Working Prophet

Chapter 313 The God of War on the Rooftop

While talking, the two had already arrived outside the gate of the rooftop.

They were quite cautious, and didn't go up immediately, but moved their steps first to see if there was anyone hiding near the gate.

As a result, there was no one on the empty rooftop.

The two looked at each other, and Wang Kai said, "Damn, are you kidding us?"

"No, that person does have a video in his hand." Song Xiaofei was puzzled, "Where did he get the video from? We went back and saw that there were no cameras in that place."

"The video looks like it was taken with a mobile phone. The key is that it was not taken by the residents upstairs. It feels like the person who filmed it should be near us. Do you remember who else was around at the time?"

"I didn't pay attention, no one should have passed by at that time." Song Xiaofei was upset.

Wang Kai remembered something again, "When the two of us fled that night, I seemed to see a little girl at the entrance of the alley."


"She must be the daughter of a woman named An. That woman seems to have divorced her husband. She lives in Jinhe Garden and plays mahjong every day. She is poker buddies with Wang Jiaqi. She has a pretty good figure. Let's ask about it when we get back."

Wang Kai winked at Song Xiaofei, who understood, and immediately answered, "Is that brat so bold?"

"It's hard to say, today's children..." Wang Kai said as he secretly took out a folding knife from his pocket.

He had just bought this folding knife two days ago, and the one that stabbed Li Yu had been thrown into the garbage bin by him.

Wang Kai waved his hand and let the knife body pop out from the storage room. Then with a strong step, it suddenly rose up and rushed to the rooftop.

He wanted to catch the opponent off guard with this unexpected move.

As a result, after rushing out the door, I still didn't see anyone.

Until a voice sounded from the water tank behind him, "Hey, here!"

Wang Kai felt a bad feeling in his heart, but before he could turn around, the man had jumped down from the water tank and kicked him in the back.

Wang Kai only felt a strong force coming from behind, and he was sent flying directly by the kick. He rolled on the ground several times. If it weren't for the wall blocking him, he might have flown directly from the roof of the building. out.

But even if he saved his life, he was severely kicked by the kick. For a while, he couldn't get up at all, and the folding knife in his hand didn't know where to fly.

However, Li Yu's kick was very handsome, but the last link was still a bit awkward, and he also failed to land smoothly.

Using the height difference to attack was just his impromptu idea, not the result of special training with Jude. Although Wang Kai was kicked away, he also fell to the ground. Fortunately, the fall was not heavy, he just rolled around. Got back on my feet.

On the other side, seeing his classmate fall to the ground, Song Xiaofei also rushed up, but when he was halfway, he suddenly stopped again.

He looked at Li Yu blankly, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

Because the scene happened too fast and it was at night, Song Xiaofei could not see Li Yu clearly. It was not until Li Yu got up from the ground and Song Xiaofei rushed to Li Yu that he finally discovered who the person who attacked them was. .

His body suddenly stiffened!

In the past ten days, Song Xiaofei had nightmares almost every night. As soon as he closed his eyes, this face would appear in his mind. Although this was only the third time he met Li Yu, Li Yu Yu's appearance has been deeply engraved in his mind.

Therefore, he was able to confirm immediately that this was the office worker who was killed by him and Wang Kai that night!

After Li Yu stood up, he also looked in the direction of Song Xiaofei. Their eyes met, and Li Yu smiled at Song Xiaofei.

A chill instantly rushed from the soles of Song Xiaofei's feet to the top of his head!

He and Wang Kai had the same chemistry. He didn't like studying since he was a child, and he always made trouble. He was the bully in the class since elementary school, and they had many fights. However, he was never as flustered as he is now!

Because a person who was supposed to be dead actually appeared in front of them again.

What's even more bizarre is that Li Yu doesn't look like he was seriously injured at all. His movements look very agile. Whether it's the kick falling from the sky or getting up from the ground, there is no feeling of reluctance and it is very smooth.

But how is this possible? !

He had witnessed Li Yu being stabbed seven or eight times that day, and it had only been twelve days. Even if Li Yu was lucky enough to save his life, he should still be lying on the hospital bed at this moment.

How could he recover so quickly? Song Xiaofei's eyes moved downwards and then looked at Li Yu's right hand.

He remembered that Li Yu's right hand was stabbed that night, but now there was no wound on it.

And as if to make him see more clearly, Li Yu swung his right fist again and hit Song Xiaofei on the cheek.

Song Xiaofei was staggered by this punch and fell to the ground, his mind went blank.

Before he got up, Li Yu was already riding on him again, and continued to smash down with his fist.

Before Song Xiaofei understood his current situation, he received two more punches. Not only was his mouth broken, but he also lost two teeth.

Li Yu still didn't stop, Song Xiaofei could only raise his hands and hug his head based on his rich experience in fighting.

After a few more punches, Li Yu took a break, loosened his tie, took off his suit jacket, and wrapped it around Song Xiaofei's head. Then he took out the scissors he just bought at the stationery store on the roadside and pointed the tip of the knife toward Song Xiaofei's head. Then, he inserted it hard into Song Xiaofei's thigh.

Song Xiaofei let out a scream, but Li Yu made a layer of sound insulation with a suit in advance, so as not to attract other people downstairs.

While Song Xiaofei stretched out his hand to reach the scissors stuck in his leg, Li Yu continued to punch him in the face while pressing him down.

It wasn't until the blood penetrated the suit covering Song Xiaofei's head and stuck to Li Yu's fist, and Song Xiaofei's struggle became weaker and weaker, that Li Yu stopped.

But before he had time to rest, there was a muffled bang from his back, but he was kicked firmly by Wang Kai who had already got up.

Then Wang Kai roared angrily, threw himself on Li Yu, punched Li Yu, and shouted, "I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, anyone who offends me will die!"

Li Yu didn't dodge or put on a defensive stance, but chose to fight Wang Kai head-on.

The two wrestled together, Li Yu took Wang Kai's two punches hard, and after finding the right opportunity, he elbowed Wang Kai on the bridge of the nose that was broken by him before.

Li Yu has some time and energy. These days, he practiced two moves with the deputy head of the Black Dog Guard. One move was used to deal with armed opponents, but it was useless tonight.

There is another move named by Li Yu himself, which is Rising Dragon Elbow, which is specially used for close-to-body combat.

Wang Kai's whole body arched up in pain! Like a shrimp.

Li Yu was not polite and rode on him, continuing to greet his nose. His posture was as if he was about to launch a dimensionality reduction attack and completely embed Wang Kai's nose into his face.

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