Working Prophet

Chapter 324 Little Maid’s Big Crisis

Clara raised her head and looked at the man who walked in.

Contrary to what the little maid had imagined, the visitor was dressed simply, the same as the travelers who could be seen everywhere on the continent of Bratis.

He has a medium build, a triangular face, and a low nose bridge. The most striking thing is his eyes. Unlike ordinary people's eyes, his pupils are rectangular.

The little maid instinctively felt uncomfortable being stared at by the pair of pupils. In addition, when the man took off his hood, Clara also noticed a pair of black horns on his head.

The pair of black horns have been smoothed away for some reason, leaving only a small section at the root.

"Clara," the visitor said again after Ruby left, "Or do you prefer me to call you Mary by your Christian name, you should already know who I am."


The little maid was silent after hearing this.

Seeing this, Herodotus smiled slightly, "I heard from Aunt Naima that you and Ruby have had a good time getting along during this time, you have become friends now, but you don't have to worry about her, I won't worry about it because of this." Punish her for the smallest things."

"High Priest Herodotus, I don't understand why a big man like you is interested in such an insignificant little character like me?" Clara finally asked the doubts in her heart.

"Even the long heroic poems that are the favorites of the bards have many chapters related to minor characters."

After Herodotus finished speaking, he glanced at Clara again, and found that the latter was still in a daze, so he finally stopped keeping the secret.

"Well, I originally wanted to invite Prophet Merlin to meet me, but it failed, so I can only settle for the next best thing."

"Then you can take a step back. I'm just a little maid who takes care of the daily life of Prophet Merlin."

"Yes, I know...and that's why I asked you to come here." Herodotus said, "Actually, I have some questions to ask you."

"You, the High Priest of Silvermoon Church, do you have any questions for me to answer?" Clara's eyes widened.

"There is a proverb on the continent of Bratis that even the stupidest farmer is smarter than a well-learned person, not to mention that you are the person who has been with Merlin the longest, so you must know some secrets that others don't. "

"But what if I don't know?"

"Then you are of no use to me." Herodotus did not deliberately threaten the little maid, but just reminded, "You are a heretic, and the relationship between the Shuangxiu Church and the Silver Moon Church is very tense now."

Clara remembered the story of the bad-tempered tavern owner that Jin Tong had told her before, and couldn't help shivering.

"Even if we put aside our position, I have entertained you for more than a month, and I have fulfilled the friendship of a landlord. In this more than a month, I have never treated you badly, regardless of food and clothing, so even if it is just out of courtesy, It’s time for you to repay me a little bit.”

The little maid took a deep breath, "I see, what do you want to ask High Priest Herodotus?"

Herodotus glanced at Clara appreciatively, "Let's start with the simplest one. I recently had a problem communicating with my goddess. I can no longer hear her voice, and I And I happened to need to ask her for advice on something urgent.

"I heard that Merlin can keep in touch with Saturday and even return to the Kingdom of God. I want to know how he did it."

"My Lord Saturday is not a god on this continent." Although Clara tried hard to maintain her composure, she still heard the sound of her teeth chattering.

"I know, but I think there must be something in common."

Herodotus said, "Actually, I also have a method of communicating with Picia, which has been recorded in the church's books and has been used by many oracles before, so it must be no problem.

"I've been using it myself, and the quite good. I can probably succeed once in four or five times, but just recently, this method suddenly didn't work."

Herodotus has completely let go of his airs and confessed all the difficulties he has encountered recently, acting like a patient who came to see a doctor.

"Could it be that Picia is just busy?" The little maid swallowed and said, "Or there are too many people praying recently, and she can't take care of you for the time being."

Herodotus was not angry when he heard the words, but nodded and said, "Indeed, your guess is also possible, but you should know that I will not be satisfied with such an answer.

"Or to put it another way, how can I get Pisia to respond to me now?"

Clara wanted to say at the time, you, a high priest, don't even know how to contact your goddess, so you came to ask me this Saturday's believers?

But the little maid held back at the last moment, because she knew that if she really wanted to say that, she would probably never return to the green field, and would never see Li Yu and the little frog again.

Clara took another deep breath, closed her eyes, and forced herself to calm down. At the same time, she quickly recalled the half a year of living with Li Yu in her head.

Recalling Li Yu's words and deeds, trying to find the hope of living.

Herodotus didn't bother her either, picked up the jug on the table and poured himself a bowl of wine, drinking while waiting for the little maid's answer.

After a moment, Clara opened her eyes again.

"Merlin said that it's not easy to establish a stable connection with the gods, and he is the only one who can do it in the entire Shuangxiu Sect now."

Herodotus was noncommittal, and the little maid continued, "First of all, you must be very pious."

"No one in the entire Silver Moon Church is more pious than me, otherwise Pisiya would not have chosen me to lead the church."

"I know, but communicating with gods requires talent, a very rare talent."

"The oracle, the church will select the oracle from among the priests to accept the oracle from Picia, but since I have done it before, it means that I also have this talent."

Herodotus was growing impatient. Clara had said so far what he already knew.

"Also, this kind of thing requires practice." The little maid noticed Herodotus's impatience and quickly continued.

"Oh?" Herodotus raised his eyebrows.

"That's right, Merlin said that communicating with the gods is essentially an ability. Like all abilities, it needs constant practice. Only practice makes perfect to improve the success rate."

"This statement is quite new." Herodotus stared at the little maid meaningfully, "But it sounds like you made it up now. Liars will have to pay the price."

"I can prove it." Clara said happily.

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