Working Prophet

Chapter 461 The Bard's Road to Fame

Kieran looked around and found that there were nearly a hundred people gathered here, many of whom were even drinkers in the tavern.

At this moment, everyone is listening intently to that head singing.

After the group was over, the people inside came out to express their gratitude, and the reward money flew towards the barrel like snowflakes.

Kieran's sharp eyes even saw a gold coin inside. Moreover, the golden lion did not fly into the barrel, but hit the edge of the barrel and bounced out, fell to the ground, and rolled towards Kieran.

Kieran stretched out one foot and stepped quietly on the gold coin.

At this time, the man who sang earlier also looked over here with a surprised look on his face and said, "Look who's here, Golden Voice. You rushed to the tavern early in the morning and occupied the best performance seat. I'm sure you'll make a lot of money." The bowl is full."

"Yes, I've made a lot of money, so I plan to go back to bed now and come back earlier tomorrow."

The man's face darkened when he heard this, "Is it fun to lie to yourself? No one listens to your bad songs. Why don't you accept this and give up your seat in the pub?"

"What about you, can you make your terrible singing voice sound better by hiring people to support you and pretend that you are very popular?"

"You're just jealous of me, admit it, Golden Voice."

"Why am I jealous of you, squatting in a barrel and acting like a stupid head?"

"Actually, it's a brilliant idea. It's made me a lot of money. If you're willing to admit that you're not as good as me, I might even consider buying you a drink or something."

"Hahaha, that's really interesting. Silverhand, you must regard me as a role model, that's why you are so persistent in defeating me, but unfortunately you have no hope in this life. Besides, I don't need you to buy me a drink, I have plenty of money."

"Really? Then when will you return the gold coin at your feet to me?" Yin Shou said expressionlessly.

Kieran's expression changed slightly, but soon he looked surprised again, "What, there are gold coins under my feet, and I didn't even feel it. Your song must be too unpleasant and disturbed my mind."

Kieran said as he reluctantly removed his boots.

Silver Hand bent down to pick up the gold coin and said comfortingly, "Don't be discouraged, at least Mrs. McGlynn still appreciates you."

"I will be famous. One day my songs will be sung by millions of people, but you are still playing the stupid head in some unknown tavern." Kieran said with a straight face.

"I try to live as long as possible, hoping to see that day come."


Kieran didn't just say this just to argue with Silverhand, in fact it was indeed his dream.

Like those who have unappreciated talents in all planes, Kieran felt that what he lacked was just an opportunity.

Given the right opportunity, he can soar into the sky.

This time Li Yu held a heroic spirit summoning ceremony. After hearing the news, Kieran immediately put down what he was doing and rushed over, but he was still late.

We can only ask the nearby farmers about the grand scene that day. However, many bards have done this before Kieran, and after Kieran, there are still bards coming here in a steady stream.

Various works continue to pour out like a spurt, most of them are similar, and they are not as eye-catching as those like Silver Hand who specialize in sensationalism.

But if you want to truly have your work sung by tens of thousands of people, or even be sung by millions of people, you either have to be very famous and have countless fans, or you have to grab a first place.

Let your song be sung before anyone else realizes it.

Kieran doesn't have to think about the former now, but the latter has to depend on fate.

There are many bards in history who were originally unknown, but their works became instantly famous because they were involved in a certain war or accidentally witnessed some major events that changed the world line.

But right now, the most eye-catching thing is of course the upcoming martial arts tournament.

It is estimated that half of the bards in the empire have gone to the royal capital, and the other half are on their way there, and there are many famous bards in Lionheart Castle itself.

Kieran is still a little self-aware, knowing that he must not be able to compare with those big shots.

But this incident gave him another way of thinking.

You can't sing at the martial arts tournament, but you can sing something else, such as the Shuangxiu religion, which has suddenly become famous recently, and its mysterious prophet Merlin.

Although I missed the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony not long ago, my intuition tells that Kieran and Li Yu still have a lot of themes to explore.

And beside him is a dragon slaying hero Ilea, and they will definitely not be bored on their way to the capital.

And the king is the site of the Church of Life. In recent years, the priests of Cornelia have been in the limelight in front of His Majesty the Emperor and the upper nobles of the empire.

It would be interesting if the two sides matched up.

The more Kieran thought about it, the more excited he became. Isn't this the opportunity he has been looking for for many years? As long as he sets off now and catches up with Ilea and his party, will he still be short of creative subjects in the future?

Thinking of this, the troubadour swept away his previous depression and regained his energy. He went back to the hotel where he was staying, packed his luggage briefly, and rushed out.

When he went downstairs, he bumped into Silver Hand again. The latter glanced at the baggage behind him, and said with a sneer, "Why, can't you afford the rent?"

Now that Kieran had a goal, he didn't bother to entangle with Silver Hand anymore, he just snorted coldly and kept on stepping.

But after a while, the figure disappeared on the street outside the door.

Now it was Silverhand's turn to be a little confused.

He and Kieran were already bickering with each other, but this time Kieran didn't fight back, and he felt weak all over.

It's like having fish bones stuck in your throat when eating fish.

Afterwards, he went to inquire with the owner of the hotel and found that Kieran did not owe the room fee. The look of confusion on his face couldn't help but get worse. He sat on the wooden barrel used for the performance and fell into deep thought.

Kieran left the hotel, rented an old horse with the only seven silver coins left in his money bag, and rode out of the city.

Although Ilea and others had left for some time, their team had a large number of people and their direction of travel was clear, so it was still easy to catch up.

But maybe it was because Kieran had been having a bad time recently, and he was targeted by a group of robbers not long after he left the city.

Of course, the poor bard and his old horse couldn't outrun the thieves, so Kieran was captured.

The robbers searched his entire body several times with expressions of disbelief on their faces. It seemed that they had been in the business for many years and had never encountered such a poor customer.

They all felt unlucky and were planning to kill the bard with a knife. However, Kieran expressed the hope that they could fulfill his last wish and sing one more song before he died.

After receiving permission, the bard picked up his lyre again, cleared his throat, and sang the song "The Murderer Who Resurrected from the Dead."

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