Working Prophet

Chapter 468 An army?

Perhaps because Li Yu was by her side, Ilea slept particularly soundly last night and seemed to have had a sweet dream, but she couldn't remember the specific content when she woke up.

The female lord lifted up the blanket on her body, stretched out, and saw the note left by Li Yu.

Early in the morning, the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult went to remove the curses for those followers who followed him, and by the way spread the teachings of Shuangxiu Cult.

Miss Rabbit walked out of the tent and looked up at the sky outside.

Very good, the sun is rising and there are no clouds in the sky, which indicates that it will be good weather again.

If this weather could continue, they would be able to reach Lionheart Castle in ten days at most.

Then the female lord heard the shouts of ho ho ho coming from not far away, but it was Albus who was practicing sword skills under the guidance of the wandering knight Orwell.

The butcher's son seemed to never get tired. He had already learned how to ride a horse and shoot an arrow. Although his accuracy was not very good, Ilea could see his progress every day.

In addition, he has been practicing swordsmanship hard. Albus is very smart and thick-skinned. He has had more masters than he can count on one hand. Even Jude has been troubled. Nothing worked, so I made an exception and gave him guidance several times.

Miss Rabbit could only lament that young people are so energetic that they can practice so hard while on the road.

Dragonfly washed herself with some water. Seeing that everyone was almost awake, the female lord planned to let the team continue to move forward.

If everything goes well, they will be able to leave Elk Valley tomorrow and officially set foot on the royal territory.

But at this moment, a guard from the Bathory family suddenly rushed over from behind the team.

"Lady Ilea, we found a large army approaching here."

"Army? How many people are there?" The female lord was stunned.

"It's not clear yet, but the number should not be lower than ours."

"You mean as many as our guards?"

"No, it's all of us combined."

"How is this possible?" Miss Rabbit was stunned.

Although there are some barbarian clans in Elk Valley who like to rob some passing caravans secretly.

But they basically only attack teams with a small number of people, and all those guys together probably can't make up a thousand people, which is not as many as the lizard people in the Gaigu Swamp before.

In addition, it is not far from the King's Road, so it should be quite safe.

The female lord couldn't figure out who would choose to attack them here.

But now was not the time to dwell on such matters anymore. Miss Rabbit made a prompt decision and ordered Thomas to gather all the Arias family guards.

And she herself followed the guard who came to deliver the order and walked towards the end of the line.

Under the leadership of the guard, the female lord climbed up a hill and met Li Yu and Ferdinand at the top of the mountain.

However, the expressions of the two of them were not as serious as Ilea expected. The head of the Bathory family rarely had a straight face this time, and his small eyes were filled with doubts.

Li Yu handed the telescope to Miss Rabbit who came over, and patiently guided the female lord to use it.

As soon as the girl raised her eyes, she couldn't help shouting, "Oh my God, this is so amazing. I can actually see people and things more than ten miles away, and it's so clear!"

"Praise my lord, my lord is truly omnipotent. With this magical weapon, won't we never be ambushed and attacked when we march in the future?"

As Miss Rabbit spoke, she looked in the direction of the army again, and after looking around, a look of astonishment appeared on her face.

"These people... don't look like an army, but like a group of refugees. But we didn't seem to see any disasters along the way.

"It's strange, why are so many people displaced, and where do they plan to go when they get together?"

"These people are not simple refugees," Li Yu took back the telescope from the female lord's hand.

"Although they don't seem to have received much training, they have a certain degree of organization. If nothing else, there should be a leader or something in the team leading them, eh."

"What's wrong?"

"They seemed to have stopped."

"Are they planning to rest on the spot?"

"It doesn't look like it. After all, it's only the morning, so it's not time to rest yet." Li Yu said.

"Then they discovered us?"

"They don't have telescopes at such a long distance, so they shouldn't be able to see us unless..."

"Unless what?"

Before Li Yu could answer, another guard ran over. This time he belonged to the Singleton family and came from the front of the team.

It was said that an arrow had just been shot from the cliff on one side, and it was inserted less than a step in front of Wilder, making the city lord of Cornucopia fly into a rage.

Wilder then picked up the arrow from the ground and found that it was wrapped with a strip of cloth.

Li Yu took the cloth, glanced at it, and then handed it to Ilea, "No, the people behind the refugees are looking for us."

"White Rock Beach? Isn't that the place we passed yesterday? It seems not far from here, and it only takes a quarter of an hour to ride a horse?"

Miss Rabbit looked at the Disney watch in her hand and counted three.

Considering the time ratio on both sides, this is actually a journey of forty-five minutes.

The distance is very subtle, not too far away, but not too close either. It is convenient for meeting and escaping. Moreover, that place used to be a river valley, but now it has dried up. However, there are many rocks in it, making it easy to hide.

Ferdinand also read the content on the banner at this time, frowned and said, "This group of people asked the prophet Merlin to go there by name, and they can't bring more than five people with them. If they act so cautiously, I'm afraid they are coming from the wrong way.

"Also...what does it mean that your poet is in our hands? Is there any poet in Shuangxiujiao?"

"No, but there are a few people in the church who can sing." Li Yu said.

The most famous among them is the Thrush. Inspired by Li Yu, he created a new way of singing and preaching. The effect was pretty good. Li Yu took him with him when he went out this time.

But at the moment, the thrush is busy preaching in the team, and no one is missing.

"Could it be some kind of secret code?" Miss Rabbit guessed.

"I don't know, forget it, stop guessing, you should know it when you meet that guy." Li Yu said.

As the female lord said, with a telescope in hand, it is impossible to ambush a large army on the opposite side without being noticed. As for a small number of people, Jude and four good players should be enough to deal with it.

Moreover, Li Yu also had smoke bombs. With the special terrain of Baishitan, if there were any changes, it would be very convenient to evacuate in time and come back to join the large army.

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