Working Prophet

Chapter 415 The Dream of the Arias Family

Lu Weijia experienced the feeling of a superstar, surrounded by people from left to right, and paraded around outside Teacup Fort several times.

There were also people who forced themselves over to hug him. Lu Weijia was moved by the other person's persistence. As soon as he reached out his hand, he saw two strong men emerging from behind the person. Without saying a word, they grabbed the person. Pushed to the ground.

"Capture an assassin from the Blood Moon Society!" A Black Dog Guard soldier excitedly went to report to Jude.

The ugly-faced man was noncommittal, "Let's interrogate him first. The assassins of the Blood Moon Society shouldn't only have this little ability."

Facts also proved his guess. When he was captured, the man acted very arrogantly, claiming that he was not afraid of death and was willing to devote himself to the goddess. However, he did not have to bear the heavy punishment for long. He soon resorted to anything, just to survive. .

Li Yu was speechless after hearing the results of the interrogation.

The assassin is very young, just eighteen years old this year, one year younger than Ilea, and has a green look on his face.

According to what he said, his family has been a believer in Pisiya for generations. Later, he heard a sermon from the Blood Moon Society. From then on, he planted the seeds of hatred in his heart, always hoping to bring peace to the noble lords and other pagans in the West. A lesson.

But before today, he was just thinking about it in his mind. Until last night, his uncle gave him a barrel of low-quality ale. He drank half of the barrel by himself. The more he drank, the more the anger he held in his chest burned.

In the early morning of the next day, I heard that the Shuangxiu Church was going to hold another ceremony to summon heroic spirits. Taking advantage of the drunkenness last night, the young man made up his mind to do something for the goddess.

So he set off to the green field, intending to assassinate the newly arrived servants and eliminate a powerful enemy for the Blood Moon Society.

However, as soon as he stepped into the territory of the Arias family, he was targeted by the guards on the territory, the black dog guards from Shuangxiuji, and Greta's rats.

Of course there is only one way waiting for him.

After being tortured, the young assassin had completely sobered up from the drunkenness and realized his mistake. He burst into tears and swore to Pissia that he was definitely not a member of the Blood Moon Society.

Li Yu was still willing to believe what he said. This young assassin was not even a fanatical believer of the Silver Moon Goddess, because his performance after the execution was too crotch-stretching.

Today's behavior was obviously due to a moment of drunkenness and youthful vigor, but Li Yu had no intention of sparing him.

People, especially adults, still need to be responsible for their own actions.

But it would be a pity to kill him like this now. Li Yu temporarily threw him into Miss Rabbit's dungeon, which was regarded as adding 1 to Shuangxiujiao's body reserve.

Because of the help of Niu Xiangui, a novice usher, this summoning ceremony was much easier for Li Yu than the last time. He spent a lot less time, and also saved a lot of worry in the follow-up.

These 10 Kingdom of God points are well worth the cost.

When it comes to the Kingdom of God, Li Yu probably looked through the recent accounts of Shuangxiujiao. Because more and more projects have been launched, the expenditure has increased than before, but the income has grown faster.

Four paper mills have been built, and the fifth and sixth are under construction. As for textile mills, there are also three.

Li Yu deliberately found a place that was not very suitable for growing crops and designated it as a manufacturing area, planning to place workshops and factories here in the future.

One is to facilitate management, and the other is to keep it confidential.

The principles and processes of papermaking are not complicated, and the requirements for raw materials are not high. Anyone who has mastered this technology can make paper by himself.

The same goes for pedal-operated looms. It may be slightly more difficult to copy than papermaking, but it is not that difficult. As long as one is taken out, it is not impossible to copy based on the level of carpenters on the continent of Bratis. .

Li Yu knew that these technologies would spread sooner or later, and he was not too worried because there were still many things that could be made.

But Li Yu still hopes that the speed of leaking secrets will be a little slower, so that he can accumulate more wealth for Shuangxiujiao.

In addition to managing the manufacturing industry in a separate district, Li Yu also placed transactions in Teacup Castle to prevent businessmen from snooping around for information, and by the way, he could also contribute some tax revenue to Miss Rabbit.

Although the business of paper mills and textile mills has nothing to do with the female lord, if the Arias family had not risen in the Western Region and had its current prestige and strength, Li Yu would have rashly launched trade and sold new and highly profitable products. Come to covet.

Now, although some people are jealous of Shuangxiu's two businesses, especially the production of white paper, no one dares to act rashly until now.

You must know that last month alone, the gross profit of Shuangxiuji reached an astonishing 3,500 gold coins, even after deducting the 20% tax to be paid to the female lord.

There is also a net profit of 2,800 gold coins. Even if the current scale is maintained, more than 30,000 gold coins can be earned in a year.

It’s even close to catching up with the income of the Figuerola family that now rules the Western Region.

And Ilea obviously attaches great importance to this matter. She opened a small market outside Teacup Castle, specifically for collecting taxes, no... to meet the trading needs of Shuangxiujiao and other caravans.

Later, as more people came to Green Field, businessmen who sensed business opportunities rented land here and opened hotels and taverns.

In short, the outside of Teacup Castle is no longer bare and has begun to have a bit of a commercial atmosphere.

Although Miss Rabbit sometimes felt that those guys were chattering there early in the morning, which was a bit noisy and ruined the natural scenery outside the castle.

But once she heard the sound of gold coins falling into the money bag, the female lord felt that these were nothing.

I believe it will become more lively outside the city in a while.

With the help of the huge reputation brought by slaying the dragon and Li Yu's several calls to perform miracles, the female lord's territory has a much larger population than before, and her spending power has also increased a lot.

Coupled with the use of new farm tools and new farming methods, if nothing else happens, Green Field will usher in an unprecedented bumper harvest, and everyone will have more money in their pockets.

It will also definitely attract more businessmen to open shops here and do business, forming a virtuous cycle.

Ilea has already begun to think about building a city.

Building a town with Teacup Castle as its center has always been the dream of successive Arias family heads. However, that dream is so far away from them that no one dares to mention it to the outside world, because it will only attract ridicule from other nobles.

But the female lord is now getting closer and closer to the family's long-term goal, and Miss Rabbit has calculated the money she has saved. It may not be enough to build a big city, but there should be no problem in a small city.

She could find a way to buy all the materials needed to build the city. The only trouble was the manpower.

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