Working Prophet

Chapter 425 This is my promise

Of the six candidates, one was eliminated by Li Yu through a simple interview, leaving five remaining. As for who can join the job in the end, it depends on the assessment results.

Among the five, Li Yu is most optimistic about Liu Yuchen, because Liu Yuchen has worked as an investigative reporter for a period of time. This is basically a profession that is about to disappear. The income is low and the degree of risk is high. The manuscripts written after going through all kinds of hardships are still being criticized by leaders. The risk of being killed.

After working for a year and a half, Liu Yuchen saw that the situation was not good and ran away decisively, but the experience he accumulated is still there, and he does not like to show off as much as Lai Zhenfa, and his acting style is relatively low-key, which is something Li Yu appreciates more.

Then came Ma Yuhan. Ma Yuhan was a little nervous during the interview. Although she had no problem communicating, she could hear a slight tremor in her voice. Compared to those veterans, she was obviously not calm and mature enough.

However, Ma Yuhan also has advantages. She is very meticulous and conscientious in her work, even a little too much. She is the only one among the five people who participated in the assessment who asked Li Yu no less than ten questions after listening to the assessment content.

She confirmed everything with Li Yu one by one, including how to reimburse the air tickets, what the standard of daily accommodation and meals was, and whether it was possible to take a taxi.

According to Li Yu's experience, employees like this generally work relatively steadily and are less likely to make mistakes. However, similarly, because they strictly abide by various regulations and lack necessary flexibility, they often do not perform very well.

Li Yu himself prefers this kind of colleague, because there are fewer mistakes and being controllable means it is easy to make plans and advance on time.

However, Li Yu only gave three days of investigation time for this assessment without any prior notice. He was more interested in examining the five candidates' ability to deal with emergencies, which was not very beneficial to Ma Yuhan.

That leaves Zhang Hai and He Zhenyu, that is, the boy with the word "loyalty" tattooed on his neck and the boy with a flat head. They both have obvious advantages and disadvantages. They each have their own problems, but they also have their own skills.

Including Hao Xiaoxiao, who Li Yu interviewed before, can actually be classified among them. The three of them are not bad in nature, but they do have the risk of losing control in some special circumstances.

Li Yu spent almost a whole morning interviewing six people, then had lunch with Zhang Yanlin, and hurried back to Luye.

Counting the previous two days in G city, Li Yu has not shown up at Bratis for almost seven days.

When I came back, I saw Miss Rabbit standing under a cedar tree, her eyes closed, her expression pious, making six gestures with one hand, and still mumbling something.

Li Yu did not disturb her, but the leather shoes still made some rustling sounds when they stepped on the branches on the ground.

The next moment, the pair of long ears on the girl's head twitched twice, and then she opened her eyes. She was startled when she saw the familiar black clothes, "So smart?"

"What's so clever?" Li Yu asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, nothing..." Ilea's expression was a little panicked, but she quickly returned to normal, "I was just praying to our Lord on Saturday."

"Really, what are you praying for?"

"Pray for a good radish harvest this year so that I can make a lot of money." The female lord lied seriously.

"That should happen."

"I think so."

Ilea then called the guard not far away, asked the latter to bring two bows, and handed one of them to Li Yu, "Since you are here, it is rare that the weather is so good today, come with me to hunt for a while. Bar."

Li Yu shook his head, "I don't know how to use a bow."

"It doesn't matter, I can teach you. Most of the men in the noble families in the West start learning archery when they are seven or eight years old. They don't have such requirements for women. But when I was a child, my father liked to take me with him when he went hunting, so I also Learned a thing.

As she spoke, Miss Rabbit raised her hunting bow, fired the bow with one hand, then clamped the tail feather of the arrow between the index and middle fingers of her other hand, and then added her ring finger to pull the bow string with all three fingers.

He pulled it all the way to his cheek. After adjusting his breathing, he released his fingers. The arrow flew out with a whoosh and hit a small tree ten steps away.

"Awesome." Li Yu praised.

"Hahaha, I haven't gone hunting for a long time. Fortunately, my skills are not too old." The female lord put away the bow, "Let me teach you how to draw the bow first."

Li Yu did not refuse. Although bows and arrows slowly withdrew from the stage of history after the emergence of guns and guns, they no longer served as weapons for killing people. Now they have evolved into a competitive sport.

But as the saying goes, if you have many skills, you won't be overwhelmed. It usually costs tens of thousands of dollars to find an archery studio to learn archery. Now that there are free teachers, Li Yu also picked up this skill point by the way.

Unfortunately, the two of them practiced for about forty minutes before Li Yu ran out of energy. Even though he had been working out recently, archery relies not just on arm strength, but more on the muscles of the back, and it is not easy to practice normally. arrive.

Seeing that Li Yu was tired, the female lord handed the bow and arrow back to the guard on the side, and then the two of them walked in the woods.

"By the way, I forgot to mention it last time. I like the birthday gift you gave me very much, especially the watch, but it's a little inaccurate."

"Are you not allowed? Let me see."

Although Disney's watches are not high-quality watches, there should be no problems with durability.

Li Yu asked Ilea to stretch out her hand and compare her watch with the fifty fathoms in his hand. The hour and minute hands of the two were almost in the same direction, with only a slight difference in the second hand.

"It looks like there's nothing wrong with it."

"But you told me clearly before that as long as it is not Saturday or Sunday, you will appear after eight and a half turns of the shortest hour hand." The girl said, "But this time, I counted it and it was enough." It has turned almost three times."

"Well, I have something to do in the Kingdom of God," Li Yu said. "I may not be able to show up on time as before."

"Oh." Miss Rabbit nodded, then suddenly stopped and turned around, "Prophet Merlin, can I ask you a question?"

"Just ask."

"Will you leave?"

"Of course, you also know that every time I come to Bratis, I will return to the Kingdom of God when the time comes."

"I don't mean this kind of leaving, but the kind of leaving that never comes back."

Li Yu also stood there.

The girl continued minding her own business, "I'm not afraid of waiting, I'm just a little worried that one day you will no longer appear, just like in those fairy tales, the gods returned to their golden palaces on the holy mountain in the end. , no longer show up in the world.”


Ilea interrupted Li Yu, "I don't want to hear your answer because I'm afraid it's not the answer I want."

"Saturday and I will never abandon the believers of Shuangxiu." Li Yu said seriously, "This is my promise."

There is only one update today, so I will adjust my schedule. Everyone also go to bed early

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