Working Prophet

Chapter 451 The terrible curse

Jude asked the hotel maid where there was good ale in the city, and the latter told him that as long as he went out and walked east for a while, he saw the tavern with the wheat sticks outside the door, and there was all kinds of ale in it. .

Jude noticed that the waitress had a strange look on her face when she said this, but he didn't take it too seriously, and strode over there after thanking her.

Soon he found the tavern called Happy Nest. To the ugly-faced man's surprise, there were only a few customers in this large tavern.

There were only eight or nine scattered people, and there were also four guards from the Bathory family, who must have just arrived and were urging the tavern owner to serve them drinks.

Compared with other items in this tavern, the owner's age is a bit too young.

Jude was not in a hurry. He didn't like dealing with people, even his companions.

He waited until the several Bathory family guards had found a place to sit down with their drinks, and then walked to the counter.

"Bring me a glass of ale," Jude said, dropping a silver coin on the counter.

The boss took the money in a hurry, took out an empty wooden cup, filled it with golden ale, pushed the cup to the ugly-faced man, and then shrank it aside.

It was like saying drink your wine and stop bothering me.

Jude didn't take it seriously, because that half of his face was not well received by others no matter where he went, and he was used to the glares from others.

And this young boss is not targeting him, he treats all the guests like this, he also avoids those few guards from the Bathory family who came to buy wine before, reluctantly.

I don't know, I thought the drinkers here didn't pay for their drinks.

But I have to say that their ale is really good. I don’t know if it’s freshly brewed. The aroma of the ale is very strong, and the cup is also very big.

It stands to reason that such a delicious and affordable tavern should be crowded with people every day, even if the owner has a bad temper. However, it is very deserted here.

But this had nothing to do with Jude. He was on vacation now and didn't want to meddle in other people's business. He found a corner and drank the wine silently.

Then Jude asked for another glass, raised his head, and poured it all into his stomach.

The ugly-faced man felt that his body was starting to heat up, and it was time to have some fun.

Jude returned to the counter with the empty wine glass in hand and asked the young owner of the tavern, "Where have all the girls gone?"

"There are no more girls," the boss said coldly.

"What do you mean there are no girls? How can there be no girls in a tavern?" Jude frowned. "Is it because of my looks? Don't worry, I will pay double the money. There must be girls who are willing to take this job. "

"No, there are no girls." The boss repeated again, "Why else do you think there are so few people in my tavern."

"Well, I don't care where everyone has gone, and you don't have to explain it to me. I just want to know, if you don't have girls here, where else can you find girls in this city?"

Jude said, placing another silver coin on the counter.

The young boss quickly accepted the silver coins, and then said, "You can't find a girl anywhere."

"Today is a rest day, and I don't want to cause trouble." Jude put his holy sword Dongcheng on the table and said calmly, "But you have to give me a reason not to do anything to you."

The tavern owner's expression changed slightly as he looked at the rows of sharp teeth on the chainsaw.

"I'm doing this for your own good."

"Why don't I think so?"

"This city has been cursed," the tavern owner said. "That curse has deprived us of the right to have fun."


"That's right, the curse appeared about three years ago. At the beginning, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. The happy nest is still full of happy people. People get drunk every day, men and women. , flirting with each can always have fun here.

"But then the curse came, and some people started to feel itchy and wanted to scratch, and then the skin would turn red, and then there was pain, unbearable pain, so those patients had to drink more alcohol and try to numb themselves.

"But it was of no use. Their bodies began to ooze pus and erosion, their necks became thicker, they had fever, vomiting, blindness, and a foul odor.

"Afterwards, there was even more terrible pain and terrible erythema. This curse slowly spread to your whole body. It devoured your flesh and blood, gnawed at your bones, and made you die in pain."

"We prayed to the God of Earth and Grain, but he did not respond to us. The church sent priests to check, but they obviously had no good solution. People were still dying, including the lord's two sons.

"Some people say that this is a curse planted on us by Julius himself, because this city was too degenerate before that. That's why the God of Earth and Grain cursed this land and the men and women on it forever. deprive them of the right to enjoy themselves."

After hearing what the tavern owner said, Jude said, "If you just want to stop me from having fun in the city, just say it. You don't have to make up such a long paragraph."

"I'm not making this up. My father and mother are all affected by that curse. One is dead, and the other is not dead, but he is not far away. Otherwise, this tavern would not be here now. Let me take care of it." The young boss said excitedly.

"Do you think I would miss the good old days and drive all the girls out of the tavern on purpose? The fact is that they are either dead or sick, and no one can survive that terrible curse."

Jude also felt a little scared after hearing this.

He was given the holy sword by Li Yu, and he felt that he was not afraid of any opponent in the world, but when faced with the invisible and intangible curse, he seemed a little at a loss as to where to start.

Even when the tavern owner was talking, Jude felt his chin itched, but he didn't dare to reach out and scratch it.

The ugly-faced man was not in the mood to have any more fun and returned to the hotel early. He found the waitress from before to inquire about the curse.

It is basically the same as what the tavern owner said. Many people in the city have been tricked, and the church has nothing to do later. It can only suggest that the lord gather those cursed people together and prevent outsiders from touching them. .

This move has curbed the spread of the curse to a certain extent, but those who have been cursed can still wait to die in despair.

So Jude urgently summoned all the fighters of the Black Dog Guard, asking them not to have fun in the city, and then told Ilea and Ferdinand about it.

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