Working Prophet

Chapter 524: Standing alone against a powerful enemy

Kieran was still unable to get rid of Silver Hands in the end, mainly because this guy was so shameless. A grown man hugged his waist, rolled around, and planned to stay outside the hotel...

What's even more irritating is that this guy said he would treat everyone in Purple Wind Chime to a drink, but he didn't bring enough money. Kieran paid for the last part he needed first.

When the two of them left the tavern, Hou Yinshou followed Kieran closely, pretending to fan him while saying, "Where should we go to make money next?"

"What kind of money are you making? It's soon Ilea's turn to compete. Let's go watch the competition first." Kieran yawned and said angrily.

Silver Hand's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Roshan Ilea! Your Majesty's personally proclaimed dragon-slaying hero! A strong contender for the championship of this tournament... Poems about her have been everywhere recently, but you, brother, sing the best."

"Okay, okay, stop your stupidity." Kieran shivered and walked towards the Arc de Triomphe. Silverhand was behind him humming a verse he had just learned from "The Dragon-Slaying Hero Kills Everyone in the Arena." 》.

When we arrived at the competition ground, it was already crowded and dark.

The martial arts competition has now reached its climax, and the remaining eight contestants are all top experts without exception.

Masters who can appreciate this kind of strength fight against each other, and even fight for their lives. Just thinking about it makes people scream with excitement.

But Silver Hand soon thought of a new question, "Did we arrive too late and the good seats are gone?"

Except for the big nobles who had their own seats in the stands, the small nobles and commoners could only stand on the sidelines and watch the competition.

In this way, if you arrive late, it will be hard to say whether you can still see the fighting in the field from behind the crowd.

Kieran didn't seem worried at all, and said confidently, "I am the royal poet on Saturday. How can I compete with others for the position? You are lucky today, just follow me."

After saying that, Kieran walked straight to the competition ground. Silver Hand followed him, still a little uneasy. There were too many people present today, including many big shots.

The emperor and empress of the empire also arrived and were sitting in the stands. Silver Hand could see them when he raised his head. He was just a little-known bard who was active in the Golden Valley area before. He had never seen such a scene before.

After walking a few steps, his legs became weak. At that moment, a group of cavalrymen from the Royal Knights also came over. Silverhand thought these people were here to capture him and Kieran, and he almost collapsed on the ground in fear. .

However, the knights just glanced at them and passed them by. The guards on the sidelines of the competition nodded to Kieran after seeing them.

Kieran also smiled and greeted them, and then swaggered into the tent prepared for the contestants nearby.

However, after entering, the bard found that the atmosphere inside was a bit solemn, "How is it, has the opponent for the next round come out?"

Orwell, the wandering knight, nodded and whispered a name, "Bear of the Earth."

In the eighth round of the competition, Miss Rabbit finally faced off against the Earth Bear. Unsurprisingly, this was the most powerful opponent Ilea had ever encountered.

Moreover, there is still a grudge between the two, which will be settled through this competition.

The female lord took a deep breath. Before she got the hand of judgment, she had no chance of winning if she met the Earth Bear.

But with the help of Li Yu and Saturday, the girl has lost her previous fear and can't wait to let the Earth Bear taste her power.

However, after so many rounds of fighting, Ilea's mentality has calmed down a lot. She has watched several Earth Bear competitions and has to admit that this is a very terrifying opponent. She cannot relax at all when fighting him. alert.

In addition, Ilea is studying the Earth Bear, and the Church of Life must also be studying her. I don't know if Priest Cornelia will also help the Earth Bear prepare some new methods to deal with her.

It's a pity that Merlin will only come back from the Kingdom of God tonight, and Li Yu is not around, which makes the female lord a little uneasy, because she is used to relying on Li Yu to solve the troubles she encounters.

Miss Rabbit once also felt that it was a bit embarrassing for her to yell at Merlin to save me whenever she had something to do. She had struggled before and tried her best to cheer up, but the result of her last effort to cure her was often worse than asking Carp for help directly.

In this case, why should we go through all the fuss in the middle? Once this idea comes up, it can no longer be contained.

Ilea remembered that Li Yu once said that people cannot endure hardship for the sake of enduring hardship, otherwise they will not get any training.

Enduring hardship is not something to be proud of, and the Shuangxiu religion never encourages suffering. Appropriately suffering some hardships is just to achieve the ultimate goal, and don't confuse the cause and effect relationship.

However, when Li Yu is away, Ilea still has to stay on guard, so let's take down the opponent in front of her first.

The female lord secretly made up her mind and let Ge Lipeng conduct a final inspection of the firearms and ammunition for her.

Ilea glanced at the red bracelet on her wrist, stretched out her hand, and prayed devoutly to Saturday, hoping that Saturday could continue to protect her in the next battle, and then walked out of the tent.

On the other side, the Earth Bear was already standing in the middle of the competition arena, waiting for her.

Seeing the girl appear, a ferocious smile appeared on the Earth Bear's face.

Then he tore open his robe, revealing a piece of dark armor underneath.

This is a piece of scale armor. Ilea looked carefully and could see the small pieces of armor on it, but the armor pieces were much smaller and denser than ordinary scale armor.

The defensive power of the scale armor mainly depends on the material used for the armor, and the one on the Earth Bear is not ordinary at first glance. It is obviously made by a dwarf, and it is most likely the work of a master.

And that's not all, Ilea saw that the Earth Bear's lower body, arms, and legs were also wrapped in hard armor.

Finally, he put a huge and thick helmet on his head, leaving only a gap for his eyes.

After wearing this suit, the Earth Bear is like a moving steel fortress, and with his strength, even if the suit on his body exceeds forty kilograms, he still seems to be able to handle it with ease.

And under the astonished gazes of everyone, he picked up a big iron shield that was almost as tall as his height, leaving one hand to hold his giant sword.

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