Working Prophet

Chapter 518: The Crow That Got Its Wish

After four days of competition, many people have been eliminated one after another, including many masters like Ferdinand.

As a result, the remaining contestants are generally stronger, and the discussion about the ownership of the championship has become more and more intense. You can see red-faced people fighting for it on the streets and alleys.

The happiest thing is undoubtedly the large and small casinos in the city, because more and more gamblers come to place bets. The casinos are overcrowded every day, and from time to time you can see servants of some big families coming in and out.

The amount of money the master behind them bets can probably make ordinary people stunned. As the game progresses, of course some people are happy and some are worried, and the odds are almost constantly changing.

The one currently at the top of the list is still Earth Bear, who continues to lead with his almost overwhelming performance.

But the second place has changed from Silver Knight to Ilea.

This little-known little noble from the Western Region first became known for her great achievements in slaying dragons, but this time her performance in the martial arts tournament also slapped those doubters in the face.

You must know that when Miss Rabbit first arrived in the royal capital, the doubts about her reached its peak.

Because everyone discovered that she did not have the burly and strong physique in the drama. Her small body seemed unable to withstand a few punches, let alone the dragon's claws. She was obviously known as a mountain of meat.

Even though she later brought down three young knights of the Royal Knights, which alleviated some of the doubts, most people still did not expect her to go too far in this tournament.

But then she won four games in a row, and except for the fight with Golden Fly which took a little longer, she won the remaining three fights very cleanly.

The Dawn Sword of the Grafson family, her opponent in the last battle, was injured in the battle with her. After that, she went to seek treatment from the Church of Life. The Cornelia priest sent one of his men to stop his bleeding on the spot. .

But according to people around Sword of the Dawn, his stomach still hurt, and he died shortly after returning to his residence.

This incident still caused some sensation, and opponents who had played against Ilea before also said that it was difficult for them to recover because of the injured bones.

Only then did everyone realize that the seemingly harmless female lord was actually quite dark, not much worse than the Earth Bear.

This made the people who were going to fight with her feel trembling in their hearts. The pipe that produced fire and loud noises was already difficult enough, let alone the sudden appearance of white smoke.

To be fair, Sword of the Dawn had made adequate preparations, but he still lost his life, and the others couldn't think of any clever way to defeat the female lord for a while.

But the problem is that it doesn't make sense to admit defeat without even fighting.

Except for mercenaries like Golden Fly who don't care about honor, the nobles participating in the competition still have to care about face. They can't just consider themselves, but also the family behind them.

Being cowardly before fighting is a very shameful behavior for a noble.

This puts some people in a dilemma. If they are beaten, they may die or be disabled. But it won't work if you don't fight.

The crow is panicking now.

He and his friends went to find trouble with the female lord, but they were unexpectedly attacked by an old comrade who had no martial ethics and received a beating.

Later, because of the incident involving the assassins, Ilea simply ignored them. Crow couldn't keep it off his face, and even made a threatening statement before leaving.

Said that he hoped to learn the martial arts skills of the female lord in the martial arts competition.

Isn't this, the wish is about to come true? Crow almost cried when he learned that he would be Roshan's opponent in the next battle.

Unfortunately it wasn’t tears of excitement.

He is still young, and he doesn't want to die so early, nor does he want to suffer any irrecoverable injuries, so he has no choice but to leave the Royal Knights.

Although it is a bit difficult for him to become a regular now, it is impossible for Edward II to stop canonizing new knights in his lifetime.

Didn't His Majesty the Emperor think highly of the guy named Ferdinand before and wanted him to be the leader of the branch? After all the trouble, he should be able to think of them, and even if Edward II plans to continue to lose his memory, other noble families will remind him .

In short, Wu Wu feels that his future is quite bright, provided that he can overcome the current difficulties.

And just when he was worried about the next competition, Shouhou found him and gave him an idea.

"What, you said you want me to beg Roshan?" Crow looked a little uncomfortable.

"I'm not begging, I'm just going to discuss with her and let her relax a little and don't be cruel, otherwise you will be crippled even if you don't die." Thin Monkey said, "You can move out of your family to scare her."

"Can this work?"

Crow expressed doubts about this. If Ilea was really as afraid of the family behind him as others, she wouldn't have been so rude to them that night.

"Then give me some more money. I heard that Roshan likes money. If you give her some money, and then pretend to have a fight with her, and then fail and be defeated by her, it won't affect the final result anyway. She will definitely agree. of."

Crow was a little moved by what he said, " much do you think this will cost?"

"Roshan is just a small noble in the Western Region, and her appetite shouldn't be too big, but she should have received some rewards for successfully slaying dragons before, and she has some wealth. I think she still wants seven or eight hundred gold lions. To be on the safe side, you can just Give her a thousand.”

"A thousand golden lions, this is not a small sum." Although Wu Wu comes from a big family, he is not the eldest son, and the amount he can withdraw is limited. In addition, he usually has a lot of social and entertainment activities, spends money quickly, and has no friends around him. Too much spare money.

I can't take out so much for a while.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Shouhou patted his chest and said, "You don't have to worry about money. If it's not enough, my brothers will help you get it together. After being friends for so long, we can't just watch you die."

Not only was Crow unmoved when he heard what he said, but his face darkened and he asked, "Who asked you to come to me?"

The smile on Thin Monkey's face was a little stiff, "No, there's no one, we're just worried about you."


Born in the royal capital and from a noble family, it was impossible for Crow to know anything about the shady methods among the nobles. As soon as Shouhou opened his mouth, he could smell a conspiracy.

After contacting Mad Dog and Blue Rose before, they proposed to find trouble for Ilea and safeguard the honor of the Royal Knights. Apparently there is an invisible hand behind this, which has been secretly promoting the development of things.

Seeing that the crow didn't speak, the thin monkey urged again, "The competition is about to begin. If you don't go to Roshan, it will be too late."

"Bring the money," Crow finally made up his mind, "You will pay for a thousand golden lions."

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