Working Prophet

Chapter 332 Iris in the Beehive

As soon as Ilea finished speaking, she regretted it.

Because this obviously exposed her secret of being able to turn her phone on and off!

Fortunately, Li Yu had no intention of pursuing it further. Instead, he asked, "Is there anything you can do?"

"I lived in the Scaled City for a period of time before. Well, I mainly studied at the Great Temple of Cecily, and I also met some people by the way."

"There is a guy named Constantino. His father Ashuraf is a vassal of the Raimondi family and the city's peace officer. He should be able to get a pass for you."

"Will Constantino help us? We are two-year-olds." Li Yu reminded.

"Of course, I saved that guy's life, and he owes me that." Miss Rabbit paused, "Well, you can ask him if he remembers the iris in the hive, and he will know who they are. ”

"Iris in the hive." Leidio repeated in a low voice, and thanked Ilea and Li Yu after confirming that it was correct.

After he disconnected the connection, Li Yu asked Ilea on the other side, "What does this sentence mean? Are you sure Jerry and the others will not fall into a trap when they go to find the son of the Sheriff of Scaled City?"

"Well, although Constantino is a bit stupid, he is still honest, and he has clear grievances and grievances." The female lord said.

"The Hive is a market in Scale City. It sells everything there. It's very interesting. Adele and I often go there to hang out when we're tired from studying.

"Constantino is an admirer of Adele. He got the news from somewhere and was waiting for us there with iris flowers. As a result, Sir Ed's second son Shapiro found out about it. At the moment, she is also pursuing Adele fiercely.

"He has been haunting Adele, haunting him, and is very annoying, but Adele is not false to him. Shapiro probably wanted to do something big to attract Adele's attention, and Constantino just happened to bump into him. On hand.

"So Shapiro planned to challenge Constantino to a duel, and also threatened to adopt the rules of death duel. Constantino's father was a vassal of the Raimondi family, and Constantino's swordsmanship was not as good as Shapiro's. No matter how you look at it, Pirro is dead.

"I have dealt with Constantino several times before. He was as stupid as stupid and had a good heart. It would be a pity if he died inexplicably like this. So I did him a favor.

"When that guy came to us, before he could speak, he took the iris flower in his hand.

"In this way, Shapiro, who is hiding in the dark, has no reason to start a duel with him, otherwise everyone will know that they are jealous of me."


While Li Yu was still discussing the iris with Ilea, Leidio had already put away the radio he was carrying and put it back on his body.

Then he said to Tom who was completely dumbfounded by the side, "Captain Jerry, Saturday and Prophet Merlin have given guidance, you know what to do next."

He just remained respectful to Li Yu and the female lord, and when he talked to other people, he returned to the obedient appearance that the whole world owed me money before.

But Tom was still immersed in the shock just now, and didn't care about his attitude.

He didn't come back to his senses until he was reminded by Leidio, and then he seemed to think of something again, and said excitedly, "This... what kind of sacred artifact is this?"

"Radio station." Radio did not hide it, "It contains electromagnetic power."

"With this sacred artifact, doesn't it mean that we can always keep in touch with the Prophet Merlin? We can ask him for advice when we encounter any problems?"

"The Prophet is very busy at work every day," Redio said calmly, "What we should do is share his worries, rather than trouble him with every little thing. So unless we are desperate like now, otherwise we will encounter trouble. You should try to figure it out yourself first.”

"That's for sure, that's for sure." Tom nodded repeatedly and became more confident about the next task. He said to Redio, "Then let's go find that Constantino now."

After that, a group of people drove four wine carriages slowly towards the gate of Dolin City. However, they were stopped by a group of guards about twenty steps away from the city gate.

"What's that on the carriage?"

"Wine, good wine, my lord," said Tom, offering to open a barrel.

But the leader was unmoved, "If you want to sell wine, go to another town to sell it, you can't go any further."

After speaking, he moved his eyes to the other lizardmen warriors, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Wait, I changed my mind again, except for that kid over there, all of you are so strong, but you don't look like wine merchants at all.

"I think you are probably spies sent by that traitor Martina, just right, arrest them all."

Many lizard warriors can now understand the basic common language of the mainland. Seeing that the guards on the opposite side looked unkind, they also planned to rip them off.

However, he was stopped by Captain Tom, who spoke again, "We are not spies. In fact, this batch of wine was ordered by Sir Ashuraf, and he planned to use it to celebrate after the war."

The leader's hand that drew the sword paused, and a look of suspicion appeared on his face, "Sir Ashuraf?"

"His son Constantino can vouch for us." Tom added, "We are the Iris Chamber of Commerce in the Beehive."

"Iris Merchant Guild?" The leader frowned and did not insist on taking action anymore. He just surrounded Tom and his group, and then asked one of his subordinates to find someone.

After a while, a young man riding a brown horse came out of the city. He looked at Tom and the others with tangled eyes. After struggling for a while, he turned to the captain of the previous team and said.

"My father did order some wine."

"Are you sure you ordered with these people? Because the person who delivered the wine may have been killed on the way, and then replaced by someone else."

"I've seen them in the city before, Captain Justin, are you doubting my eyes or my memory?" The young man raised his voice.

The captain of the guard named Justin didn't say anything, just bowed, and then called the guards behind him to go patrol elsewhere with him.

Tom raised his eyebrows and was about to thank Constantino, but the latter's voice sounded in his ears again, "You are so brave. As a Saturday believer, you dare to go to the territory of Silver Moon Church." superior.

"I saved you once, but I can't save you the second time. Just leave the wine here and get out."

"I'm afraid it won't work," said Tom. "We must go into town."

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