was already waiting for him.

"Head of the Guard, Du Lun, I have known you for a long time." The man grinned, showing his yellow teeth, "Oh, sorry, look at my memory, you are no longer the Chief of the Guard."

Duren also raised his eyebrows, "Black-hearted Joniel?"

"I didn't expect that you would have heard the name of a little person like me." Black-hearted Joniel looked very happy.

Du Lun said, "Your reputation is not small, and it has even spread to the royal capital. It's just some bad rumors."

"Well, I am not very friendly to my enemies, and it must be because of this that His Majesty called me to execute you, but please don't get me wrong, I have no enmity with you.

"At least not before the execution." Joniel smiled, "But after that, you might hate me."

"Stop talking nonsense," Du Lun said without changing his expression, "Hurry up and take action. His Majesty is probably still waiting for you to return to your life."

"Okay, that's refreshing. Then I won't be polite anymore. I will entertain you well, Sir Duren. I also customized a leather whip just for you."

As Joniel spoke, he asked someone to take out a cowhide whip that was three fingers thick, and then dipped it in salt water into a wooden bucket.

He asked Du Lun to kneel on the wooden platform in front, facing the crowd watching, while he stood behind Du Lun.

He spat into his hand and then tried the whip in his hand, rounded it up and whipped it hard.

After a huge bang!

A terrifying blood mark was immediately drawn from the skin of the former captain of the royal guard. The skin also burst open because it could not withstand such a strong blow, and blood gushes out from the wound.

However, Du Lun just let out a slight groan.

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