Working Prophet

Chapter 352 Treatment of Golden Eyes

In fact, on the way back, Jin Tong had already experienced a withdrawal reaction, and his overall condition looked very bad at that time.

But because he had witnessed with his own eyes the miraculous methods of Shuangxiujiao, Jin Tong had always believed in Li Yu's promise and believed that he could recover quickly after coming to Luye.

It is this belief that has sustained him all the way here.

However, what he didn't expect was that after seeing him, Li Yu had no intention of treating him and removing the curse. Instead, he was brought to this small courtyard with the intention of imprisoning him.

Jin Tong, who felt he had been deceived, was frightened and angry, and wanted to rise up to resist. However, because he was suffering from illness, he could not even display his martial arts to the fullest.

He was soon thrown to the ground by a group of wolf-like lizard warriors and put in chains. No matter how much he cursed, it was of no avail.

Li Yu only glanced at him briefly in the second half of the night, and then disappeared, leaving him here to continue to be tortured.

Jin Tong tasted the betrayal, and the intense pain made him want to take his own life for a time.

He has no relatives or friends, and the only thing that keeps him alive is hatred, hatred for Li Yu.

Jin Tong no longer cares about his own life or death. He just wants to kill the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult before he dies.

Li Yu stood quietly at the door, listening to Jin Tong curse him for nearly a quarter of an hour.

Unfortunately, the level of swearing among the indigenous people on the Bratis continent is quite different from that of an ancient eastern country.

Just a few harsh words over and over again, nothing new.

Li Yu waited until Jin Tong was done venting before he said, "Are you done scolding?"

"No, I'm going to rip off your head and stick it in..."

"Put it on the spear, I know, you have emphasized it many times." Li Yu moved a small stool and placed it in front of Jin Tong, and then sat on it.

Jin Tong didn't know where he burst out of strength. He stood up from the ground and rushed towards Li Yu with a roar. However, his arm stopped half a step away from Li Yu.

Jin Tong's arms were stretched straight, and the chain behind him was tightened. Veins popped out on his forehead, and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets.

It's a pity that my fingers just can't touch the bastard opposite.

Li Yu said, "I suggest you save your energy. I know the length of the chain, and I have used this set of things to trap the black dragon before. Or do you think you are stronger than that dragon?"

Jin Tong gasped, "I...I'm going to bite off your flesh piece by piece."

"I have fully understood your position. Isn't it time for you to listen to what I have to say?"

After Li Yu finished speaking, he waited for a while. This time, Jin Tong finally stopped cursing and just stared at him, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

"First of all, I would like to thank you again for your help in this rescue operation." Li Yu said.

"As the girl who took care of you said before, without your help, Mary might still be in the hands of Herodotus, and Tom and others might have died in the scaly city."

"That's because I didn't know you were a liar at that time." Jin Tong said bitterly.

"Can I finish my sentence before you interrupt?"

Jin Tong wanted to curse a few more words, but swallowed the words as they reached her lips.

The prophet who has been training for two years is obviously not very skilled. Even ordinary people may not be able to beat him, let alone compared with him. However, once the opponent becomes serious, the aura exuded by him makes him I felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

For a moment, Jin Tong even thought that the person sitting in front of him was Herodotus, not Li Yu.

Zhang Yanlin and Wang Guowei also experienced this. They both felt that Li Yu's temperament had undergone some changes during this period, but they couldn't say what the specific changes were.

Zhang Yanlin felt that Li Yu was becoming more and more like a leader, while Wang Guowei felt that Li Yu's sense of mystery was getting stronger.

In short, as the founder of Shuangxiujiao and the spokesperson of Saturday in the world, Li Yu is indeed becoming more and more accustomed to this status.

Seeing that Jin Tong finally shut up, Li Yu continued, "However, you are also Mary's kidnapper, and you have tried to kidnap me before. Your companions' hands are stained with the blood of Shuangxiu Cult soldiers, so... this time At best, things will make your merits outweigh your faults.”

"If you want to kill me, just kill me. Why are you looking for such a reason?" Jin Tong said coldly.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill you, but I have been treating you." Li Yu said, "Saturday taught us that a person's temporary loss does not mean that he will be lost forever."

"I was deceived just because I believed this nonsense."

"I know you are immersed in pain at this time, and I need to know your tolerance for pain in order to formulate a follow-up treatment plan."

"No, you are lying. You can't do anything about my pain." Jin Tong's expression became excited again, and at the same time his body began to twitch, "No, otherwise you wouldn't lock me here, but should Give me the antidote."

This time, Li Yu didn't defend himself. He just took out a paper bag and handed it to Jin Tong.

A look of suspicion flashed across Jin Tong's eyes, "What is this?"

"You can take the medicine you are thinking about first, and we can talk later."

Jin Tong didn't trust Li Yu, but he was in too much pain now. He didn't want to give up even if there was only a glimmer of hope, so he immediately grabbed the paper bag without any hesitation.

He didn't tear it open and threw it all into his mouth. He chewed it twice and felt a bitter taste in his mouth, but then he raised his head and swallowed it.

After a while, Jin Tong felt that the palpitations he felt before seemed to have eased a bit, and his muscles no longer spasmed. Although he could still feel the pain, it was not as intense as before.

But when he looked at Li Yu, his eyes became even more gloomy, "You obviously have medicine on you, why didn't you give it to me? Is it to take revenge on me for kidnapping you before?"

"As I said, I want to see how much endurance you have so that I can formulate a follow-up treatment plan." Li Yu said.

"Although your disease can be cured, it is not that easy to cure. The medicine I give you is not a cure, it is just to relieve your pain when you get sick. If you want to be cured, the most important thing is to look at yourself. Willpower.”


"Yes, I hope that when the pain comes, you can endure it as much as possible first, and then take the medicine I give you until you can't stand it anymore."

If someone with Jin Tong's level of addiction wants to quit, it would be safer to use substitution therapy, using methadone, which is less toxic, to replace what he used to smoke.

However, Li Yu does not have methadone on hand. This addictive drug is very strictly controlled in our country. It is difficult for an ordinary person to get it. But if it is just to relieve withdrawal symptoms, there are other options. For example, Li Yu just handed Jin Tong the antihypertensive medicine.

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