Working Prophet

Chapter 186 This is not hunting, this is beheading

The tragedy that happened in Black Rock City quickly spread throughout the entire Western Territory, and everyone who heard it was shocked.

As a veteran noble in the Western Territory, the Emmanuel family is very powerful. It was already famous when the Enriquez family was still ruling the Western Territory. Later, they successfully bet on Alexander, at the expense of nearly half of the family's property. Successfully boarded the ship to the new era.

After more than ten generations of unremitting management, not only has it recovered its vitality, but the family's strength is even stronger than before. It is said that as early as three hundred years ago, the Emmanuel family had so much gold that the treasury could not contain it. Every time When the vault is opened, there will be gold coins rushing out of it, drowning those who open the door.

As a last resort, the Emanuel family had to build another, bigger vault.

And after having money, the Emanuel family certainly did not forget to arm themselves.

They held many competitions in the Western Region, selected masters from them, spent a lot of money to recruit them into the army, and equipped them with armor and weapons made by dwarves.

Because the armor worn by these soldiers has a golden weasel pattern engraved on the chest, people call them the Golden Weasel Guards.

The Golden Weasel Guard is also a well-known elite in the Western Territory, and the enemies are terrified wherever they go.

However, neither the mountain of gold coins nor the famous Golden Weasel Guard could keep Theodosius and his family.

When the scorching flames swept across the earth, the head of the Emmanuel family lost his wife and young son in an instant, and he himself was seriously injured, and his life or death was uncertain.

Such a big shot, surrounded by guards, could be knocked down so easily, and he might even die. Such a thing is not common even in wartime, and it is enough to change many people's perceptions!

A group of nobles in the Western Territory wondered if Theodosius had done too many bad things behind his back and got unlucky.

Otherwise, why is Black Rock City so big? When the black dragon landed in front of him without going anywhere else, the black dragon proved to the world that its previous attack on the head of the Emmanuel family was no accident. .

This time, Stiles, the head of the Lassiter family, was recruited. After receiving the bad news from Blackstone City, he organized his troops overnight. In the early morning, Stiles went to inspect the defenses on the territory. On the road, I met the Grim Reaper who fell from the sky.

In just one encounter, the head of the Lysit family and his beloved horse were trampled to death by the black dragon. It all happened so fast that the guards on the side didn't even have time to draw their swords.

After this incident, no one thought that Theodosius was just bad luck.

Two days later, the dragon attacked again and killed Ralph, the head of the Redmayne family. Ralph was buried with his eldest son Eddie.

After getting the news, the entire western region was in an uproar.

This black dragon is not hunting at all, but beheading!

All of a sudden, the great nobles in the western region were all trembling with fear. No one knew when the black shadow that symbolized death would appear above their heads. Many people simply hid in the dungeon and dared not come out.

Ilea was also shocked by the news.

What the hell? Could it be that the dragon also understands politics? How do you select the most important people in each family to kill? Or will the quality of the meat change and become more delicious after becoming the head of the family?

"It's not that the dragon understands politics, but the person behind it understands politics." Li Yu said after listening to the girl talk about recent events.

"You mean that black dragon is controlled by people? But it is so powerful, who can control it, Hells, the second son of Marquis Cullen?" Ilea frowned.

"Even if the dragon is willing to obey his orders, how did that guy manage to manipulate the dragon to kill people and set fires everywhere, and why did he attack the Emanuel family, the Lesser family and the Redmayne family?" The head of the family? Because they all support David?

"But with such a trump card in hand, Hulls can directly let the black dragon kill David, so he can justifiably become the next heir of the Figuerola family? Why bother?" Go to great lengths to kill other people."

"I don't know." Li Yu shook his head and said, "That black dragon is very intelligent, but it has never left the swamp since it was born, and it doesn't even know Ao Quan. Thales and the others.

"And every time I attack it, I have a good grasp of the timing. It's okay to attack it once. If it happens twice or three times, it can't be a temporary intention. There must be someone cooperating with it..."

When Li Yu said this, he noticed that the girl was a little distracted and asked, "Why, do you have any questions?"

"I was just thinking, if it is really Hells who is using the black dragon to eradicate dissidents, why didn't the dragon come to attack me?"


"Okay, I get it. I'm probably insignificant in Hells' eyes." Miss Rabbit was thankful but also a little angry.

After a pause, she added, "We have to stop Hells as soon as possible! We can't let him control the dragon and continue to cause harm like this."

Although Miss Rabbit was quite happy to watch the fun, but thinking that Hulse might be behind the murder of her father, the girl felt that the melon in her hand suddenly became less sweet.

And no matter how inactive those families were in helping the Arias family before, they were not guilty of death. As more and more innocent people were killed and injured, Ilea felt that she should do something.

The first is to pull Hells down from the position of commander in chief of the coalition forces.

But before Miss Rabbit could figure out a solution, something new happened.

"What, Hells was killed in action?"

After receiving the news, the girl immediately suspected that there was something wrong with her ears. However, the news from Yanxue City was absolutely true.

As the black dragon appeared, Hells seemed to finally remember his identity as the commander of the coalition forces. Not only did he quickly recruit an army of more than a thousand people, but he also gave an order to the nearby lords to bring people with them. cast.

In just seven days, he pulled out an army of more than 7,000 people, and there was a steady stream of people coming.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. On the eighth day, the dragon actually set its sights on Hells, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces! Come to the door yourself.

The two started a battle on the plain near Yanxue City.

In the end, the black dragon was wounded in the abdomen by Hells, but the coalition forces also paid a heavy price, with more than 600 casualties. The most important thing was that the commander Hells was also sprayed with fire by the black dragon. .

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