Working Prophet

Chapter 308: It Must Be the Effect of the Divine Mark

Compared to the undercurrents at Silver Moon Church, Shuangxiu Church has been developing in full swing during this period.

The first green field open wheat missionary activity has come to a successful conclusion. After the final decision of the top ten, a special person contacted them and measured the size of their feet.

After a few days, they received their prizes. In addition to the more common flour, mead and sausages, two things caught their attention. The first was a pair of strange-looking boots.

The uppers and soles were made of materials they had never seen before, but they felt warm and comfortable after wearing them, especially the soles, which were covered with weird patterns.

Although Li Yu didn't say it clearly, people who had worn the boots agreed that it was a rather mysterious divine pattern.

It is under the blessing of this kind of divine pattern that these thin-looking boots can keep warm, and there are no stones on the ground to hurt your feet when you walk.

According to the description in [Game Sunglasses], the movement speed is increased by 20%.

At the same time, the shoe's wrapping feel is unprecedented, as if it is attached to the foot. Fortunately, the monks from the Weiting family had special people cutting and making shoes for them when they were nobles.

For others, especially farmers like Fabre, who have lived for more than forty years and have not worn new shoes, let alone shoes that fit so well, they only tried them on their feet after receiving them, and they soon returned I took it off and held it in my arms, not wanting to wear it anymore.

In fact, even the former nobles of the Wetting family did not wear such comfortable shoes.

After putting on the feet, they ran and jumped around in a novel way, as if they had learned to walk again, and they also learned from each other how to tie shoelaces.

These hiking shoes were bought by Li Yu on 1688, 65 yuan a pair, 650 yuan for ten pairs, and free shipping. The soles are made of rubber, and the uppers are made of artificial PU with artificial short fluff inside.

There is no brand, and fashion is printed in the trademark position.

However, in the eyes of most urban people, this kind of shoes has nothing to do with fashion, they can only be regarded as wearable, but in Bratis, as the only ten pairs of hiking shoes, they can't think of fashion now. .

As long as you put it on your feet, you will look the most beautiful no matter where you go.

The reason why Li Yu used climbing shoes as a prize was not a temporary idea. These Hughes would inevitably have to walk around if they wanted to preach, and having a pair of comfortable shoes was more important than anything else.

In addition to the climbing shoes, Li Yu also distributed the corresponding Divine Kingdom Points to the ten people according to the final ranking, but unlike the hiking shoes that you can use as soon as you get them, the Divine Kingdom Points still have no use.

But once the Sea Dogs come up with the upgrade system, I believe these Kingdom Points will soon become something that everyone dreams of.

In addition, Li Yu, the top three, had additional rewards. The third runner-up got a thermos cup, the second runner-up got a down jacket, and for the champion, Li Yu directly gave away a brick house.

Anton himself never expected that he would even have a place to live after just participating in a missionary activity.

Moreover, it is a red brick house unique to the Shuangxiu Sect. The common language teacher is studying the teachings and precepts in the Shuangxiu Sect's territory these days, and he is staying in a lizard family's house.

As a result, the two blankets prepared in advance were useless at all. He never expected that ordinary civilians' residences could be so warm in winter. There was no air leakage in the room, and the bed under him was still warm.

This environment feels better than Teacup Castle.

The Teacup Castle is majestic and majestic. It is made of large stones and is sturdier than a brick house, but it is really not as comfortable to live in here.

Especially in winter, even if firewood was always burning in the castle, as long as he was a little farther away from the fire, he could still feel the biting chill, which made Anton not want to get out of bed.

If he had known that joining Shuangxiujiao would be so great, he would have regretted not coming to work for Li Yu sooner.

Speaking of which, the two had known each other quite early, and Anton had taught Li Yu the common language for a while, but it was a pity that he was deceived by the silver-moon church's rhetoric at that time, and he was focused on fighting against Saturday.

Now when I think about all the things I did at that time, the Common Language teacher only thinks it is childish and ridiculous.

After distributing the rewards, Li Yu found Miss Rabbit again. The latter was also very busy during this period. Apart from serving as a guest judge to pass the scoring addiction, she was also busy training soldiers and counting the extra population in the resettlement territory. .

And Li Yu came here this time to talk to the girl about spring plowing.

It is mainly the promotion of new agricultural tools, including plows, long-handled sickles, and single-wheel seeders. These things can now be skillfully crafted by the blacksmiths of the Shuangxiu Sect, and the lizardmen have basically achieved full-scale equipment.

However, farmers in other places are still using traditional farm tools. If they also change their clothes, it will be a big project, and the blacksmiths in the territory of Shuangxiujiao alone will not be able to do it, and it will cost a lot of money.

There is also the promotion of four-field crop rotation and composting.

Ilea thought for a while and said, "For farm tools, I can call all the blacksmiths in the territory, but even so, I can't make all the farm tools before spring plowing, or I can order a batch from outside... But How to convince farmers to use it is also a problem.”

"The matter of persuasion can be handed over to our weekend teachers. During this time, I will let the following Hughes focus on promoting new farm tools and new farming methods. In fact, I have already asked people to do it."

After Li Yu finished speaking, seeing that Miss Rabbit opposite was hesitant to speak, he said, "If you have anything to ask, just ask."

"Is the four-field crop rotation you said really effective? When I was studying in the temple, those teachers always taught us not to be too greedy, otherwise we would offend the goddess... Well, Pisia was angry and made the original Fertile land became barren.

"They are not alarmist. I have also heard that some lords planted crops on the land in order to make more money. As a result, they did have a good harvest in the first year and the second year, but in the next year It might as well be one year, and soon that land will no longer be able to be cultivated.”

"This has nothing to do with the goddess's anger, it's just that the fertility in the land has been exhausted." Li Yu said. "You can't just plant whatever you want in the four-field rotation. You have to plant some beans to replenish nitrogen, and you also need to apply fertilizer."

In fact, in Li Yu's original plan, he wanted to let the lizard people do a demonstration first, to personally prove the practicability of the new tools and methods to everyone, and to attract people around him to join.

However, the development speed of the Shuangxiu Church has indeed exceeded Li Yu's imagination. Successfully slaying the dragon is equivalent to playing a wave of advertisements. In addition, the Silver Moon Church as the opponent is not as good as expected, and it can even be said that the performance is very good. It's a crotch pull.

So Li Yu also advanced some plans.

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