Working Prophet

Chapter 375 Backup Candidate

"Then do you have a goal now?" Zhang Yanlin asked after digesting the information he had so far.

"Well, there is a water conservancy and hydropower construction engineer, Liu Changjie, who has advanced lung cancer, and the cancer cells have metastasized to the brain. The doctor said that he will not live for a month. I heard his son calling his daughter in the corridor."

"Water conservancy and hydropower construction engineer?"

"Yes, it happens to be the talent that the weekend education needs." Li Yudao, "According to the procedure, we should do a background check on him first, especially in terms of personal morality, lest the target fail to perform the contract after sending him over. It takes time and energy to deal with the trouble he brings."


"But we were short of manpower in the early stage. This part of the work can be postponed for a while. Sign the contract first and then make up the background check. Anyway, there should be some time before the patient's death. Can you leave the rest of the work to you?"

"Oh, I will try my best."

Seeing that everything that needs to be explained is almost done, Li Yu handed a USB flash drive to Zhang Yanlin, "Go and print out the contract, and then we will meet Liu Changjie together."

Zhang Yanlin's head was still in a daze at the moment, and he stood up immediately after hearing the words, forgetting that there was still a laptop on her lap.

Fortunately, Li Yu had quick eyesight and quick hands, and caught the computer before it hit the ground.

Zhang Yanlin apologized hastily, and then took the USB flash drive to the copy shop next to the hospital, typed up five copies of the labor contract in one go, and then ran back quickly.

And Li Yu was already waiting at the door of the ward. He glanced at the Fifty Fathoms in his hand. It was 9:35 in the morning. He was already in Bratis Continent at this time.

But recruiting helpers is more important now, and Li Yu plans to go there later. Compared with half a year ago, the weekend teaching is now on the right track, so there is no need for him to keep watching.

Li Yu straightened his collar again, reached out and knocked on the door twice.

It was Liu Changjie's son Liu Hao who opened the door. He was about the same age as Li Yu. From the previous phone call, it was known that he hadn't worked yet and was studying for graduate school.

Before Liu Hao opened the door, he probably thought that there were nurses from the hospital outside, but when he saw Li Yu in a suit, he was slightly taken aback, but he didn't think much about it.

Liu Changjie lived in a double room, and Liu Hao probably regarded Li Yu as a family member in the next bed, and nodded to Li Yu.

After seeing Zhang Yanlin behind Li Yu, he couldn't help but take a few more glances, and then he saw Li Yu stop, Liu Hao felt a little guilty, and quickly looked away.

But Li Yu said, "Can I spare you some time?"


"We want to have a chat with your father."

Liu Hao was a little dazed, and turned to a middle-aged man in his fifties on the hospital bed, "Dad, do you know them?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "I don't know."

Then Liu Hao thought of something, his face changed slightly, and he frowned and said, "Didn't you say that, my dad has medical insurance, and my family is not short of money. I don't need your platform to help us raise money for medical treatment."

"No, we are not a donation platform." Li Yu said.

"Then you are?"

Li Yu glanced at Liu Changjie on the hospital bed, and then said to Liu Hao, "Can I take a step to talk?"

"No need." The middle-aged man said, "Just say it here, I know I won't live long."

"Dad." Liu Hao was startled, "When will you..."

"When you went to pay the money, I turned back and asked Dr. He. You don't have to hide this kind of thing from me."

"I didn't want to hide it from you, I just wanted to find a suitable time..."

Liu Changjie waved his hand and looked at Li Yu, "How much does it cost for a dragon, I don't need any messy rituals, just cremation, the urn and the cemetery will do."

"We do do end-of-life services, but not in the way you usually know."

"What kind is that?" Liu Changjie wondered.

Five minutes later, Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin were driven out of the ward by Liu Hao. Liu Hao looked excited and tore up the labor contract, and then grabbed Li Yu's tie on his chest and shouted.

"Get out, get away! If you dare to harass my dad again, I will call the police and arrest you!"

After speaking, he pushed Li Yu away, threw out the box of golden codes that Li Yu had brought, and then slammed the door shut.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Yanlin asked with concern.

"Well, it's okay." Li Yu was a little embarrassed, and bent down to pick up the box of milk on the ground.

"It's my fault. I thought that people of this age should be more stable and have the spirit of contract, but I ignored their acceptance of new things. Reincarnation may still be too advanced for them.

"But it doesn't matter, I still have a backup candidate, this one is much younger."

Another target Li Yu chose was Yan Yueliang, a twenty-seven-year-old middle school teacher with acute myeloid leukemia who had relapsed after transplantation.

The condition progressed rapidly, and he is now blind, accompanied by digestive tract and urine bleeding, and his mother is taking care of him.

But Li Yu learned to be smart this time, and only sneaked into the ward until Yan Yueliang's mother went to relieve her.

First, I gave a brief introduction to Yan Yueliang on the hospital bed.

"Hello, Mr. Yan Yueliang, I am Li Yu, the Prophet of Shuangxiu Sect. I know this may sound strange, but please stay calm and listen to me."

"We have observed you for a long time, you have been teaching and educating people conscientiously, a good person like you should not be treated so cruelly by fate.

“However, there is nothing we can do to change what has happened, but we would still like to be able to compensate you in some way.

"You should have heard of reincarnation, well, it's the kind of reincarnation in novels and anime. After you die, you can carry the memories of this life with you to another world and start a new life and adventure.

"And now there is such an opportunity in front of you. Of course, I also know what you are thinking now. Such nonsense is false at first sight. This guy must be lying.

"However, we will not use this to sell any goods or services to you. All you have to do is sign your name on the employment contract or press your fingerprint.

“After you die, I will appear again to take away your soul and send it to another world. Again, there is no cost involved in this process, and we will not do anything strange to your remains.

"So assuming I'm lying now, you won't have any losses. However, once what I say is true, you can continue your life in another world and in another way and write your own legend. .”

Li Yu paused, "If you want to continue to understand, you can blink. I will ask my colleague to read you the contents of the contract, and then you can ask your mother to verify it again."

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, Yan Yueliang's mother also opened the door and came back.

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