Working Prophet

Chapter 304 Bad Tempered Tavern

"No one can cure me." Jin Tong shook his head, "The church has been using this medicine for thousands of years... People before have tried various methods, but in the end they all failed without exception."

"But at that time, Prophet Merlin hadn't come to Bratis yet."

Clara said, "Besides, there is the great Saturday behind him. Saturday's magic medicine has saved many people who were thought to be hopeless. By the way, the priests of the Silver Moon Church also lost to Merlin in their medical skills."

"Merlin will not save me." Jin Tong said, "I kidnapped him before, although I failed, and now I kidnap you... Shuangxiujiao and I have become enemies, and there is no room for maneuver."

"Merlin is not as stingy as you think. He said that a person's temporary loss does not mean that he will be lost forever." The little maid said, "It's still too late to turn back now. You can send me back, and I can help you too." plead."

"It's too late," Jin Tong said, "I don't have any medicine on hand, I have to bring you to that person within three days in exchange for the next medicine, otherwise you have seen what will happen to me."

Perhaps Jin Tong's previous caution had an effect, as he did not encounter any pursuers in the next two days.

The two successfully arrived at Iron Horn City, located in the northeastern part of the Western Territory.

Iron Horn City is in the territory of the Moncent family, which is also a powerful noble in the West, second only to the Figuerola family and the Emmanuel family.

Mainly engaged in the iron business, Iron Horn City has the largest number of blacksmiths in the entire Western Territory. Although the weapons and armor they produce are not as good as those of the dwarves, they are worse than those of the dwarves at various prices.

Even those who are short of money can find armor they can afford in this town.

Most of the equipment and weapons of the Arias family were made by blacksmiths here. After getting rich, Ilea placed an order for 300 sets of armor and 500 iron swords through the Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce.

There was no way, who made those dwarves charge too high? It was Iron Horn City that was of high quality and low price.

For a long time, the impression of the Moncent family to the princes of the western region was that they were low-key. They hardly participated in any disputes, and they did not form any cliques. They just concentrated on selling their ironware.

This also gives them a good reputation both in upper-class circles and among civilians.

It was the first time for Clara to leave the green field, and she had been in Teacup Castle since she could remember. In the heart of the little maid, the tall and majestic castle of the Arias family was the most prosperous place on this land.

Until later, she followed Li Yu to the territory of the Shuangxiu Sect, and watched it develop from a poor place to a vibrant place now. When she came out, the auditorium was almost completed.

But after all, the development time of Shuangxiu Education is too short, and the place is not big, so it still cannot be compared with real towns.

Originally, the little maid was curious about everything she looked at after leaving Green Field, but when she arrived at Iron Horn City, her eyes could hardly see through it.

Jin Tong had to remind her to restrain herself. Technically speaking, she was still being kidnapped.

Clara retracted her head after hearing this, and then asked Jin Tong, "Why is this place called Iron Horn City?"

"Because the warriors of the Monsent family wear a kind of iron horn helmet on their heads." Jin Tong replied, "They built this town, also named after the iron horn."

While the two were talking, a group of guards wearing horned helmets walked past them.

Like the others, Jin Tong also pulled Clara to evade, and retreated to the side. Afterwards, the two came to the Grumpy Tavern, and Jin Tong went in and threw three black iron coins on a table.

The next moment, the iron coin was collected by the passing waiter, who nodded to Jin Tong.

Jin Tong turned to look at Clara, "After a while, a carriage with a cross engraved on the left wheel will arrive at the entrance of the tavern. Just go up, and the carriage will take you to where you want to go."

"What about you?" the little maid asked subconsciously.

"I'll accompany you here." Jin Tong paused, and added, "If you want to survive, you must cooperate with that adult, and answer whatever he asks, don't lie, and don't make him unhappy."

"But Merlin said that the most hurtful thing is the truth."

Jin Tong seemed not to have heard and said again, "Do you know why this pub is called Cranky?"


"Because the previous boss had a bad temper, but the wine he sold was delicious. In order to drink good wine, everyone had to endure his bad temper, but the boss still lost his temper often and closed the shop every now and then. .”

Clara didn't understand why Jin Tong suddenly talked about the tavern, but she still listened patiently.

"As a result, one day he kicked the iron plate and offended a nobleman who came to taste wine. The man was very powerful. Since then, no one has seen the previous boss who had a bad temper. The new boss took over the tavern.

“He does business honestly, greets every customer with a smile, and no longer closes the door at every turn, and the wine he sells is exactly the same as the previous boss.

"But gradually everyone felt that the wine was not so delicious, and it tasted similar to the wine sold in other taverns, so the business here became deserted, and it became what it is now."

The little maid looked thoughtful after hearing this, "Are you hinting at me... what should I do next?"

"No, I just told you the history of this tavern." Jin Tong said calmly.

At this time, the sound of horse hooves and the sound of wheels rolling across the ground were also heard outside the tavern.

When the little maid walked out of the Grumpy Tavern, she saw a carriage with a cross engraved on the revolver.

She looked back at Jin Tong, who made a gesture of invitation to her. The next moment, the car door was opened from the inside, and Clara sat in.

When the car door closed, Clara asked the serious-faced old woman opposite, "Are you the one who wants to see me?"

"No, I'm just here to take you to your residence and be responsible for your daily life in the future." The man replied, "You can call me Aunt Naima."

"No need to trouble you, I can take care of my own daily life. This is what I did before." said the little maid.

But Naima didn't react.

Clara asked again, "Where are we going now?"


"What about the person who wants to see me?"

"Sir, he is busy. When he has time, he will naturally come to see you." Naima cherished words like gold, "You can't leave the residence without my permission in the future."

The little maid heard that she was using a commanding tone that did not allow for discussion, so she nodded.

Naima seemed to be quite satisfied with her reaction, and her face softened a little, "You don't have to worry about being bored, my lord has even specially found you a playmate, and he will be there in a few days."

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