Working Prophet

Chapter 514 You are not a warrior

Ilea won easily, and also gained a valuable foreign horse.

Ferdinand on the other side was in big trouble. His luck in this tournament was not very good. The several opponents he encountered before were all tough. Although Ferdinand won in the end, he The consumption of each battle is not small.

And this time, the opponent he drew turned out to be the Earth Bear who had the highest call to win the championship in this martial arts tournament.

After the result came out, the face of the head of the Bathory family became very serious, and Miss Rabbit couldn't help complaining about Ferdinand when she knew about it.

"Someone must have tampered with it!" the girl said angrily.

"I have heard some rumors before, saying that the target of this competition can be determined in advance by spending money. Otherwise, there are so many people, and it makes no sense that you will win the Earth Bear."

"If you look at Earth Bear's previous opponents, they were all commoners and nobles from small families. None of the contestants from big families could match him. I don't believe it's such a coincidence.

"And the Sword of Dawn that I just met. He was so well prepared. Haha, it seems that he knew he was going to hit me early on. No, I want to report to His Majesty!"

Ferdinand, the person involved, remained silent after the results of the grouping came out, and he didn't say anything until he saw that the female lord wanted to complain to His Majesty the Emperor.

"I want to try."


"I know that my strength is not as good as that of the Earth Bear, but since I signed up for this tournament, it is impossible to avoid any opponent if I want to win the championship."

"Don't be stupid, Ferdinand, that's the Bear of the Earth. You've also seen his performance in the past few days. How about I lend you the Judgment Hand of the Sacred Artifact of Shuangxiujiao?"

"But I'm not yet a believer in Saturday."

"Well, then find a way to make Prophet Merlin make an exception for you. Saturday is very generous, so don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Ilea." The Patriarch of the Bathory family had a firm expression in his small eyes.

"But I want to face the Earth Bear with my own strength, only in this way can I know where my limit is.

"The tourney is not only a place to gain honor and land, but also a rare opportunity to compete with masters from all over the empire." Ferdinand said, "I can feel that I have learned more in these two days than I have been practicing for several months. It’s all useful.”

"Well, I can't understand, why is there any need to continue a battle that you know you will lose?"

"Because you are not a warrior. Don't get me wrong. I am not mocking you. Ilea, you are also very skilled. If you say who among so many contestants is most likely to defeat the Earth Bear, I will spit you out without hesitation. name.

"And we have fought side by side. I know that your bravery is not inferior to anyone else. But you are not a warrior, so it is difficult to understand the persistence of being a warrior." Ferdinand Surong said.

"Well, you are right. I am indeed not a warrior. I don't know what you men are thinking about all day long."

Miss Rabbit did not refute, "But the Earth Bear must know your relationship with me. Have you ever thought that this may put yourself in danger? As long as there is a chance, the Earth Bear will definitely kill you."

"I know, but I will find a way to protect myself. I am still young and don't want to die so early. If the situation is really dangerous, I will take the initiative to admit defeat."

Ferdinand said, "According to the rules of the tournament, once one side admits defeat, the other side can no longer launch any attacks."

The girl was still uneasy after hearing this, but Ferdinand was not her vassal, and she, the head of the Arias family, had no control over the affairs of the Bathory family.

Since Ferdinand insisted on having this contest, she could no longer dissuade him and could only retreat aside.

Ferdinand tidied his armor one last time, checked his weapons, and then walked towards the arena with his knights.

The female lord came to Li Yu's side again and brought him a plate of still warm butter apples that she had just ordered from the imperial chef.

During the first martial arts competition, Miss Rabbit couldn't help but eat one more of these things and finally survived.

She just wanted to have a taste of Kangkang, but she didn't expect it to be so delicious that she finished it without paying attention.

At that time, the female lord thought about secretly taking two more, hiding them in the armor, and taking them back to Li Yu.

But at that time, it was still some time before Li Yu appeared again, and the temperature in the capital was still very high. This kind of snack made of apples and cream couldn't be kept for too long.

Finally, she found Edward II and said that she liked this dish very much, and asked the emperor if he could eat it again in the future.

Edward II laughed when he heard this, and called the cook over, asking him to prepare a few more butter apples for Ilea every time he prepared a meal.

So Miss Rabbit can now share it with her prophet.

In her expectant eyes, Li Yu picked it up and took a bite. Well, the taste was just like that.

It's not as good as the desserts in chain bakeries, but it's more novel and it's okay to eat occasionally.

But in order not to disappoint the female lord, Li Yu finished eating.

At this time, the referee had already checked the weapons of both sides, and Ferdinand also got on his horse.

As for the Earth Bear, with his burly figure and armor, it was difficult for ordinary war horses to carry him, so he simply stopped riding and just stood there.

Ilea began to worry about Ferdinand again, although the latter promised to admit defeat if he was in danger.

But the more masters fight, the victory or defeat is often a matter of an instant, and it may be too late to admit defeat at that time.

Moreover, once the competition begins, according to the regulations, outsiders cannot interfere. The movement of the hand of judgment is very loud. Once the female lord fires, she will almost certainly be discovered.

What awaits her will be the punishment of losing her honor and even her life.

In fact, all contestants will be protected by the rules, except for other contestants, no one has the right to harm them, not even His Majesty the Emperor.

And this ancient agreement was originally to protect those contestants from foreign countries.

Ilea was still racking her brains on how she could help Ferdinand, and the contest had already begun.

In addition to the family sword Sting in the River, the head of the Bathory family also carried a spear. Following the referee's order, he had already raised the spear and urged the horse under his crotch to charge.

The target is surprisingly the Bear of the Earth on the other side!

The latter was not empty-handed this time, and brought a huge sword as a weapon. The huge sword was not light in weight. It was estimated to weigh forty or fifty kilograms. The sword was broad and looked like a hammer.

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