Working Prophet

Chapter 430 You are lying

After hanging up the phone, Li Yu told Zhang Yanlin that it was time to get off work, and then left the office building.

We walked all the way to the parking lot and found the 3 Series we just picked up.

Li Yu took the driver's license test when he was a junior in college, but he hasn't driven much since then.

In addition, this was a new car, and Li Yu felt that he had not gotten used to riding a horse yet after groping for a while.

He carefully backed the car out of the parking space and spent a while adjusting his head. Later, he regretted his choice to drive.

Going on the road is not bad, but the main thing is that you have to find a parking space in the parking lot of an office building, and the location there is usually narrower and not very friendly to novices.

Li Yu was considering whether to drive over or reverse the car and park it and take a taxi instead.

Just then someone knocked on his car window.

Li Yu turned around and saw Zhang Yanlin standing by the car door, so he lowered the glass.

"Can you give me a ride?"

"Where are you going?" Li Yu asked.

"Sanlitun, my friend and I made an appointment to meet there."

"But where I'm going seems to be in a different direction from you."

"Then why don't I drive you there first, and then go to my friend. By the way, I can show off to her the transportation provided by the company and make her greedy."

"Is there enough time?"

"Of course, I got off work early today, and I have to wait now, so why not practice getting off the car."

"Alright then." Li Yu parked the car in P gear, then unbuckled his seat belt, and shifted to the co-pilot's seat.

And Zhang Yanlin sat in the driver's seat, "I just got my license, so don't blame me if I don't drive well."

"No." Li Yu paused, and then said, "Next time you come and tell me straight up, you don't need to make excuses."

"The boss still needs to take care of his face." Zhang Yanlin said with a smile, shifted to D gear, and lightly stepped on the accelerator.

The BMW 3 Series drove out of the parking lot and turned onto the main road. Zhang Yanlin held the steering wheel and concentrated on driving.

After a while, Li Yu said again, "You know Hao Xiaoxiao?"

"It's not even acquaintance, you still remember Zhou Xi, we went to the mountains to play together before."

"Well, I remember her."

"Hao Xiaoxiao was recommended to me by her. She seems to be the daughter of an aunt downstairs. I didn't mention it because I was afraid of affecting your final decision.

"By the way, have you read Hao Xiaoxiao's investigation report, how is it written?"

"She didn't hand it in." Li Yu said.

"She gave up?" Zhang Yanlin was taken aback when he heard this.

"It would be easier if it were true."

"Did she get into any trouble?" Zhang Yanlin asked after thinking about it.

"Is it serious? When Zhou Xi recommended her, she also said that she had a bit of trouble with the previous two companies, but Zhou Xi also said that she has now realized her mistake and will no longer act on her own as before."

"I don't know the specific situation at the moment." Li Yudao, "I have to find out first, but the problem should not be serious."

"I shouldn't have let her pass the preliminary examination."

"This is not your responsibility. I have also read Hao Xiaoxiao's information, and I think we can still give her a chance for an interview. After all, she is also a technical talent we need."

Zhang Yanlin nodded, and at the next intersection, she spoke again while waiting for the traffic light.

"If it's not too much trouble, can you help Hao Xiaoxiao? After all, she was recommended by Zhou Xi, and she doesn't seem to be a bad person."

"I understand." Li Yu said.

Zhang Yanlin sent Li Yu to the small square in front of the Third Century office building. Li Yu got out of the car after thanking him. Instead of going straight up, he went to the convenience store next door to buy a bottle of yogurt and two bags of Bimbo Dolphin.

Arriving at the headquarters, Li Yu first greeted the administrator at the front desk, and then saw Hephaestus sneaking around in the corridor with a bottle of coffee.

"What are you doing?" Li Yu asked.

"Give Xu Mengyuan the lethe water she asked for." the handsome mixed-race guy said.

"Lethe water?"

"Oh, lethe is a river in Greek mythology, also called the River of Forgetfulness. It is located in Hades and is one of the five rivers in Hades.

"It is said that everyone who enters Hades must drink from this river."

"So the function of lethe water is to make people forget what happened before?"

"Roughly the same."

"What does almost mean?"

“The equipment department’s research on recreating lethe water was originally intended to have the effect of quantitatively clearing memories like in “Men in Black.”

"In fact, we have also achieved it. For example, the cup of coffee in my hand can lose about a week of memory after drinking it, but the fly in the ointment is that it has some small side effects."

"What side effects?"

"The drinker will have a very small probability of forgetting another skill, usually related to what she has been doing recently. I call this the indirect blocking effect."

"Give me the coffee." Li Yu said, "I'll bring it in for you."

"That's the best." Hephaestus handed the coffee to Li Yu's hand, and then went back to work.

Li Yu pushed open the door of the meeting room, and heard Hao Xiaoxiao's voice coming from inside, "It's illegal for you to keep me from leaving like this, do you know?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you leave. You can leave at any time. It's you who wants to stay here. You said you want to know more about our company."

Hao Xiaoxiao opened his mouth to say something more, and saw Li Yu walking in from outside.

A look of panic flashed across Hao Xiaoxiao's face.

"Ha, you're here." Xu Mengyuan nodded to Li Yu, "It's pretty fast."

"I want to talk to her first." Li Yu pointed at Hao Xiaoxiao.

Xu Mengyuan glanced at the watch on her hand and said, "There are still forty minutes until get off work. Can I give you twenty minutes?"

"That's enough, thanks."

"You're welcome. You can come to me anytime you need it. You know where my office is." After Xu Mengyuan finished speaking, he closed his notebook, got up and left the meeting room neatly.

After she closed the door, Li Yu arranged the yogurt, Doffee corner and the cup of coffee Hephaestus gave him on the table.

"How did you find this place?"

"I found it." Hao Xiaoxiao lowered his head and said.

"How did you find out?" Li Yu continued to ask, "I don't think I mentioned to you that the company's headquarters is here."

"I hacked into your phone."

"You are lying. I have read your information and asked professionals. Your hacking skills can only be considered average.

"The reason why you were able to succeed twice before was not because you were strong, but because your opponent was too weak, and you prepared for a long time before each attack. We only met for the first time three days ago. We chatted for twenty minutes.”

Hao Xiaoxiao still wanted to argue, but Li Yu shook his head, "It's been a long time since you can't even log into OA, how can you convince me that you can hack into my phone?"

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