Working Prophet

Chapter 516 Missing

It was very difficult for Ferdinand to just hold the weapon in his hand. Even though he had been trying to avoid a head-on confrontation with the Earth Bear, the Earth Bear's swordsmanship was not bad, and it was impossible for him to dodge it with just his footsteps. All attacks.

After just blocking two swords, his tiger's mouth was cracked open, but Ferdinand still gritted his teeth and persisted.

He looked like a leaf in the rapids, ready to be swallowed by the rapid current, but he could always find a way to float up again.

The admiration in Edward II's eyes became more intense, and even the way Cornelia looked at Ferdinand changed.

"It seems that the spirit of chivalry has not disappeared as people said, but they have all gone to the Western Region." His Majesty the Emperor said.

After a pause, he asked the priestess beside him, "Can you tell the Earth Bear to spare this young man's life? I quite like him."

"It's too late, the Earth Bear is already angry, and now he can't even listen to my words." Cornelia shook her head.

"What a pity." The emperor sighed.

The sense of oppression brought by the Earth Bear was something Ferdinand had never seen in his life. In order to cope with this terrifying pressure, he had to desperately squeeze every ounce of potential in his body.

This also raised his sword skills to a whole new level. At this time, Ferdinand had completely forgotten everything except fighting, even life and death.

Just trying his best to think about how to receive the next attack of the Earth Bear, he waved the Thorn in the River into a ball of silver light.

Even someone like Ilea, who doesn't know much about swordsmanship, can tell that Ferdinand's temperament has changed from before, giving people a cold feeling.

But the problem is that this fool is going to die, so what's the use of honing his sword skills to perfection?

Just like the opponents that Ilea defeated with the Hand of Judgment, none of them had worse swordsmanship than hers, but in the face of absolute power, all skills were meaningless.

From this point of view, she and the Earth Bear reached the same destination.

Sure enough, seeing that he had not defeated his opponent so far, the Earth Bear's face became a little uneasy and he started to get serious.

The pressure on Ferdinand was even greater, and he seemed to hear his bones wailing in every round of the fight.

Ferdinand clearly realized that he had reached his limit, so he was ready to admit defeat, but the next moment something he didn't expect happened.

His family heirloom sword, River Thorn, couldn't hold it one step ahead of him, and the upper half of the sword broke apart without warning.

Then Ferdinand saw the giant sword of the Earth Bear slashing at his chest. The head of the Bathory family had no time to feel sorry for his sword and hurriedly dodged aside.

However, the incident happened suddenly, and his reaction was still half a beat behind. Moreover, the consumption of his physical strength in this short moment of fighting was extremely shocking. Now his body was very tired and not as flexible as before.

It was about to be slashed by the giant sword, but who knew that it was a coincidence that the Earth Bear stepped on a small stone at this time.

The right foot slipped, and even the movement of the hand shifted a little. The sword almost brushed against Ferdinand's body.

When it landed on the ground, the onlookers felt the ground tremble.

Ferdinand, who escaped from death, said without hesitation, "I admit defeat!"

However, the Earth Bear was obviously very angry about this result. He was about to kill his enemy's friend, but in the end he missed it by a small margin, so he picked up the giant sword in his hand and continued to hit Ferdinand.

The referee yelled, "What are you going to do? The competition is over. If you try again, you will be disqualified from the competition, and the defense team will arrest you for murdering a noble!"

Along with his warning, the guards responsible for maintaining order also rushed over.

Although the giant sword in Earth Bear's hand was still swung down, the target was no longer Ferdinand, and he unleashed more than a dozen swords in a row as if venting his anger.

He mercilessly chopped the war horse that was missing a leg into several pieces, and then let out a loud roar before stopping.

He glared at his opponent again, and walked out of the arena without looking back.

And Ferdinand bent down, searching the ground for fragments of the Thorn in the River.

"A wonderful contest." Edward II commented, "Although the result was not surprising, the process was quite interesting. I saw the shadow of Essos in him.

"I should recruit him to my Royal Knights. He can be used for what we are going to do next, and it would be a bit of a waste to keep his talents in the West."

Edward II said that he had sent someone to find Ferdinand.

And when the young lord came to the stands, the emperor stood up and threw his new sword down without saying a word.

"I see your sword is broken, so use this one."

When Ferdinand caught the sword, he could feel the complicated eyes from around him, including admiration, jealousy and envy.

During this period, Edward II only sent out two swords in total, and they were all given to the lords of the Western Territory.

This makes people from other places more or less dissatisfied.

"But Your Majesty, I won't be able to compete anymore."

"It's okay, you'll need it later, just take it."

After Ferdinand finished thanking him, Edward II said directly without any hesitation, "How about you, are you interested in working for me? Don't worry about Marquis Cullen, I will tell him personally.

"You can serve me as a retinue first, and then I will let you join the Royal Knights as a branch leader."

As soon as the emperor's words came out, there was another burst of exclamation.

Especially for those nobles who know more about the history of the empire, this promotion route sounds a bit familiar.

It seems that the ancestors of the Godwin family, one of the twelve major nobles in the empire, started their lives in this way. Is Edward II planning to recreate the Godwin family?

Even if it can't be done, it looks like this little-known little family is going to take off.

However, Ferdinand said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, thank you for your love, but I still want to go back to the West."

"Why?" Edward II blurted out as if he didn't expect Ferdinand to refuse.

"Are you so loyal to the Figuerola family? But Cullen doesn't seem to pay much attention to you. I heard that there are only a few thousand people in your territory."

Ferdinand did not answer, but bowed again to the emperor.

Edward II also realized that he had made a mistake, and seeing Ferdinand's firm attitude, he could only say regretfully, "Well, if you change your mind before leaving the royal capital, you can come to me at any time."

Ferdinand thanked him again and left the arena.

He didn't speak again on the way back. Ilea thought he was sad for the previous defeat, and she was also a little curious as to why Ferdinand refused the generous offer offered by His Majesty the Emperor.

Revitalizing the Bathory family is his wish, and it has also been his goal. Now that he can accomplish it, why give up?

Miss Rabbit thought about many possibilities along the way, and she also suspected that Ferdinand had someone in the west, which was why he was so reluctant to leave.

After returning to the hotel, the answer to this question was finally revealed.

Ferdinand said seriously to Li Yu, "Prophet Merlin, I am ready to follow you and become a Saturday believer."

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