Working Prophet

Chapter 404 This thing is quite similar to Ilea’s style

The dragon-slaying hero is the birthday gift given to Ilea by the Welch family this time.

Made of bronze, she is as tall as the female lord, but has a better figure. She wears armor, has a dragon head on her feet, holds a sword in her hand, and has a determined gaze. Miss Rabbit likes it very much.

Of course, it would be better if it were made of gold.

Like other gifts, the bronze statue was inspected by the Arias family guards as soon as it was brought into the castle, and nothing unusual was found.

She is now in Miss Rabbit's treasure house, and she plans to take it out to show off at the next banquet, so that all the guests present can admire her heroic appearance.

"How do you know there's something wrong with that bronze statue?" Greta asked.

"Herodotus's style of doing things is like this. He used to be in charge of the Guards Team at Silver Moon Church. He doesn't like to fight with people head-on, and prefers to play conspiracies."

"You sound like you know Herodotus very well, which makes you even more suspicious. What is your relationship with Herodotus?"

"He once killed one of my masters, and I worked under him for a period of time."

"And now you betrayed him?"

"I choose to turn from darkness to light."

"A traitor is a traitor, there is no excuse." Greta said lightly, "It seems that I have to reconsider whether to believe your words."

"You believe in the goddess of life, but you are working for Shuangqiu Cult. Please, it's this time, do we really want to argue endlessly about this kind of thing? Or..."

"What do you want to say?"

"As a member of the Life Church, deep down in your heart you also hope that Ilea will be eliminated by the people of the Blood Moon Society."

"You'd better be careful what you say." Greta took a deep look at Ruby, "You have a very pretty face, and you definitely don't want your nose to be bitten off by a mouse in the middle of the night."

Ruby shuddered involuntarily when she heard this.

Fortunately, Greta did not threaten her further, "Back to the previous topic, assuming what you said is true, Herodotus likes conspiracy, but why do you think it is the bronze statue?"

"Good question. The Blood Moon Society has planned escape routes in advance in recent attacks. This shows that their manpower is limited, or that there are not many core manpower who can carry out attacks or raids. This is not surprising, because they want to train a qualified It takes a lot of time to create an assassin, and it’s hard to guarantee loyalty if you hire one from outside..."

"Tell the important point."

"The point is that these assassins are valuable to Herodotus, and he definitely wants to reuse them. But with the current guard strength of Teacup Castle, once an assassin takes action, it is almost impossible to leave the castle alive."

Greta didn't interrupt Ruby this time, she just listened quietly.

"So the only way the assassin could survive was to leave before the assassination attempt."

"Leave before the assassination?"

"That's right." Ruby said, "I went to the southwest tower and asked the guards on duty these two days to see which family had left halfway, and it turned out that there were only the Welch family and the Fredrickson family.

“The Fredrickson family suffered from a sudden epidemic in their territory. Lord Keo sent an advisor and a team of cavalry to the Scaled City to seek help from the Silver Moon Church with his own handwritten letter.

"As for the Welch is said that because a village was robbed by bandits, the family owner Pep sent a guard back to understand the situation, and the guard happened to ride the second fastest horse in the stable, and it was just in the morning. Let’s go.”

"If the assassin is gone, how could the assassination happen?"

"Tricks." Ruby said without hesitation, "As long as certain trigger conditions are met, traps can kill people instead of killers. Herodotus had recruited many craftsmen in the multi-scale city, and more than half of them were brought up in advance. Sent out of the city.

"I looked at the gift list this morning, and there is nothing more suitable to hide the trap than that bronze statue."

"Did you deduce that there is something wrong with the Welch family based on these scattered clues?" Greta now looked at the little maid in front of her with admiration.

Ruby nodded, "But it seems someone has discovered this before me."

"I'm not as smart as you. The reason why I focused on that short fat man was only because my mouse told me that he has been very nervous since he stepped into the territory of the Arias family, and he couldn't sleep all night last night. "

"If you want to flatter each other, let's wait until our conjecture is verified. Do you have any way to get close to that bronze statue, such as letting your mouse dig a hole in the ground and steal that thing out quietly."

"This is impossible. The money-grubbing female lord obviously attaches great importance to her treasury. It is the most heavily guarded part of the entire castle. There are no windows, and there is only one door connecting to the outside world. There are four guards standing outside the door all year round. And since I came, she has gone out of her way to block all the mouse holes." Greta said expressionlessly.

"Ha... This does look a lot like Ilea's behavior."

"But it doesn't matter, we can go find the old knight."


"Well." Greta said, "Although the old man can't enter the treasure house, didn't you say that the bronze statue will be pulled out and exhibited at the banquet? After it is pulled out, we can check it first."

"Will Alfred agree to our request?"

"I don't know. But he knows my identity and knows that I have been entrusted by Merlin to help protect Ilea these days. I have done my duty and issued a warning in advance. If he doesn't listen, then Merlin can't blame me .”


Ruby didn't know what to say for a moment, but fortunately Alfred was not a stubborn person. After listening to Greta's analysis, he pondered for a moment, and the old knight agreed to let the two of them check the bronze statue first.

But this time Greta dispatched her mouse friends, and finally found an imperceptible gap in the left eye of the bronze statue.

"It should be able to open and close here." Ruby stepped forward and looked at it carefully before saying, "But how do you activate the mechanism?"

Greta's eyes swept across the bronze statue, from top to bottom, and finally landed on the ferocious dragon head at the feet of the female lord.

A little mouse with its tail cut off got her order, got in, and ran out again soon, making a squeaking sound from its mouth.

"There is indeed a problem here. But it would be too troublesome to put your hand in and trigger it." Greta frowned.

Ruby suddenly thought of something and asked everyone around her to get out of the way. Then she held her breath and stepped on the dragon's head.

The next moment there was just a click, the bronze statue's left eye suddenly opened, and a black crossbow arrow shot out from it.

It flew over the head of the little maid and was nailed to the wall with a whoosh!

Ha, I just took the train home today, and the second one will be later.

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