Working Prophet

Chapter 402 Truth or Dare

Ruby and Raymond chatted for a while, and soon found out which families the fastest horses in the stable and their owners belonged to.

At the same time, he also made some insinuations and asked if anyone else had been close to this place during this time, or had been wandering nearby.

From Raymond's answers, Ruby identified several suspicious targets, but felt that these people had little chance of succeeding, and it would be difficult to break out of the castle with just a few fast horses.

The guards of the Arias family are not just decorations, especially the archers on the city wall.

Even if their arrows cannot penetrate the steel armor of the knights, they can easily hit the horses under their crotches.

Could it be that this time Herodotus planned to pay a price to get rid of Ilea, and that the assassin was already determined to die?

It wasn't impossible, but Ruby still felt like she was missing something.

She left the horse pen, returned to the castle, climbed directly to the top floor, stood in front of the narrow stone window, and looked out. From here, she could see large tracts of wheat fields, and the wheat inside was growing gratifyingly.

If nothing else, this year’s green field will usher in an unprecedented bumper harvest.

But this was not Ruby's focus right now. She moved her gaze from the wheat fields to the path outside the castle and saw a carriage approaching from a distance.

Due to the distance, Ruby couldn't see clearly the pattern painted on the flag, but she thought it was a noble who lived far away and didn't arrive in a hurry until the banquet was about to begin.

This was a normal thing, but looking at the carriage, Ruby was suddenly startled, then thought of something, and trotted down from the castle again.

Instead of looking for the owner of the carriage, Ruby came to the southwest tower.

A group of guards there had just completed the defense change with their colleagues who came to take over. They withdrew from the city wall, rested on the second floor of the tower, and played cards.

This kind of small game unique to Shuangxiujiao has quickly become popular in Luye since it was brought to this plane by Li Yu.

At present, the main ways to play games are to compare big and small, blackjack, train pulling and landlord fighting.

Especially Landlord, it can be said to be suitable for all ages. As long as you save enough three people, you can play it anytime and anywhere.

After the white paper was developed, the last factor limiting the popularity of poker - insufficient cards no longer existed.

When Li Yu came back the last few times, he felt as if he had gone to the wrong set. There were people playing cards at the fields, at the entrance of the village, on the roadside... people playing cards could be seen in many places, and they thought this was the world of "The Witcher".

Miss Rabbit is also very addicted to playing cards, and other people in the Teacup Castle soon fell in love with this tabletop competitive sport.

However, Alfred did not allow the guards to gamble while playing cards. Firstly, if someone lost in a hurry, it would easily destroy the good atmosphere in the team. Secondly, he was worried that outsiders would take advantage of this to set up a trap and threaten the guards on duty.

So the guards used other things instead. For example, the winner could drink up the loser's wine, or hit the loser's butt with the hilt of his sword... In short, all kinds of weird bets emerged one after another, and every card game was very lively.

Ruby's first job when she first came to Teacup Castle was to do laundry for the guards, so she was familiar with many of the guards. In addition, she was now Ilea's personal maid, so she was not disturbed when she entered the tower. stop.

But Ruby didn't take it lightly, because coming here was equivalent to arriving on Alfred's territory, and she was also wary of the old knight, especially since she also had something to hide.

Ruby quickly thought about how to get the information she wanted without attracting anyone else's attention.

When she reached the second floor of the tower, someone soon saw her.

This little maid who arrived at Teacup Castle just over a month ago is actually already famous among the Arias family guards.

Mainly because Ruby was beautiful, kind and sincere, and she quickly attracted the admiration of a large group of unmarried young guards.

However, before these people had time to express their feelings, Ruby was attracted by Alisa, and not long after that, she was recommended to Ilea to become a personal maid, achieving N consecutive career jumps.

While they were happy for Ruby, the words in their hearts were somewhat hard to express, but no matter what, they were still very happy to see Ruby again.

Someone asked, "Does Lady Ilea have any orders?"

"No, miss, she took Grisha to deal with the nobles in the castle and gave me a holiday, but everyone else in the castle is basically busy at the moment, and no one can play with me."

"So you came to us?" A young guard with blond hair said happily.

"Yes, I remember there should be cards to play here."

Before, some people were worried that after Ruby became Ilea's personal maid, she would become as arrogant as Grisha and would no longer want to associate with them, but now Ruby's answer personally shattered these doubts.

Charlene still seems to be the kind and sincere Charlene, and has not changed in any way because of the change in position.

Seeing that no one answered her, Ruby asked again, "Why, aren't I welcome?"

"How is that possible?" A middle-aged man with a full beard stood up from the wooden bench. "Xiao Charlene, you can take over from me. I just plan to take a nap."

"Come on, Buzz, you just wanted to run away when you were about to lose."

"Nonsense, I'm obviously going to let you guys go, otherwise you'd have to brush me off later." The bearded man said it seriously, but he moved very quickly, directly holding the deck of cards in his hand. I threw it under the pile and rubbed it twice.

His move was met with boos.

The other two people at the card table also scolded him for being despicable, but when they saw that the bearded man was replaced by the young and beautiful Ruby, they both raised their hands in agreement.

So he said nothing more and quickly reshuffled the cards.

There is a special referee responsible for dealing the cards, each person has 17 cards, and another 3 cards are reserved for the landlord cards.

Before calling the landlord, Ruby suddenly said, "What were you betting on just now? It seems quite interesting."

"Well, we just said...whoever loses will give the winner a horse."

"I can also farm horses, but I don't have a war horse." Ruby said distressedly.

"Then don't bet, just play casually."

"But then the card game doesn't feel that interesting."

The two looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, and then looked at Ruby, "What do you want to do, Charlene?"

"Well, we can play another little game called Truth or Dare."

"truth or Dare?"

"Yes, the rules are like this. The person who loses in the card game has to choose one of truth or dare to complete."

"What is the truth and what is a dare?" Others in the room also became interested at this time.

"Truth means that the winner asks a question, and the loser has to swear on Saturday that your answer is true. As for Dare, it means that the winner gives an order, and the loser must complete it."

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