Working Prophet

Chapter 421 You are also a talent we urgently need

Li Yu did not rush back to City B immediately after meeting the Coke Bear.

It was almost nine o'clock when he arrived at the hotel last night. He was working overtime and should be taken off according to the teachings of the double holiday teaching.

In addition, there was a similar situation before, so Li Yu got together and simply gave himself two days off.

Since moving out of the office building in the Third Age, he no longer even needs to clock in. Now his work is entirely self-conscious, and no one will say anything even if he doesn't go to the office.

However, Li Yu still continued his previous schedule, going to work when he should and resting when he should.

Don’t be late and don’t leave early. If you need to work overtime, you will work overtime, and then make corresponding adjustments based on the overtime hours.

As the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult, he practices the precepts of Shuangxiu Cult by example.

Li Yu said hello to Zhang Yanlin, then silenced his cell phone and took a nap. After lunch, he went to climb Baiyun Mountain and then went to BJ Road for a stroll in the evening to taste local snacks.

The next day, we went to Chimelong Wildlife Park for a day.

On the way back to the hotel in the car, Li Yu took out his cell phone and looked at it. He found that there were three missed calls about two hours ago, all from Coke Bear.

There are more than ten messages, but only four belong to the Coke Bear.

One is "Where are you now and why don't you answer the phone?"

Another one is, "I have considered what you said before and think we should meet again."

The third item is, "Ah, what I hate most is when men appear and disappear suddenly. If they don't return my call for ten minutes, we won't have to contact him again."

Then there is the fourth text message, which is also the last one. It is about fifteen minutes apart from the previous text message and was sent three minutes ago.

"You win. I may have some business here, and I've almost communicated with the patients. Are you coming?"

"Come." Li Yu typed, "I'll go over now."

Coca-Cola Bear's message came back almost instantly, with only two words, "Haha."

Li Yu explained, "I didn't mean not to answer your call or reply to your message. I was watching wild animals at the zoo and my phone was set to silent. I just saw your message."

"Are you looking at wild animals, Chimelong?"

"Yeah, but I'm already in the taxi, starting to rush back."

"Okay, let's see you at the hospital."

Half an hour later, Li Yu got off the car in front of the hospital and immediately saw the Coke Bear waiting there.

She was not wearing a doctor's white coat, but was wearing casual clothes. She was holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand and waved to Li Yu.

"I'm resting during the day today. Please help me get it first. It's not for you." The Coke Bear handed the rose to Li Yu, bent down to tie his shoelaces, and then stood up to take back the bouquet of roses. "This is for you." The patient’s, she likes roses.”

"What's the condition of the patient?"

"27 years old, female, she is a classmate of mine in high school. She has complex congenital heart disease that cannot be operated on. She has now developed heart failure and is probably going to die in the next few days."

"Have you already talked to her about reincarnation?"

"We've talked."

"How did she react?"

"Be skeptical, but she is willing to give it a try. As you said before, she has no other choice. People in desperate situations will try their best to hold on to any glimmer of hope."

The Coke Bear led the way as he spoke, but after taking two steps, he discovered that Li Yu had not followed.

"what happened again?"

"I'm going to type out the contract first." Li Yu said.

Because of the existence of Coke Bear as a middleman, the signing process this time was extremely smooth. It only took less than ten minutes to complete the entire process.

The woman named Gu Qian pressed her fingerprints on Party B. Then Li Yu put away the contract, nodded to her, and left the ward. The Coke Bear stayed inside for a while longer and talked to Gu Qian. baby talk.

After coming out, she saw Li Yu talking on the phone.

The Coke Bear came closer and could only vaguely hear the voice of a young woman on the other end. She wanted to hear it again, but Li Yu said, "That's it, thank you for your hard work."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Girlfriend?" Coke Bear asked.


"Oh, so... is this the end of things here? If Gu Qian loses her vital signs, I will call you again and ask you to come and take away her soul."

"Well, if there are no problems with the investigation."

"Investigation? What investigation."

"There were things I just said in the ward that I was not comfortable saying. Although the contract has been signed, if the subsequent background check does not pass, then I can choose not to execute the contract."

"Is this still possible?" The Coke Bear was stunned.

"There is a clause in the contract that if unexpected circumstances occur, Party A has the right to terminate the contract at any time. The so-called unexpected circumstances include failing the background check. I am not taking everyone away."

"Aha, you are surprisingly principled in this kind of thing."

"After all, we are also recruiting workers, not really doing charity. However, Gu Qian's major is good, and her mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance management is exactly the talent we need now, so the conditions will be appropriately relaxed."

"Well, when I heard that she was a girl who wanted to choose this major, I tried to persuade her, but I didn't expect that it would come in handy now. But having said that, does the medieval environment also need electromechanical talents?"

"Well, I and my pets usually bring some electronic devices there."

"You also have a pet, what is it, a dog or a cat?"

"Tree frog."

"Okay... Okay." Coca-Cola Bear felt that this development was getting more and more strange, and decisively ended the topic. After a pause, she continued, "Not only Gu Qian, if I meet a suitable patient again in the future, I will also contact you." .”

"Thank you for your hard work." Li Yu did not shirk. This was the most important purpose of his trip.

Hospitals, especially emergency rooms, are relatively easy to come into contact with the situation of dead people. With the help of the Coke Bear, it is easier for Li Yu to grasp first-hand information.

"Is five hundred dollars a soul okay?"

"What? I'm a doctor, not some black market soul dealer," the Coke Bear was a little angry when he heard this, "Do you think I'm helping you for money?!"

"Don't be excited. I know you are not. The reason why you are willing to cooperate with me is just to give people in desperate situations some hope and hope. But you have indeed put in extra labor for my affairs, and your labor should be rewarded. I Just based on this point, I want to share some of your rewards."

"It's totally unnecessary. I'm not short of money either." The Coke Bear shook his head.

"Then just pretend I didn't say anything." Li Yu said.

"It's almost time for me to start the night shift. Do you plan to stay in G City for a few more days, or go back first?"

Because of what just happened, Coke Bear's tone became a little colder.

Li Yu was also very knowledgeable. He glanced at his watch and took the initiative to say goodbye, "I've already booked a flight. It's almost time to go to the airport."

"Then I wish you a safe journey." Coke Bear sent Li Yu to the door of the hospital. Before parting, Li Yu took out a few A4 papers from his bag and handed them over.

"This is……"

"The employment contract is the same as Gu Qian's."


"I'm still alive and well! I have a physical examination every year, and there's nothing wrong with me from top to bottom." The Coke Bear cracked his finger bones, looking like he was on the verge of going berserk and planning to flatten someone.

"I know, but be prepared. No one knows which one will come first, accident or tomorrow. You are also a talent we urgently need."

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