Working Prophet

Chapter 385 Continental Common Language Proficiency Test

As a heroic spirit from the Kingdom of God and the first follower of Shuangxiu Cult, Niu Xiangui's birth caused a great sensation in the green field.

By the time Li Yu completed the purification ceremony for him, more than 10,000 onlookers were present to witness this unforgettable scene.

As the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult and the spokesperson of Saturday in the world, Li Yu has performed many kinds of miracles before.

However, no miracle can be more shocking than having a person who has been dead for half a day and whose body begins to stiffen come back to life and stand up to speak.

Many believers of the Shuangxiu religion present are already in tears at this moment. Those who stand here tonight will never have any doubts about the existence of Saturday in the future.

The fifty-fathom faith technology bar on Li Yu's wrist was beating crazily.

In just two or three minutes, nearly four thousand points of faith were received.

Although this Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony attracted some farmers, travelers and mercenaries from around the green field to watch, the total number of these people was at most a thousand. Even if they all converted on the spot, they would definitely not be able to contribute. Comes from so much faith.

Therefore, more of this part of belief comes from existing believers. When their worship and awe of Saturday become stronger, more beliefs will naturally arise.

This has been confirmed by the previous lizard people. Unlike ordinary believers who each have 1 point of faith, they can bring Li Yu 3 points of faith on average.

Li Yu also realized from that time that the way to spread faith must not only focus on the number of believers, but also take into account the quality of believers.

Even though Shuangxiujiao now has 20,000 believers in Luye, covering more than 90% of the population, there is still a lot of potential within it that can be tapped.

With 4,000 points of faith, even if Li Yu could only get one-tenth of it according to the company's regulations, there were still 400 points, enough to pay for Niu Xiangui's summoning, and there was still a surplus of more than 300 points.

And this number continues to rise, and it’s hard to say how many Li Yu it will reach in the end.

Of course, this is also because Niu Xiangui was the first heroic spirit to be revived, and he had such a good effect because of the first name effect. If Li Yu brings people over later, the faith will definitely not rise as crazy as this time.

But it is still an effective means to demonstrate divine power and inspire believers.

Li Yu then removed the hand that was holding Niu Xiangui on top of his head. The latter had been soaking in the barrel for about twenty seconds, and when he came out, his face was neither red nor his heart was beating, nor was he panting.

"Hey, my lung capacity seems to have also increased. Is this a half-orc?" Niu Xiangui said in amazement, feeling that everything was extremely fresh, and he even stretched out his hand to grab the pair of ears on the top of his head.

Li Yu then asked Hera to hand Niu Xiangui a towel and a set of clean clothes.

As a result, Niu Xiangui made a joke on the spot, and put the pantyhose inside the obscene trousers, and then put on the coat and robe backwards, and tied the belt outside.

Hera had to step forward again and help him adjust it. Niu Xiangui blushed, "I'm sorry, I've never worn this kind of clothes before."

After saying that, he secretly glanced around again. To his surprise, among the people around him, no one even laughed at him.

Hera pointed to his mouth, then pointed to her ears, and spit out a foreign language that Niu Xiangui couldn't understand at all, but looking at her gestures, one could roughly guess that it was because of a language barrier between the two parties.

At this moment, Niu Xiangui had an idea, stretched out his hand, and made a sign like the others before.

Hera was stunned when she saw this, and then responded with a six.

And Niu Xiangui's erratic comparison completely detonated the atmosphere at the scene.

The crowd boiled again, and it was unknown who started first, and a burst of cheers broke out, as if a valve had been opened, and cheers from all directions gathered together, and soon resounded through the entire green field.

People rushed over here while counting sixes with the two.

Niu Xiangui was taken aback. He felt that he was grabbed by at least a dozen hands in an instant. Fortunately, those enthusiastic natives did not hurt him, but lifted him into the air.

Niu Xiangui was so dizzy that the crowd kept passing him around. In the process, people rushed to reach out and touch him.

This was the first time in Niu Xiangui's life that he was so popular, and he couldn't help but feel a little flattered, but this relieved a lot of the nervousness he felt when he first arrived in a new place.

This job seems pretty good~

Niu Xiangui thought to himself, the most important thing is to have weekends off! ! ! Looking at it like this, this place is simply heaven.

Just when Niu Xiangui went deep into the people and fully integrated with the local people, Li Yu called Clara who was on the side and asked how her preparations for the common language class of the traversers were going.

The little maid patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, I have prepared all the courseware, and they have been graded according to what you said. If you can reach T4, you will be considered qualified. You can understand everyday common language and communicate in simple ways. The basic conditions for independent living in the wild.

"After passing T4, you can get a graduation certificate. Further up is T3, where you can communicate fluently in daily life. After T2, you need to start to know some commonly used words.

"As for the most difficult T1, of course, you can read and write accurately. But it is not easy to get the T1 certificate."

"Yes," Li Yu nodded and reminded, "Remember to change the exam papers regularly, because they will definitely ask people who have passed the exam for answers.

"It's hard to say what else these guys have. They have a lot of experience in taking exams, and they also do a lot of tricks. You have to be prepared in advance."

In a few simple words, the two of them decided on the common language proficiency test that would be regarded as a nightmare by all time-travelers in the future.

There are time-travelers who are not very talented in language and are stuck in T3. They cannot leave the green field alone. Even if they go out for business, they can only team up with Dalao who has a T2 certificate or above.

However, Li Yu set this rule for their own good. He didn't even know the words, and he went out to learn from others. He didn't know what risks he was taking, and he didn't even know he was being betrayed. Not only did he not tell him that he was in danger, but he also taught it to the followers who were in Shuangxiu. Discredit.

However, the prophet of Shuangxiujiao seemed to have forgotten when he said this. According to this level classification standard, he is currently at the T3 level at most.

There is no way, Li Yu has always had a lot of things at hand, so it is difficult for him to focus all his energy on language. Moreover, if he spends one day in the original universe, three days will pass here. From a learning perspective, it is a proper reverse. buffed.


At this point, the Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony has come to a successful conclusion.

There is an atmosphere of joy in the green field. Even Miss Rabbit, who has always been a knock on the door, announced that a celebration will be held in the green field today and tomorrow. All registered residents, regardless of gender, old or young, will receive half a loaf of bread. , a glass of cider.

She was even considering making this day a holiday. The girl thought for a while and asked Li Yu, "What do you think of the name Easter?"

Sorry, it’s just the first update today~ Everyone, go to bed early

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