Working Prophet

Chapter 391 Special Female Swordsman

Corruption and abuse of power are probably inevitable problems for any organization.

The Shuangxiu Church established by Li Yu is of course no exception. Although his organization is still very young, it has already begun to show signs of this. Li Yu has received some related reports during this period.

So it's about time the Inquisition took the stage.

Li Yu's idea is that whenever a report is received from now on, the tribunal will send two referees, one bright and one dark, to investigate.

Among them, the referees in the dark are selected by lottery, which can minimize the collusion with the investigation target beforehand. In addition to investigating the case, they are also responsible for supervising the referees in the open.

If there is too much discrepancy between the investigation reports of both parties, the tribunal will initiate a subsequent second round of investigation.

Li Yu hoped that through this method, combined with other means, the corruption, abuse of power, and violation of precepts in the Shuangxiu Church could be controlled to a low level.

As for the complete elimination of Li Yu, I have never thought about it. This is a worldwide problem.

Jin Tong is outstanding in martial arts, but has a personality that doesn't fit in with others. At the same time, his heart is as cold as iron. He has no intersection with other people in the territory, and he has no relatives. He is the perfect candidate to serve as a referee.

If he does well enough in the future, Li Yu can also hand over the referee to him to manage the referee regardless of the past. Of course, this is a later story, and the position of chief referee is temporarily vacant.

Li Yu then ordered people to remove the shackles from Jin Tong's hands, allowing him to regain his freedom.

However, Li Yu also warned Jin Tong that he may have the urge to relapse in the future, and he needs to rely on his willpower to resist this temptation. This will be a long and endless war.

After finishing dealing with Jin Tong's matter, Li Yu looked at Ruby on the side.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, Ruby left a deep impression on Li Yu. She is a very smart girl, and she has a good relationship with Clara.

So Li Yu decided to ask Ruby for her own opinion first.

"You have worked hard during this time, I don't think I have thanked you yet, Mary said that you have been taking care of her since Herodotus took her away, how about this, I will give you thirty golden lions as a thank you. "

"No, no, Mary is also taking care of me. We take care of each other. Without Mary, I would have died a long time ago." Ruby quickly waved her hand, "I can't ask for your money."

"This money not only includes the thanks from Mary and me, but also your reward for taking care of Jintong these days. You can accept it with confidence. In addition, have you thought about what you plan to do next?"

Ruby bit her lip, as if she was a little embarrassed, and said softly, "I don't know, I don't know anything, I can only serve others."

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at Li Yu, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she quickly lowered her head.

However, what made her a little disappointed was that although Li Yu was also looking at her, he looked thoughtful at this moment.

"Servant... Then how about I hand over the traveler's apartment to you to manage? Although Niu Xiangui is the only follower there now, there should be many people living there in the future."

Ruby knows that it's not good to be too eager for this kind of thing, but if she doesn't take the initiative, she probably will really have to manage the time traveler's apartment.

"If it's possible... I, I want to stay and serve you." Ruby seemed to muster up a lot of courage before she said these words.

After saying that, he buried his head on his chest again, his ears turning red with embarrassment.

But the answer that greeted her was still an ambiguous "oh".

Then Li Yu asked, "Why do you want to follow me?"

"Because I heard that Mary was serving you before, but now Mary is busy teaching those servants the common language of the continent. I'm worried that she won't be able to keep up, and I'm also worried that you don't have enough people around you."

"No, Ruby, I'm asking you what you really think." Li Yu shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, just say whatever you think."

"But...but that's what I think." Ruby said timidly.

"Then let me tell you straight, you won't get what you want by my side." Li Yu said.

"What do I want? I... don't quite understand."

"The shortcut to chasing power is to get close to the person at the apex of power. This is universal in any universe."

Ruby's color changed slightly when she heard this.

"I heard Mary talk about you and know that you had a very miserable childhood."

"Prophet Merlin, did you reject me because you thought I was too contemptible?" Ruby smiled miserably, "I did serve many men before I came here, some of them were older than my grandfather, and each of them had different hobbies. Are not the same……"

"I'm not condemning you, everyone's situation is different, you just do what you can do, try to survive, the weak attach to the strong, and seeking shelter from the strong is a very common thing.

"But I don't think you are weak. You seem to be very good at pretending and lying."

Ruby hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"This is my weapon, like a knife in the hands of men."

"A special female swordsman... I know where to put you." Li Yu said, touching his chin.

"Which man do you want me to serve?"

"No, she is a woman, and the most powerful woman in Greenfield."

"You're talking about Sir Ilea." Ruby was a little surprised. "Do you want me to get close to her and monitor her for the two-day training?"

"Ilea has nothing to monitor. She is a very simple and straightforward person, with emotions written all over her face." Li Yu paused, "Did you know that the sword in a swordsman's hand can not only kill, but also provide Protect."

"You need me to protect her?"

"The Arias family is now strong and strong. Knight Alfred and Knight Thomas are very reliable. I don't worry much about threats from the outside world, but internally... Ilea has always had a carefree character, and she will indeed be in the shadows There are no corners that she can’t notice.”

"It just so happens that Herodotus also came back recently and formed the Blood Moon Society. Judging from the two tragedies that happened in Multi-scale City and Red Tower City, his next actions will probably become more radical and less serious. Bottom line, I also need to make some preparations.”

Ruby couldn't help but tremble when she heard a familiar name.

"I've seen a lot of... bad guys before, but Herodotus was different. That guy was a madman, a complete madman."

"Well, I heard from Mary that Herodotus himself also drank the same things as Golden Eyes and others."

"I will go to Teacup Castle." Ruby nodded, looking at Li Yu with burning eyes, "Be the best friend of the female lord, counselor, and protect her, but I also hope you can remember, my heart, my loyalty Yours forever, Saturday supreme!”

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