Working Prophet

Chapter 172 An unexpected gain

Qin Shen and Zhou Xi have completely different personalities. One is mature and steady, the other is uninhibited, but they are actually quite easy to get along with.

Especially when Li Yu took out the extra beef sandwich and gave it to Zhou Xi, who had not eaten breakfast, he received strong praise from the latter.

"Your sandwich has a very special texture. It's completely different from what I've had at Subway before, but it's still delicious."

"Well, because there is some stew added to it. The recipe was given to me by an old cook, and I made some improvements myself later."

"You also know the chef," Zhou Xi marveled, "What cuisine is he good at? Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, or Huaiyang cuisine? He can make a variety of sandwiches, and he must be delicious when making other things."

"Well, in fact, except for a few dishes that are delicious because of their good ingredients, most of them are not very good. Moreover, I was the one who saved a banquet once. In fact, this recipe was given to me by him later as a thank you. mine."

After hearing this, Zhou Xi turned to look at Qin Shen and Zhang Yanlin, "Did you see that, don't always say that I like to brag? This is the real heavyweight player!"

The few of them talked and laughed all the way, and arrived at the B\u0026B they had booked before around one o'clock in the afternoon.

After having a simple farm meal, we started climbing the mountain.

In order to avoid the large number of tourists on Saturday and Sunday, Zhang Yanlin and the others deliberately chose a relatively remote and unpopular hill this time. It was still difficult to climb up.

It took almost five hours to go back and forth, and it was already dark by the time we got down the mountain.

Among the four, Zhou Xi ran the fastest. She jumped up and down at the beginning, just like when Sun Wukong returned to Huaguoshan. However, her physical strength was also exhausted the fastest. After that, she looked like she had been squeezed dry without a drop left. He was in good condition, but he was hanging at the back of the team in a daze.

Qin Shen didn't feel much better because he had been sitting in the office. He was sweating profusely after crawling for a while.

On the contrary, Zhang Yanlin looked frail, but she had practiced dancing for a long time before, and her legs were quite strong. After walking for three or four hours, she still seemed to be able to do it with ease.

As for Li Yu, his persistence in training during this period has shown results. Although his back is wet with sweat, he has been able to maintain the same speed as Zhang Yanlin.

The latter was a little surprised, "I haven't seen you for more than a month, and I feel that you are much more energetic than before!"

"Well, I've been working out recently." Li Yu said.

"Really? I thought you would be very busy at your new job, so I haven't dared to contact you for more than a month."

"It's true that I'm still quite busy, but I also have more time to rest and have free control. I can do some things of my own."

"I feel it. You can actually cook for yourself. This was completely unimaginable before. I still remember that when I was in the company, you kept asking for vegetarian casseroles every day to save trouble. I secretly counted you. You are the longest You probably ate vegetarian casserole for more than 20 days at a time, and everyone was wondering when you would switch to something else."

"Well, because the vegetarian casserole has a lighter taste, less oil and salt, and you can also eat vegetables, other takeaways are too heavy in taste." After Li Yu finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yanlin.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yanlin blinked.

"It's nothing, just a little unexpected. I thought you would want to forget about that experience."

"I have indeed thought about it, but unfortunately my brain is not a hard drive and does not have a delete function. Then my psychotherapist told me that if you really can't forget it, then try to accept it. After all, no matter how bad the memory is, There are still some beautiful moments hidden there.

"I thought about it, and I think what she said makes sense. If I hadn't gone to work there, I might not have known you..." Zhang Yanlin said and smiled.

"How is your new job going?" Li Yu asked.

"I've interviewed several companies, and the salary is still a bit different from what I expected... But I don't want to procrastinate any longer. After all, I haven't worked for more than a year, and I'm almost getting moldy just sitting at home. By the way, your new company looks good, are they still hiring?"

"The personnel of the Third Age rarely change, so they rarely recruit, but I can help you inquire about personnel when I go back."

"Thank you for your hard work. I have to trouble you again before I know it. I have obviously troubled you many times before." Zhang Yanlin said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of words anyway."

The two of them didn't say anything else after that, because Zhou Xi and Qin Shen supported each other and finally caught up from behind. Then Zhang Yanlin and Li Yu also slowed down a little and continued walking down the mountain.

When he returned to the B\u0026B, Qin Shen borrowed a grill from the boss, bought a bag of charcoal, and took out various meat products and vegetables stored in the refrigerator.

The four of them grilled and ate while drinking beer.

During the dinner, Zhou Xi got excited and performed a unique skill. Li Yu originally thought that she would imitate the poet Li Bai and compose poems while drunk, or paint while drunk, but she stood up and performed a Duan'er Tianjin Allegro under the influence of alcohol.

After they were full of wine and food, the four of them played cards for a while.

But now it's no better than when they were in school. Everyone has long since lost the money to stay up all night. Seeing eleven o'clock, Zhou Xi and Zhang Yanlin started to yawn and went back to their rooms to sleep.

Li Yu and Qin Shen also washed up and lay down on their respective beds.

After a long day's trek, both of them obviously felt physically exhausted, and fell asleep not long after lying down, but Li Yu didn't expect that Qin Shen would actually snore after falling asleep while looking at the gentle man, and The voice is not quiet.

Li Yu was woken up by his snoring in the middle of the night, and he couldn't sleep again.

Li Yu glanced at Qin Shen, who was sleeping soundly, and without waking him up, he put on his clothes lightly and got up to go out.

There was no way to sleep anyway, so Li Yu simply walked along the path in the village and reached the reservoir without knowing it.

He didn't see anyone along the way, but when he arrived at the reservoir, Li Yu saw a faint light coming from the water in the distance.

Li Yu initially thought it was the reservoir staff patrolling the area, but he soon discovered something was wrong.

Those people looked sneaky, one was watching the wind on the shore, and two were driving a rubber boat.

Li Yu lowered his body and got closer, and found that there were many fish with their bellies floating on the water near the rubber boat.

Looking at the batteries on the boat, the two people's clothes, the long sticks and fishing nets in their hands, Li Yu immediately understood that they were secretly coming to the reservoir to electrofish.

Li Yu did not stop him face to face, nor did he yell loudly. After all, there were three people opposite him.

There was also an electric baton in his hand.

He just quietly retreated to where he came from, and then dialed 110 to report that someone was electrocuting fish.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yu suddenly found that the problem that had troubled him before seemed to have been solved.

He unintentionally found the best way to restrict the dragon's movement.

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