Working Prophet

Chapter 509 The Third Battle

Miss Rabbit's opponent in the third battle is no longer a noble, but a mercenary nicknamed Golden Fly.

As the contestant who stood out from the melee on the first day and then won two consecutive rounds, Goldfly naturally has two brushes.

According to the information collected by Miss Rabbit, Goldfly should take the dexterous route. In the last round of the battle, he faced a knight who was half a head taller than him and was also very strong.

Moreover, the opponent also wore heavy armor. In comparison, Goldfly's equipment was much simpler, with only a spear and a piece of leather armor.

However, the golden fly first used the spear to pick the opponent off the horse, and then used the way of wrestling, always circling around the knight, constantly looking for the gap between the opponent's armor.

The spear turned into a poisonous snake in his hand, waiting for an opportunity to move, leaving a wound on the knight's body from time to time.

Moreover, Golden Fly is not greedy for success, and always takes off with one strike. Even if he could end the battle early if he just sends the spear forward a few more points, he still chooses to quickly put away the gun and wait patiently for the next opportunity.

His opponent, the knight of the Harlan family, roared frequently, like a trapped beast, waving the long sword in his hand like a madman.

But he still couldn't touch the despicable and cunning mercenary. His other hand wanted to catch the spear from time to time, but he missed a little every time.

In the end, the knights of the Harlan family lost too much blood and could no longer continue fighting, allowing Golden Fly to win another victory.

The female lord guessed that the mercenary's unique fighting style was probably the source of his nickname. He kept circling around his opponent like a gadfly, which was very annoying.

The knights of the Harlan family continued to curse until they were carried off the field.

And like other mercenaries, Goldfly obviously likes money.

He actually secretly approached the female lord before the fight started, implying that as long as he could pay him fifty gold lions, he would lose the fight later without leaving any trace.

But she was rejected by the girl.

Because Miss Rabbit felt that even if she didn't pay, Goldfly couldn't beat her.

Perhaps other knights would have a headache encountering an opponent like Golden Fly, but it was not too late for the female lord to be happy.

This guy doesn't have any armor on him, so it's not like he can shoot accurately.

However, the subsequent battle process was completely different from what the girl had imagined.

Gold Fly actually gave up its advantage in agility, and got a huge shield from nowhere and held it in his hand.

Step by step, he was approaching the female lord, and as soon as he saw Miss Rabbit holding up the black tube, Golden Fly immediately stopped moving and huddled behind the giant shield.

It was also the first time for the female lord to meet such a rogue opponent.

Since Golden Fly chose to be the tortoise, Ilea simply imitated his previous move and started to fight guerrillas, starting to circle around Golden Fly, hoping to get behind him and shoot him.

Miss Rabbit is just glad that she took off that dwarf armor this morning, otherwise she might not be able to run right now.

But Goldfly was not stupid either. When he heard the female lord's footsteps, he stretched out his head to take a look, and then adjusted the direction of the giant shield.

As a result, the female lord circled the arena for a week and a half, but she didn't catch the golden fly behind the shield.

In a rage, the girl stomped the ground twice with her foot, and the golden fly poked its head out again.

The female lord took the opportunity to aim the gun and pulled the trigger.

However, unlike modern firearms, there is a certain delay between the ignition of the gunpowder and the completion of the launch of the flintlock gun. This short delay is enough for the golden fly to retract its head again when it sees that the situation is not good.

So Miss Rabbit's shot finally fell through.

Goldfly couldn't help being overjoyed, threw the shield, drew out the dagger and wanted to rush towards the female lord.

Afterwards, the girl sneered and took the other Hand of Judgment from the belt.

The smile on Jin Fei's face lasted less than a moment, and he became terrified again. Like a frightened rabbit, he turned and fled back, faster than he had come.

Regardless of his ugly posture, he gnawed shit like a dog, and jumped directly at the giant shield that he had just abandoned on the ground.

At the critical moment of life and death, his potential exploded, and he completed the entire set of actions in one go. It only took less than two seconds to raise the shield again, and actually blocked the female lord's second shot.

Goldfly only felt a shock at his wrist, something seemed to hit the other side of the shield, he stretched his head out again, and saw a deep hole on it.

Golden Fly was secretly stunned. Although the hole was not big, the fact that it could leave such a gap in the thick iron shield was enough to illustrate the power of that thing.

What's more important is that he still doesn't know what hit the shield.

It is invisible and colorless, and its speed is astonishingly fast. It is no wonder that several people have been hit by it before.

The second shot still failed to hurt the opponent in front of her, which made Miss Rabbit a little annoyed. She did not rush to draw out the third duel pistol, but began to load gunpowder and bullets on the spot.

But Golden Fly learned the lesson this time and did not abandon his shield and attack rashly. He just allowed the female lord to finish loading both guns.

After that, the two began to play the game of chasing and hiding.

Golden Fly seemed to have been completely frightened by the two previous shots, and made up his mind to be a coward, grabbing the giant shield and not letting go.

Miss Rabbit walked around a few more times, until she was holding her knees and gasping for breath, but she couldn't find any flaw.

And Golden Fly, with his turtle shell, no, that giant shield, obviously couldn't catch up with the girl. If this continued, the two of them seemed to be in a deadlock.

But there is no such thing as a draw in a martial arts competition, and this situation has never happened in previous martial arts competitions. There have been many cases where both sides lost and died together in the end.

The referee showed a look of embarrassment, and was about to ask the two of them what they thought, but the girl suddenly became sneaky, and tiptoed towards the side of the golden fly.

This time Ilea didn't make any sound, so Golden Fly stupidly kept the shield in front of him and didn't move.

Seeing that the female lord was about to reach the golden fly, a shout suddenly came from the crowd of onlookers, "Be careful to the east!"

Golden Fly was shocked when he heard the shout, and without any time to think about it, he turned his shield to the east.

The next moment, there was a bang, and something hit the shield again, and Golden Fly was frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

At the same time, the crowd also booed, obviously dissatisfied with the whistleblower's verbal reminder just now.

However, the martial arts competition did not prohibit the audience from speaking out, so strictly speaking, this was not cheating, but the man's behavior just now was a bit disgusting.

Ilea was also very angry, but if she missed the opportunity, she missed it, and she had nothing to do. On the contrary, Thomas, who was watching from the sidelines, had already fixed his eyes on the shouter and walked over.

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