Working Prophet

Chapter 343 The Goddess’ Will

"Picia has heard your prayers and sent down the oracle." The little maid said in as serious a voice as possible.

She has been doing this kind of work recently and is now very familiar with it.

But Herodotus didn't buy it this time, and frowned when he heard the words, "Why is it a sign again? I could hear Pithia's voice even though I didn't exercise before, and now I've been doing what you said for so long , but still can only see these signs.”

A flash of suspicion flashed in Herodotus's eyes, and his gaze turned cold when he looked at Clara, "Are you lying to me?"

The little maid felt a chill in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface, "This is not a sign."

"what is that?"

"A text."


"To be precise, this is a text belonging to the gods. You said that you hoped Picia could communicate with you, so now she is communicating with you in this way."

"Really, what is she talking about?" The suspicion in Herodotus's eyes did not disappear.

"I'm a believer on Saturday, and I can't understand Pixie's words, but you are different. You are the high priest of the Silver Moon Church, and you are in charge of all the books of the church. If there is one person in this world who can understand these divine words, Then that person must be you."

Clara uses the trick Ruby taught her.

——When a lie cannot be rounded off, you can ask the other person to help you round it up.

The key to this move is that it must be confident enough, the momentum must not be weak, and it must also be able to flatter the opponent appropriately.

Sure enough, the suspicion on Herodotus's face dissipated a lot after hearing her words, and then he looked at the ink stains in the water and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he spoke again, "Well, the writing on the water is indeed somewhat similar to the one in the Book of Salvation... It is the oldest existing book of the church, and it uses a very ancient writing. Until now Less than a third of the content in that book has been understood."

Clara secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. Herodotus was indeed as good as ever. He could even see a flower among the messy ink stains in the water.

The little maid struck while the iron was hot and added in a timely manner, "This is the test given to you by Pisiya. If you understand the divine writings on the water, you may be able to obtain divine power from your goddess, just like the prophet Merlin."

Herodotus was noncommittal, but his eyes did become warm.

Just as the two of them were talking, there were more and more light spots in Kung Fu City, from just one to seven or eight, spread across the entire city.

Even from such a distance, Clara could still see the dancing flames. Even the oncoming evening wind carried a trace of heat, and the crying and wailing in the wind became increasingly louder and louder. big.

The little maid finally couldn't help it anymore and reminded Herodotus, "Well... something seems to have happened in the city."

"Really?" Herodotus was absent-minded and just continued to stare at the pool of ink in the water. He even took out a piece of parchment and copied the messy and weird patterns on the water.

"You... don't care about it?"

"That's not my business." Herodotus said calmly.

Clara was stunned. Although she had been staying in that courtyard before and had never gone out, Herodotus would come to her every now and then and ask her to help contact Picia.

So the little maid actually knows the general situation in the Scaled City today.

The number of new troops recruited by Herodotus was approaching 30,000.

The original city lord, Sir Ed, hid in his mansion last month and never showed his face again, so the words of Herodotus of the current scaled city are indeed the most effective.

But Herodotus was really, as he said, not interested in power and wealth at all. He randomly found a few people and left them with the tasks of forming a new army and managing the city. After that, he didn't even ask. Do not ask.

He really picked people at random, as Clara could attest.

Because the little maid also witnessed and even participated in this process, the two deputy commanders of the new army and the current acting city lords were directly selected from among the believers in accordance with the so-called oracle.

Then Herodotus entrusted the high priest Kirkeon to go and inform these lucky people.

When they first received the news, many people did not believe in this kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing. It took several days before they took office with doubts.

And after learning that all this was true, the performances of those people were also different. Some were loyal to their duties and tried hard to adapt to their new roles.

There are also people who take advantage of the opportunity to make money. For example, a certain deputy commander simply went out on his own and led his men to loot four chambers of commerce in the city. They moved the gold and silver they grabbed box by box to their residence, until they were piled up in the house. He didn't stop until he started.

Because he had gone too far, he was sued to Herodotus the next day. As a result, Herodotus' punishment was very light, and he only asked the deputy commander to compensate each of the four chambers of commerce with one gold coin.

Since then, the new army has become more and more arrogant.

Many of them think they have seen the truth clearly.

Herodotus relied on them to control the Scaled City, and he would definitely rely on them very much. This is why Herodotus did not severely punish those generals who made mistakes.

The two sides are now grasshoppers on the same rope.

After he finished copying the ink stains in the water, Herodotus carefully compared them several times before putting down the parchment in his hand and looking up at the city below the hillside.

"Let's go, we should start too."

"Leaving? Back to my residence."

"No, it's time for us to leave. Martina's army will arrive at the multi-scaled city tomorrow morning."

"And you plan to leave tonight?" Clara was stunned again.

Although Herodotus had done a lot of crazy things during this time, none of them shocked her as much as what he said just now.

"Why don't you leave, stay here to be buried with those scum?" Herodotus carefully put away the parchment.

"But...but, aren't you the commander-in-chief of this army?"

"How can a nominal commander, relying on these ragtag troops, defeat the armies of the major families in the Western Region?"

"Then why did you call these people?" Clara became more and more puzzled.

"To lose to Martina."

Perhaps because there were no other outsiders here, Herodotus did not hide anything anymore and said sincerely, "I need to make something happen in order to truly take control of the Holy See and create an army of my own, an army with faith."

After a pause, he added, "Besides, this is also the goddess's will."

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