Working Prophet

Chapter 463 Everyone believes in Saturday

As if a light of wisdom from the God of Wisdom struck his forehead, Kieran felt that his eyes suddenly became enlightened!

He finally found a way to solve his current dilemma! ! !

The bard jumped out on his horse, used all his strength, and shouted at the bandits who were still driving away the villagers, "Stop!"

I have to say that Kieran's title of golden voice is not for nothing.

His sudden roar startled the boulder and involuntarily stopped what he was doing.

I originally thought it was some knight passing by who drew his sword to help when he saw an injustice, but instead he saw a bard riding an old horse.

Jushi was immediately furious and shouted angrily, "Is it none of your business that we rob?"

Kieran was still a little afraid of the guy who almost smashed his head in, but it was precisely because he was afraid that the boulder would come to settle the score with him that he had to muster up the courage to stand up now.

"I am a believer in the Shuangxiu religion and a poet appointed by Saturday. I cannot stand by and watch you hurt its followers." Kieran said righteously.

"Is there something wrong with your head? Are there any believers in Shuangxiu Cult here?" Jushi sneered.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a scream, "I, I am a believer in Shuangxiu Cult."

The speaker was a woman, who was being dragged toward the barn by two robbers. One of her boots was missing, and her robe was torn in pieces, revealing her wheat-colored skin underneath.

She was clutching her chest with one hand and grabbing a stone with the other.

However, in the eyes of the strong robbers, her struggle was just the condiment before the meal.

Not only did it fail to protect her, but it also served as an extra appetizer for the robbers.

The woman's eyes were full of despair, and she was about to accept her fate, but the appearance of the bard gave her a glimmer of hope.

She was like a drowning person, desperately clinging to everything at hand.

Not to mention believing in Saturday, now she is willing to be a believer of the evil god.

All the robbers were stunned when they heard this.

And as if inspired by the woman, another voice followed, "I, I am also a believer in Shuangxiu Cult!"

"And me! I've always believed in Saturday."

"My brother was cursed and left with the Prophet Merlin not long ago. I was thinking about packing up my things and going with him to follow the Prophet Merlin."

"I pray every night on Saturday!"


The villagers talked about their firm belief in Saturday and tried to prove that they were the most pious.

Jushi couldn't stop being noisy by them and yelled, "Shut up, everyone!"

The crowd became quiet again, but after a while there were cries and sobs again.

"Just over a month ago, not many people here knew about Merlin and Shuangxiu. I don't believe that there can be so many believers here on Saturday."

A sinister smile appeared on Jushi's face, "If I find out that any one of you is lying, I will smash his head in. No!"

Halfway through the sentence, Jushi suddenly came to his senses, "I don't care if you are believers in Shuangqiu Cult or not. Saturday's poet himself is still a prisoner of ours, and there is no way he can save you."

"Who said that?" Kieran's legs were trembling, but he still had to bite the bullet and said.

"You are planning to trade me and Prophet Merlin for the dragon's blood. Do you think if you kill so many Shuangxiu sect followers, Prophet Merlin will still give you the dragon's blood?"

"Then we will kill you too." Jushi's eyes were filled with fierceness.

"Okay, let's do it." Kieran said as he closed his eyes.

He was betting that these bandits would be reluctant to part with the priceless dragon's blood.

Sure enough, Hawkeye's voice sounded again, "Don't be impulsive, Jushi."

Jushi snorted coldly, and finally put away the mace in his hand, "Then let's check carefully to see if these people are believers of Shuangxiu Cult."

"Do you know what a believer in Shuangxiu Cult looks like?" Kieran asked.

The boulder immediately became silent.

The bard was not surprised by this. Apart from the dragon's blood, this group of bandits knew very little about Merlin and the Shuangxiu Cult, otherwise he would not have been exposed as a fake until now.

After the first bet was right, Kieran became more and more courageous.

He continued, "Besides, it doesn't matter which god they believed in before. The prophet Merlin always taught us that Saturday is merciful and open. Anyone who is willing to turn from darkness to light and abide by the precepts should not be turned away. outside."

"Then what do you mean, as long as they decide to believe in Saturday, we can't touch them?" Jushi became angry again after hearing this.

They worked hard to plunder, but in the end they could only watch but not fish.

Not only the boulder, but also the other robbers' faces showed displeasure when they heard this.

However, Kieran was still very sure, "That's right." After a pause, he added.

"Of course, I am just your prisoner now and am unable to completely protect them. In this case, we might as well make a three-part agreement.

"Whether you are a believer in Shuangxiu Cult or someone who wants to join Shuangxiu Cult, you can only take away their belongings, but you cannot harm them, and you need to leave some food rations for them. You can't move so much anyway. Food, right?

"After that, I will take them to see Merlin and hold an initiation ceremony. If you agree to do this, I will also ask the prophet to give you the dragon's blood you want."

Hawkeye's gaze moved slightly, as if he was thinking about something. After a moment, he said again, "Okay, I was going to kill them all, but since you have spoken, let's spare their lives."

"What do you mean?" Jushi was unhappy again, "Brothers have been holding it in for so long, and finally found some fun, and now it's gone. Why should we listen to that sissy?"

"Shut up, there's nothing wrong with being patient for the sake of the dragon's blood," Hawkeye said angrily, "Does anyone else have any objections?"

The robbers looked at me and I looked at you, but in the end they couldn't resist the temptation of the dragon's blood. Even though the giant stone kept mumbling, they didn't object anymore.

Jilan felt secretly happy when he saw this. There were at least 70 or 80 people, men, women, old and young in this village. If they could all be recruited into the Shuangxiu Cult, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Merlin might not bother with him about pretending to be Saturday's poet.

Um. Of course, to be on the safe side, we need to recruit more people.

As Kieran thought about this, he saw the group of robbers starting to search around the village. Finally, they even lit a fire and burned the entire village to the ground.

The villagers watched helplessly as their houses and all their belongings were destroyed by the fire. They were all angry and dared not speak out. At the same time, they were full of confusion and uneasiness about the future.

Kieran didn't forget his current identity. When everyone was desperate and helpless, he took out the Leya again, coughed lightly, and plucked the strings.

Unlike that group of unlearned robbers, Kieran still worked hard for his creation and had some understanding of Li Yu and his Shuangxiu education.

Although we don’t know much about this, and many places are inaccurate, there is no problem in fooling the more uninitiated villagers and bandits.

Kieran composed a hymn on the spot to guide the believers who had nothing on Saturday to go to their new home and live happily ever after, and started singing it.

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