Working Prophet

Chapter 434 Heavenly God Tower

Gu Qian told Li Yu the code she had agreed with Coke Bear, and before leaving, she said, "Prophet Merlin, are you planning to build a transmission line here?"

"Well, why do you ask?"

"Because I saw your iron tower on the way here." Gu Qian said this with a hint of awe on her face.

"My iron tower?" Li Yu was a little confused.

"Yes, if I read it correctly, it should be a 220kv power tower. However, if you want to build a transmission line, a tower alone is not enough. And I think with our current transmission distance, there is no need to go to high voltage." Gu Qian Make your own suggestions from a professional perspective.

Li Yu then thought of something and hurried back to his residence without bothering to chat with Gu Qian any more.

As a result, before entering the courtyard gate, I saw an iron tower in front of my house from a distance. One side of the courtyard wall collapsed, and the other side extended all the way into the wheat field not far away, crushing the wheat inside. It collapsed.

The lizard people were gathering together, pointing at the iron tower, and some people were worshiping there.

Seeing Li Yu appear, they immediately made way.

Li Yu looked around the crowd and was relieved when he saw Clara.

The little maid also saw Li Yu, squeezed out of the crowd, and ran to Li Yu.

"Lord Merlin, Little Frog brought back something big this time."

"I saw it. Is anyone injured?"

The little maid shook her head, "No, but it was quite hanging at the time. I was in the yard at that time, and saw this iron frame suddenly appeared on my head. I was so frightened that I couldn't move my body at all. It didn't end up hitting me.

"Oh, by the way, there were two children playing on the roadside at that time, and an old woman was sunbathing. They were also frightened, but fortunately they were not injured. It should have been our Lord who took action at the critical moment on Saturday to protect us. . But our courtyard wall was smashed down."

"As long as the person is fine, it seems like we have to give that little frog a new home." Li Yu said.

In the past, [Environmental Frog] also picked up some big items, such as the tractor and the transformer outside the community, but they were not as outrageous as this time.

After directly picking up a 220kv power tower, Li Yu even wondered if this thing could become the tallest on the Bratis continent if it could be erected.

Li Yu looked in along the collapsed section of the courtyard wall and saw the little tree frog lying comfortably in the pond, without any guilt after causing trouble.

Li Yu commanded the lizardmen outside the door to find some rolling wood and first move the iron tower blocking the road aside.

As for transmission lines, he currently has no plans to build them.

As Gu Qian said, the equipment he has on hand is far from enough. Even if he adds the previous step-down transformer, he still lacks a boost transformer, voltage stabilizer, cables, a sufficient number of batteries, etc.

Moreover, these things are not light in weight. Just by Li Yu taking them little by little, he would not be able to reach the end of the year of the monkey.

Unless [Environmental Frog] can pick up all these materials and equipment for him in the future, the probability is too small.

In addition, it does not make much sense to launch a high-voltage transmission project in Luye. The current power generation and electricity consumption here are very low, and the transmission distance is short. There is no need to save that little transmission loss.

However, adhering to the principle of using what can be used and not wasting as much as possible, Li Yu considered slightly modifying the iron tower, equipping it with a telescope, and using it as a watchtower.

The detection range can be multiplied at least twenty or thirty times, which will greatly improve the defense capability of Green Field and prevent theft from being stolen to the greatest extent.

In this way, Ilea and he can feel more at ease when they leave the green field for a long trip.

In addition, the tower itself also has a strong religious color.

Its peculiar steel frame shape, super length of 25 meters, and its sudden appearance on the green field in the blink of an eye... all of these undoubtedly increase its mystery and sacredness.

This can also be seen from the reaction of the lizard people. If it can be successfully erected, it will also help to continue to spread the belief of Shuangqiuo.

After making up his mind, Li Yu called the craftsmen from the Bureau of Truth and asked them to draw up a plan that could hoist the tower and refix it on the ground.

In addition, people were asked to find a new place for the [Environmental Frog].

Before, Li Yu kept this little tree frog by his side firstly for safety and secondly for the convenience of seeing what it brought back every time.

But at that time, he never thought that this little frog was not big in size, but had a big heart, so he could pick it up.

That is to say, there is no nuclear power plant near the city where he lives now. Otherwise, this little frog might have a whim and bring him two bundles of nuclear waste.

To be on the safe side, Li Yu decided to live separately from it.

It just so happens that the Shuangxiu Sect now has its own military power, so it can allocate a part of its personnel to protect this [environmental protection frog].

And to be honest, Li Yu didn't think this little frog needed any protection. It should have some kind of ability to travel between planes. When it encountered danger, it could also activate phase movement and disappear instantly.

It will not reappear until the danger is over. It is much more difficult to assassinate it than to assassinate Li Yu himself.

For the next few days, Li Yu was busy arranging work after leaving.

The current shelf of the Shuangxiu Church has been set up, with teachings and precepts, a source of income, and five major departments performing their duties.

Although there are still many places that are still short of manpower, and many people are still adapting to their new jobs, they have basically been able to achieve self-operation.

This freed up more time for Li Yu, allowing him to focus more on formulating the overall development strategy, instead of being distracted by many trivial matters, and he could also allocate part of his time to deal with it. The work of another universe.

Li Yu asked Coke Bear on QQ if she had any suitable targets recently.

After about half an hour, Coke Bear replied with a classic smile on WeChat.

After a while, she typed, "Steamdeck is quite fun. I work at night now and come back to play games during the day. I feel like I'm not far from sudden death. I have every reason to suspect that you did it on purpose to arouse my interest in death." Fear, and then I will sign you some kind of underworld contract."

Immediately following the last message, her third message came quickly, "Give up, I said I won't introduce business to you anymore, I keep my word, and I have a friend who knows a magician. I have asked her to help me find the magician, and it won't be long before I can unravel your trick that day.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that, my sister and I still have backup, this time you lost the steamdeck and broke the army."

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