Working Prophet

Chapter 379 The Last Face

The design of the first version of the website was very simple. It basically consisted of a few lines of text and a few pictures related to the Middle Ages from a free material library, and was directly applied to the ready-made template.

In Wang Guowei's words, it seemed that he had no desire to click, so much so that he was too embarrassed to accept Li Yu's money, and just treated it as hard work for the meal.

Afterwards, Zhang Yanlin was responsible for registering the domain name of the web page, while Li Yu returned to Luye and continued to deal with various matters related to the weekend holiday, while making necessary preparations for the arrival of the followers.

About two weeks later, Li Yu received another WeChat message from Niu Xiangui. The latter said that he had been admitted to the ICU and might not survive for a few days. He hoped to see them one last time.

After receiving the information, Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin rushed to the hospital.

Niu Xiangui looks much thinner than he was half a month ago. He is depressed, accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing and bone pain. He relies on analgesics to barely speak.

He asked the nurse on the side to help raise the hospital bed, which was his first sentence after seeing Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin.

"I can not make it."

After saying that, he tremblingly stretched out a hand and grabbed the hem of Li Yu's suit, "It's time, brother, please tell me the truth. Did you make up this world to deceive me?"

"We are not a public welfare organization," Li Yu said lightly, "I have spent a lot of time and energy on you during this period. If it is just to comfort you, then the price is too high."

Niu Xiangui felt a little relieved after hearing this, "I, I'm afraid that someone paid to hire you."

"According to my investigation during this period, Mr. Niu, you don't have such good friends around you," Zhang Yanlin said, "And you are from a single-parent family. Your mother remarried when you were very young, and your father also passed away the year before last. There is no special relative who would spend money to purchase such end-of-life services for you.”

"That's good, that's good," a look of relief appeared on Niu Xiangui's face, and then he coughed violently. He also put on an oxygen mask and breathed oxygen for a while.

Then he continued, "I really have nothing to miss about this world. Don't blame me. This person will tend to think blindly when he is about to die, and he will be reincarnated..."

"It's understandable," Li Yu said, "it's hard for most people to believe it."

"By the way, who are you guys? You can actually help people reincarnate." This question has been hidden in Niu Xiangui's heart for a long time, and he finally couldn't help asking it when he was about to die.

"Oh." Li Yu took out a business card from his body and handed it to Niu Xiangui, "This is still your suggestion."

Niu Xiangui took the business card.

The first thing that caught my eye was a sentence.

——Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey.

Then Niu Xiangui turned over his business card. Merlin, the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult, the spokesperson of Saturday in the world, and the ferryman of souls.

Below is a string of QQ numbers.

"Why didn't you just leave your phone number?" Niu Xiangui was puzzled.

"There are too many harassing calls." Li Yu said frankly, "I don't usually answer unfamiliar numbers."

"Oh, oh, me too," Niu Xiangui suddenly said, "I'm almost dead and I still receive two harassing calls every day on average, especially since I bought a new house before, the developer probably sold my phone to a decoration company , My phone is about to explode, damn it, I will get angry when I talk about this."

Afterwards, Niu Xiangui picked up Zhang Yanlin's business card again. The front was the same, but when he saw the position column at the back, Niu Xiangui was at a loss again, "What is a prophet assistant?"

"It's my assistant," Li Yu said, "Yanlin will assist me with some matters related to reincarnation."

"That... are you a church or a company?"

Seeing Niu Xiangui muttering again, in order to reassure him, Li Yu decided to show him something.

Let Zhang Yanlin find a basin to catch some water, and then Li Yu took off his shoes and socks while the nurse was not paying attention, and stepped into the water.

Niu Xiangui's gaze was full of doubts at first, but when he carefully observed where Li Yu's feet were standing, his eyes widened.

Then he pointed at Li Yu with a horrified expression, "You, you, you are not a human being!"

Hearing what Niu Xiangui said, the little nurse rushed over immediately, and gave Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin a hard look, "What are you doing, I don't care what conflicts you had before, he's already like that, why are you still irritating him! Hey, what are you doing? Did you even take off your shoe covers?

"This is ICU, a sterile ward! Everyone must be disinfected when they come in, and you are not allowed to take off shoe covers!"

"I'm sorry." Li Yu apologized. Fortunately, he moved fast enough just now and put on his leather shoes before he was discovered. As for the socks, he didn't have time to put them on. Zhang Yanlin snatched them and stuffed them into his pocket.

"Get out. If you don't obey the rules, don't stay here." The little nurse started to chase people away.

Li Yu did not stay any longer and left the ward with Zhang Yanlin.

In the corridor outside, Zhang Yanlin handed Li Yu's socks over again.

"Thank you," Li Yu said to Zhang Yanlin while putting it on, "go wash your hands."

However, Zhang Yanlin did not leave. He just looked at Li Yu blankly. After a while, he spoke softly, "You, are you really a god?"

She had already found it incredible when Li Yu performed listening and translating languages ​​​​for her.

But after all, there is hope that this kind of thing can be mastered through learning.

But the action Li Yu had just performed was completely beyond her understanding. Not only Niu Xiangui, but Zhang Yanlin was also deeply shocked.

"I'm not a god, I'm just a worker who commutes to get off work on time like you." Li Yu said.

"I can't do what you did in the ward just now." Zhang Yanlin shook his head.

Li Yu took the initiative to change the topic, "By the way, how is Niu Xiangui's background investigation going?"

"I've almost finished it. I'll send it to your mailbox before get off work today."

"Very good, his character..."

"I didn't find any problem. He was just a workaholic and didn't have much time to live. When he was in high school, he had a girlfriend. The relationship lasted for about four years. Later, they broke up when they were sophomores. It was the one who The girl proposed it.

"Because we were away from home for too long, I called the girl and asked. She said that Niu Xiangui is a good person, but he is a bit straight and doesn't quite understand girls' little thoughts. And..." Zhang Yanlin hesitated.

"what else?"

"Also, she said that Niu Xiangui likes to read Lily novels, and there are some Lily movies stored in the computer hard drive. In this regard..."

"No problem, this is just a personal hobby." Li Yu said, "I will read the investigation report tomorrow. Please keep an eye on the hospital recently. If Niu Xiangui can't stand it anymore, contact me immediately."

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