Working Prophet

Chapter 199 Anatomy of a Dragon

Yi Liya's busy feet never touched the ground, and Li Yu's side was also not idle.

After the battle, he first counted the losses, first of all in terms of personnel. In this battle, a total of twelve lizards and eight warriors of the Arias family were killed, and thirty-five others were injured.

Because the power of the black dragon is too amazing, being hit by its wings or tail is almost certain to die.

Therefore, the injured who survived were all burns without exception. Fortunately, most of the injuries were not too serious. Only two people had severe burns, and the rest basically had first- and second-degree burns.

Li Yu called Adele to help him clean and bandage the wounds, and then gave the wounded oral antibiotics to prevent infection. As for the two severe burns, Li Yu would definitely not be able to perform skin grafting, so he could only hang them. Glucose was used to rehydrate them, and some painkillers were added to relieve the pain.

So far, he has almost finished what he can do, and the rest can only depend on their own good fortune.

In addition to the loss of personnel, Li Yu also suffered from equipment losses this time. He lost two Sea King Halberds at the beginning. I think it took a lot of time when he asked Fitzwilliam to build the first Sea King Halberd. Thousands of gold coins, not counting the labor cost.

Although we can continue to build it in the future, and as the manufacturing process is improved and proficiency increases, the expenditure can be further reduced, but it will still cost seven or eight hundred gold coins.

And the black dragon's two mouthfuls of fire directly evaporated at least 1,500 gold coins from him.

However, it is relatively easy to make up for purely financial losses.

In fact, Ilea has promised to share the harvest this time with Shuangxiujiao in half. The reward from the Figuerola family alone is five thousand gold lions, which is enough for Shuangxiujiao to build six more Sea King Halberds.

For Li Yu, what really distressed him was the loss of an outdoor power bank and the Qianjiang motorcycle picked up for him by [Environmental Frog].

Especially the latter. Li Yu was usually reluctant to ride it because of the need to burn gasoline. He rode it a few times during the test drive, and then left it in the yard. He mainly relied on horses for commuting.

Just a few days ago, Li Yu did some maintenance for his beloved car, but this motorcycle did not disappoint him, and made a shining debut in the dragon slaying battle.

The scene of Li Yu riding it to kill the black dragon was unforgettable to everyone present, and the name of the god Saturday resounded throughout the green fields. It became a classic scene in the mouths of countless bards in the years to come.

The only drawback is that the motorcycle is a bit useless.

The motorcycle was truly ashes when it appeared. It received a powerful and heavy swing from the black dragon on the front. It was torn into pieces on the spot. The fuel tank was also exploded and turned into a ball of fire, which was knocked far away.

Li Yu later tried to search its wreckage to see what other parts could be recycled, and found a rearview mirror, which was also covered with cracks.

So Prophet Merlin can only accept the reality of losing his favorite ride, and he doesn't know when [Environmental Frog] will give him another one.

It would be better if it is electric, so you don't have to carry gasoline.

After counting the losses, it is natural to count the gains and expand the results.

The former was counted first by Ilea, while the latter Li Yu also sent the first batch of missionaries after the lifting of the ban, and began to operate around the green field.

As for himself, he studied the black dragon.

Li Yu is very interested in this legendary creature that has only existed in fictional literature, especially the question of how this dragon flies and breathes fire.

After dissecting the corpse, Li Yu also got some answers.

In terms of flight, as he had previously expected, this black dragon took off by kicking off a pair of powerful hind legs. At the same time, his pair of wide wings could also be propelled by constant waving like a bird. air, providing lift.

But this is still not enough to support its huge body soaring into the air.

The real secret lies in a stomach-like organ in the dragon's body. Li Yu named it the second stomach. The second stomach is very large, accounting for almost one-fifth of the dragon's body.

It stores a large amount of biogas and a part of hydrogen.

Li Yugang was also shocked when he discovered it, because the power of this thing was comparable to a bomb. If it was not handled properly and accidentally detonated, everyone who was close to him, including himself, would probably be dead. live.

If you don’t believe it, you can search for whale explosions on your own. The methane and hydrogen sulfide in the body of the whale after death are decomposed by bacteria, and the volume is far smaller than that of the black dragon.

Li Yu didn't know how its second stomach evolved. It could withstand extreme pressure, which allowed the dragon to store a large amount of biogas and hydrogen in its body.

This also explains why it was first discovered in a swamp, because there is a large amount of biogas in the swamp, and as we all know, the density of biogas and hydrogen is lower than that of air, so these biogas and hydrogen provide it with a Extra buoyancy.

Let it soar in the sky with its huge body.

At the same time, these biogas and hydrogen are also the fuel of the black dragon, combined with oxygen and catalyst (Li Yu guessed that it may be the static electricity in the black dragon's body, or the source of friction, but unfortunately it is no longer possible to verify) for it to spit out flames.

After realizing this, Li Yu took out the second stomach of the black dragon.

He hasn't figured out how to use this thing, but it is undoubtedly a good thing. In terms of toughness alone, no synthetic material in the universe he lives in can match.

In addition, Li Yu was also very curious about the tissues in the black dragon's throat and mouth, because they were not afraid of fire and were obviously a very good refractory material.

Maybe we can find a way to process it into a fire-resistant clothing or something, with the attribute [fire resistance +100%].

As for those scales, they were much lighter than Li Yu imagined. They were obviously the top materials for making shields and armor. With shields and armor, of course, there must be warriors who can wear them.

That's right, Li Yu has no intention of taking the Silver Moon Church's route and giving up his arms.

This can certainly win the favor of those nobles and reduce their wariness, but history has proven countless times that no matter what kind of world you plan to build, without enough force to protect it, it will be just a castle in the air.

Like a castle made of sand, it only takes a strong wind to destroy it.

The crisis sweeping the Western Region this time has once again proved this point. Without the lizard warriors of Shuangxiu Cult, the Arias family alone is obviously not enough to deal with the black dragon.

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