Working Prophet

Chapter 197 Fame

The news of the Arias family's successful dragon slaying spread throughout the Western Territory in just a few days, and was still spreading further afield.

Maybe it won't be long before even the real adults in the royal capital will know about this little-known little nobleman who is located on the border of the empire.

And the shock caused by this incident was unprecedented.

Since the black dragon left the swamp where it lived, it has been killing people and setting fires, doing evil everywhere. In just over two months, it has brought a series of horrific disasters to the entire Western Territory.

It has become a nightmare for almost everyone in this land, especially those noble families. They have never been so weak and helpless.

The financial resources, weapons, solid castles and powerful armies that they were proud of before were all useless in front of that terrifying monster with the ability to fly.

Many people can only hide in their own dungeons and wine cellars, living in fear all day long.

Now their nightmare is finally over.

And it was the Arias family that had been despised by many people before that ended all this.

It is said that the ancestors of the Arias family were only knights. Relying on their loyalty to Philip "Snow Claw" and their achievements accumulated in many years of battles, they finally received the land and titles awarded by Philip after the war, and barely became a force. .

However, due to his lack of background and being an outsider, he will be more or less ostracized by some local forces after settling in the Western Territory.

In addition, the family fiefdom is located in a remote location, and the descendants are not very successful. They do not know much about business and can only immerse themselves in farming. More than 900 years have passed, and the Arias family has basically been making do. status, there has been little development.

However, just such a difficult student in the class suddenly enlightened during the final exam. Like a divine help, he solved the difficult problem that several top students had not solved and passed the exam in one breath. First.

This is how people in the Western Region feel when they look at the Arias family now.

It’s so unreal!

In fact, as early as Ilea announced that she would serve as the new commander-in-chief of the coalition, and there were only 700 people, many people thought that the new head of the Arias family might have gone crazy.

Because if he wasn't a madman, how could he possibly use only such a small number of people to deal with that terrifying black dragon.

The reason why everyone agreed to this proposal in the end was purely because they were desperate and wanted to give it another try. Anyway, according to the girl's plan, each family would only produce a few dozen warriors at most, so the losses would not be huge if they failed.

In addition, there are also some people with dark little thoughts, hoping that the Arias family and Ilea can stand in front and attract the attention of the black dragon. Anyway, this is what many people planned from the beginning.

I just didn't expect that the black dragon didn't act according to common sense, and actually ignored the green field he was talking about, and went directly to their territory to kill people and set fires. Now since Ilea is willing to take the lead and sit in that dangerous position, let her Go and sit down.

In short, although there are many people who support Miss Rabbit to become the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, few people believe that she can really fulfill the promise she made.

But in the end, the new head of the Arias family slapped everyone in the face.

Not only did she kill the black dragon, but what was even more incredible was that she didn't even use the 700 elites she had gathered from various families.

The great cause of slaying the dragon was accomplished purely by relying on the Arias family alone, and at most with the help of the Bathory family who had been friends with the Arias family for generations.

At the beginning of that shocking battle that was praised by countless people in later generations, the seven hundred people of the coalition were still blowing the night wind by Yanxue City. Until the end of the battle, they were just playing soy sauce.

Because the whole thing was so bizarre, it even aroused some people's suspicions that the Arias family had lied and that they had not really killed the black dragon.

Miss Rabbit's answer was simple. She sent a team of guards and used a carriage to pull the dragon's head to start a three-month touring exhibition in the Western Region.

In this way, almost all the people in the Western Region, whether they were nobles or commoners, could see the body of the black dragon.

This also silenced all the doubters.

More and more people are beginning to realize one thing, that is-the Arias family is about to rise.

Obviously people need to re-evaluate the strength of this country bumpkin family that in most people's minds only grows radishes.

Whether you like the Arias family or not, you must admit that all the nobles in the West owe the Arias family a favor this time.

Among them, the Figuerola family, as the lord of the Western Territory, acted the fastest. David sent a mission almost the next day to commend Ilea and the family behind her.

Since women cannot inherit titles, the Figuerola family naturally cannot implore His Majesty the Emperor to reward them by raising their title.

As for land, there is basically no unclaimed land in the Western Region, so David's rewards are mainly materials and wealth.

Among them, there are 10,000 gold coins alone, as well as weapons, equipment and food, in order to thank the Arias family for their contribution to maintaining the stability of the Western Territory, and to avenge the death of his younger brother Hells.

This is only a preliminary reward, and the subsequent part will be decided by Marquis Cullen himself after he returns to Yanxue City.

With the Figuerola family taking the lead, other nobles in the Western Region suddenly knew what to do.

First, the nearest Black Rock City, Miss Rabbit's old neighbor, the Emmanuel family's messenger brought their thanks and generously stated that they no longer needed to return the batch of dwarf armors and weapons that had been supported by the Arias family.

In addition, from now on, the Arias family will no longer have to pay trade tax when doing business on the territory of the Emmanuel family. In addition, if the Arias family needs it in the future, the Emmanuel family will also Low-interest loans are available…

The envoy's mouth went dry after talking about a set of packages, but the girl opposite didn't react much, and she even curled her lips inwardly.

To be honest, the various conditions offered by the Emmanuel family are indeed quite generous.

Even more kind than the chamber of commerce of his own family. However, as we all know, the Arias family hardly does business, and the preferential treatment given by the Emmanuel family is all about finance and trade.

Doesn't rounding up mean giving nothing?

As for taxes, who is Ilea? She never paid taxes when she sold pepper in Black Rock City. All the money went into her own pocket.

On the contrary, Li Yu seemed to be quite interested in the discount offered by the Arias family, and even asked the girl for a detailed document.

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