Working Prophet

Chapter 377 Servant

Bratis Continent does not need programmers, but Li Yu currently has no better choice.

The two candidates he favored did not agree to reincarnate in another dimension for various reasons. Only Niu Xiangui was willing to sign a contract with him.

Adhering to the principle that something is better than nothing, Li Yu finally signed Niu Xiangui.

After all, Shuangxiu Education has just launched this new business, everything is still being explored, and experience needs to be accumulated in the early stage.

It’s also a good idea to practice in person first. At least go through the process so that any problems can be discovered in time.

Moreover, Niu Xiangui is still a modern talent who has completed higher education. He still graduated with a bachelor's degree. Even if he goes to another world and cannot type code, he will not be useless.

Li Yu then arranged for Zhang Yanlin to conduct a background check on Niu Xiangui, trying to fully understand Niu Xiangui, especially his personality.

As for Li Yu himself, he returned to the green field after a quick lunch and began to look at Niu Xiangui's body.

Niu Xiangui himself has no special requirements for his new body, and he can even accept reincarnation as a woman.

However, Li Yu cannot really use what he picks up. At least he must satisfy the two basic qualities of youth and health.

At the same time, according to the description of how to use the [Reincarnation Bell], the corpse used for reincarnation must be fresh enough, preferably no more than two days after death.

It is still difficult to collect in this way.

Li Yu would not create a corpse himself, even if it was the corpse of a slave, in order to meet the conditions for using the [Reincarnation Bell]. That would have no bottom line.

So he still found the female lord.

"What, how many death row prisoners are there in the dungeon? You have to ask Yago about this." Miss Rabbit was a little surprised that Li Yu suddenly became concerned about the number of death row prisoners in the territory, but she still called the castle manager.

"There are seven people imprisoned now." Yago replied.

"What crimes have they committed?" Li Yu asked.

"Most of them are murders and rapes... According to the current laws of the Red Lion Empire, civilians who commit these two crimes will be sentenced to death, but most people there commit more than one crime, as well as theft, arson, etc. .”

Yago paused, "We actually executed a number of death row prisoners two months ago."

"Yes, as the lord, I personally announced their crimes and watched the execution." Ilea said, "I remember there should be nine people."

"Are there so many death row prisoners in Luye?" Li Yu was a little surprised.

"Usually there are not," the female lord said, "but recently there have been a lot more people in the territory. The farmers are not bad. Many of those mercenaries and wanderers can cause trouble, and they underestimated the Arias family. The strength of the Guards.

"Haha, some people wanted to run away after committing crimes, and even left the green field, but they were still captured by Juan and his men."

"Can I go see those death row prisoners?" Li Yu asked again.

"Okay." Ilea agreed readily, and finally added, "You can tell me who you like. I am the lord and have the power to pardon, but those guys are not good people. You can use it." It’s best to be careful when you’re there.”

Taking advantage of Lizard Man and Jude's experience, the female lord thought that Li Yu wanted to convert those death row prisoners.

Unexpectedly, Li Yu said, "No, you can just deal with it normally."

"They are death row prisoners... If they were dealt with normally, I would chop off their heads." the female lord reminded.

"Can you change the execution method?"

"for example?"


"This is not in line with the family's long-standing tradition." Yago objected.

"I don't care, as long as I can give those scum the punishment they deserve." Miss Rabbit is a pragmatist.

"I would also like to borrow their bodies later." Li Yu added.


Miss Rabbit was startled, "You want their bodies?"


"It's okay, those guys are not locals, and they don't have family members who will come to collect their bodies, but what do you want those bodies for?" the female lord was puzzled.

"Welcome the servants."


"Well, Saturday allows me to summon some servants from the Kingdom of God to come to the continent of Bratis to support the construction. However, since the servants themselves are in the heroic spirit state, I need to prepare their bodies in advance."

Miss Rabbit has never played FGO, otherwise it should be much easier to understand, but she roughly understood what Li Yu meant, and couldn't help but take a breath, "You can also summon heroic spirits?!"

Li Yu's face was not red, his heart was not beating, "I am a prophet, of course there is no problem in summoning heroic spirits."

"Incredible, incredible! It's really incredible!!!" Miss Rabbit said incredible three times in a row, looking at Li Yu with eyes filled with awe.

The two have known each other for almost a year, and the female lord still feels that the man in front of her is unfathomable.

A few days ago, she heard Greta say that the Church of Life had an awakening potion that could help believers of the Goddess of Life activate the special abilities contained in their blood, and she thought it was very magical.

This was something she couldn't do even if she had two days off to teach. As a result, Li Yu gave her another bigger job.

——Summoning heroic spirits, what level of miracle is this? !

Even though Miss Rabbit had been watching Li Yu's wholesale miracle at close range, she was also deeply shocked this time.

Ilea then asked, "When do you plan to summon the Servant? Is that Servant as powerful as you? What legends and great achievements did he have during his lifetime? How did he die in the end? It was with the enemy general. Do we all die together? Or do we single-handedly enter the enemy's formation, with one stop a hundred, and die from exhaustion?"

"I have to make some preparations in advance. It will probably take some time. You can wait until then to carry out the execution." Li Yu didn't know how long Niu Xiangui could live, so he could only say this first.

"As for the followers, they are definitely not as powerful as me. In fact, they are new here and still need to learn and adapt to the new environment here before they can be useful. At that time, they may also need some help from you, but privileges are not necessary. .

"Just treat them as ordinary foreign visitors. If they break the law, arrest them. In addition, you can ask them yourself about legends and great achievements when the time comes.

"The Kingdom of God is actually a relatively peaceful environment now, and few people die in battle. When I choose servants, I mainly look at their specialties, not their reputation."

Li Yu finally finished answering Miss Rabbit's series of questions.

Ilea was still a little unfinished. There were still many things she wanted to ask about the servants, but unfortunately Li Yu didn't seem to intend to elaborate with her.

So the female lord could only temporarily suppress her curiosity and let Ya Ge take Li Yu to the dungeon to pick people first.

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