Working Prophet

Chapter 348 Perfect Rescue

Tom and Jin Tong launched themselves at the same time, pounced on the knight from the left to the right.

The latter was stunned for a moment, not expecting to be attacked at all.

In fact, the knight would have been quite vigilant when they first met, but now he felt that both parties had reached an agreement.

He agreed that Tom and others would go out of the city and continue to pursue the black-armored cavalry. The reason for keeping Clara was not to cause trouble, but really just out of good intentions. I felt that Tom and the others would bring another burden and affect their actions.

Those black-armored cavalry had just killed many of his soldiers, including his own knights. If he hadn't had orders, he would have wanted to lead his men out of the city to hunt down those bastards.

Since Tom and the others were willing to do the work, he also hoped that these mercenaries could catch someone.

As a result, I didn't expect that the other party would fall out at this time.

The two guards behind him did their duty conscientiously. When they saw the knight being attacked, they immediately drew their swords and wanted to come to the rescue.

But then he was stopped by Jin Tong.

On the other side, Tom's knife was also placed on the knight's neck.

The knight's expression was very ugly, "Are you in the same group as those black-armored cavalry?"

"That's not true," said Tom, "but we are going out of town now, together with all of us, so I can only trouble you."

"I won't let you out."

The knight was very tough, but it was of no use. Just after he said this, the lizard warrior who came after him tied his hands and gagged his mouth, and soon he could no longer make any sound.

"I'm sorry. I'll let you go immediately after we leave the city." The captain of the guard team apologized to him.

The remaining guards saw their superior being tied up. Although they pointed their bows and arrows at Shuangxiujiao and his group, no one dared to shoot the arrow.

What's even worse is that the knight's retinue, the knight, was also killed in the battle earlier. At this moment, this army was leaderless. Not only did they not know what to do with Tom and the others, they even had trouble suppressing the new army.

They were surrounded by a counterattack from the opposite side and almost broke through.

Tom advised the knight, "Don't hesitate. If you let us out, you can at least capture the city gate. Otherwise, how will you explain to Sir Eddard?"

Although the knight looked unwilling, he also knew that Tom was telling the truth.

Even if it was for the sake of the overall situation, he couldn't sacrifice himself at this moment.

"If you agree to let us go, just blink." Tom added when he saw that the other party's attitude was beginning to waver.

The knight blinked at this.

So Tom took out the linen from his mouth again. The knight looked at Tom with a dark face, and then said, "Open the city gate."

The guard guarding the gate received the order and immediately opened the gate.

Tom asked the others to leave first. He and Jin Tong stayed behind for three miles out of the city and used a drone to confirm that there were no pursuers behind them. Then they let go of the knight as agreed.

However, the knight did not leave immediately after regaining his freedom. Instead, he stood still and stared at Tom, saying, "You guys belong to the Shuangxiu Church, right?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I also received an invitation some time ago to watch Sir Ilea's initiation ceremony." The knight pointed to the drone that had just landed in the sky. "I have seen this kind of iron bird, just before Sir Ilea." At the initiation ceremony.”

"Okay," Tom said to the knight without hiding anything after seeing this, "We, the Shuangxiu Cult, don't care about the fight between Herodotus and Martina. The Prophet only sent us here to save people."

"That girl?"

"That's right."

The knight nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He just looked at Tom again and said, "Next time if we face each other again, I hope I can fight you openly."

Tom blushed slightly when he heard this, "Okay."

At this answer the knight turned and returned to the city.

Jin Tong sneered, "I bet, next time you meet him, you still won't fight him head-on."

"What qualifications do you have to say about me, a lime spreader?" Tom was upset. "Besides, I'm not a knight, so why should I have an honor duel with him?"

"Aren't you a regular soldier of Shuangxiu Church? Don't you need to fight for the honor of Saturday?"

"We don't talk about this kind of thing there," Tom said. "The prophet Merlin said that no matter what method, as long as it can win, it is a good method. I am a mercenary, and of course I am more accustomed to using mercenary methods to solve problems."

"If you put it that way, I'm a little interested in joining the Shuangxiu Sect." Jin Tong rubbed his chin and said.

"Come on," Tom said, "you should first think about how to ask the Prophet to remove the curse for you, and then you can work on how to serve the Shuangxiu Cult. The Black Dog Guard is not that easy to join."

Jin Tong did not refute this time.

While the two were talking, Clara also woke up. She rubbed her eyes and saw the lizard warrior carrying her.

I couldn't help but be stunned, "Apu, is that you?"

The lizard warrior named Apu turned his head and grinned at the little maid upon hearing this.

"What's going on, am I going back to Green Field, or am I dead?"

"Neither." Tom continued, "We just rescued you, and we're still on our way back to the green fields."

"Ah, I remembered. I seemed to be in a carriage with Herodotus before." The little maid rubbed her head and said, "But then we were ambushed and the horse pulling the carriage was frightened, causing me to knock my head. .”

Tom was startled, "Wait a minute, you said Herodotus was also in that carriage."

"Didn't you see him when you rescued me?" Clara asked.

"No, he should have run away." Tom slapped his thigh, regretting it now. If he had known the news earlier, he might have been able to solve the problem of Herodotus.

But he just sighed, knowing in his heart that this was unlikely. If it really came to a fight, the newly formed black dog guards would not be the opponent of the black armored cavalry.

That is to say, Herodotus was busy running for his life and did not want to tangle with them any more, otherwise Tom would have been lying down by now.

But this did explain why Herodotus sent so many masters to escort Clara. Tom felt a little strange at the time, but he didn't think much about it.

Like most people in the city, he did not expect that Herodotus would abandon the city and flee at this juncture.

While the little maid expressed her gratitude to everyone who came to rescue her, she thought of another thing and said to Tom, "By the way, Herodotus also made a lot of poison in the city before. I want to Use it against Martina and her army."

Tom contacted the previous investigation results. The black-armored cavalry secretly arrested about twenty herbalists in the city and gathered them in a liquor store in the south of the city. This coincided with Clara's statement.

So the captain of the Black Dog Guard said, "When I pass by a nearby village later, I will pay to hire a few people to tell the news to High Priest Martina and Sir Ed."

Although the people in the Shuangxiu Church believe in Saturdays and are not from the same group as Martina, they do not want to see people being poisoned on a large scale, especially the civilians in the city.

Therefore, Tom decided to help if he could. Of course, they had just managed to escape from the city, and they would definitely not go back for this matter.

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