Working Prophet

Chapter 410 Li Yu's Gift

Niu Xiangui had previously seen in his circle of friends that a second-generation rich man was showing off which castle he flew to in Europe to dine at.

He didn't expect that one day he would be able to enjoy this kind of treatment, and he would also be accompanied by the owner of the castle. This scene was so full. It's a pity that he doesn't have a mobile phone or a circle of friends now, otherwise he would have to take a photo with the female lord. .

As for the so-called expensive meal of beef, he didn't feel much about it. As a modern person, he had already eaten too much delicious food.

The Middle Ages were famous for their dark cuisine. Due to the lack of spices, the taste of the dishes was mostly bland. Although some of the ingredients used were quite good, the beef was only as good as fresh.

Try a wild protected animal that you have never tasted in your previous life to satisfy your curiosity. In terms of taste, it is not as good as the grilled cold noodles at a roadside stall for 4 yuan a portion.

Having said that, the beef is more expensive, but I still eat it.

Niu Xiangui found that his appetite had increased significantly since he was given the half-orc body, almost twice as much as in the past.

And today he was riding that old bicycle from Shuangxiujiao's territory all the way to Teacup Castle. He was really exhausted and couldn't even think of talking after the table was served, just cooking rice.

I ate four pieces of lamb chops alone, two fish, half a beaver, a whole loaf of bread, rose pudding, and after finishing the meal I drank some vegetable soup made of some unknown substance.

Niu Xiangui felt a little overwhelmed, so he put down the chopsticks in his hand, wiped his mouth with the tablecloth on his shoulder, and then thought of something, "Gift..."

"There's no rush." ​​Miss Rabbit seemed to be in a good mood and asked someone to pour herself half a glass of wine.

At this moment, his cheeks were slightly red from drinking, and his ears were wagging slightly.

Ruby, who had been a personal maid for more than ten days, knew that this was a sign of the female lord's inner joy. Obviously, she was very happy that Li Yu could remember her birthday.

The female lord didn't even know what the gift Li Yu gave her, and for the first time she didn't pay attention to the value of the gift.

When Niu Xiangui heard this, he insisted, "It's urgent. I came here today just to give gifts. Let's get down to business first."

"Everything is fine," Miss Rabbit nodded, "Then let's take a look at the gift."

"Okay." Niu Xiangui opened the package, took out a small white bottle with a red head, and placed it on the table. "This is the first gift from Prophet Merlin."

The female lord reached out curiously, grabbed the small white bottle, and weighed it twice. It was still a bit heavy. It felt like the content inside was liquid, but it seemed not, which was quite magical.

She turned her questioning eyes to Niu Xiangui who was standing aside.

The latter introduced her, "Dabao SOD Honey, for applying on the face."

"Paint your face?"

"Well, it's probably a spice mix that makes your skin better when you put it on your face."

As soon as she heard that her skin could get better, Miss Rabbit's eyes lit up.

There is no girl who does not love beauty. The female lord decisively opened the bottle of Dabao, first put it under her nose and smelled it, and then poured a large puddle into her hand.

Niu Xiangui didn't know what to say for a moment.

The fact that the female lord was able to open the bottle as soon as she got started was a bit beyond his expectation. She obviously spent a lot of time with Li Yu, but she just twisted the bottle cap off.

And the amount poured out was a bit too much.

Miss Rabbit applied a thick layer on her face, and then let out a sigh, "It's quite smooth, but the amount is a bit small. This bottle can only be used a dozen times, so it seems like you need to use it sparingly."

After saying that, she happily put away most of the remaining bottle of Dabao.

Niu Xiangui scratched his head, decided not to comment, and then took out the second gift.

——Crystal ball.

It is said to be a crystal ball, but it is actually made of glass. There is a rabbit sculpture inside, and pink petals will fall down when you shake it.

In another dimension, this would be an ordinary commodity. It might be useful to coax a little girl under the age of ten, but if it were given to a girlfriend on her birthday, it would be too perfunctory and she would probably break up with her the next day. .

However, Miss Rabbit was immediately attracted by this ubiquitous crystal ball, and she could no longer look away.

In fact, not only Ilea, but Ruby on the side also looked shocked at this time.

After a while, he asked weakly, "Can I touch you?"

"Yes, but you can only touch it once." Miss Rabbit held the crystal ball tightly in her arms, as if she would never let go.

She has made up her mind to treat this thing as an heirloom of the Arias family and pass it down from generation to generation.

It is not that there is no glass in the continent of Bratis. The Huerta family in Wind Rest is very good at making glass, but the glass they make is all colored.

Such pure and transparent glass is completely beyond the female lord's cognition. Anyone who sees this crystal ball will not associate it with glass.

This is obviously a new material that no one has seen before, and it is unknown who the craftsman is who made it. This skill can no longer be described as shocking.

The surface of the crystal ball was incredibly smooth, and there was a rabbit and pink snowflakes sealed inside. Neither Ilea nor Ruby could find any place to put these two things inside.

Looking at the shouting and shocked female lord and her personal maid, Niu Xiangui also had an expression of envy on his face.

What a simple girl!

Just like someone who came out of the mountains, giving her anything can make her happy for a long time, and she won't clamor for LV or fairy water from you. Girls like this are almost extinct in modern society.

Niu Xiangui was still sighing when he suddenly thought of something and opened his eyes wide.

Fuck! Why didn't I pay attention before? This place seems to be quite suitable for being single!

Niu Xiangui died alone in his last life, not because no one liked him, but mainly because he was too busy at work, and his relationships after entering society were not as pure as when he was in school.

I dated several girlfriends but failed to achieve them, and I didn’t bother to look for them anymore.

But after coming to Bratis, Niu Xiangui felt like he was doing well again.

First, I am not so busy after the compulsory weekend break. Second, the girls here look easy to trick. No, they look very simple. Many of them have animal ears.

Although Niu Xiangui himself does not have a strong interest in this aspect, he does not reject this natural cosplay.

The man whose Christian name was Columbus seemed to have discovered a new continent.

I secretly made up my mind that I must find a wife in this life, give birth to a few more sons and daughters, experience a life surrounded by children and grandchildren, and also make a small contribution to the fertility rate of Green Field.

Niu Xiangui took out the third and final gift while thinking about it.

Even Niu Xiangui himself was a little tempted by this gift.

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