Working Prophet

Chapter 16 The Second Way

The girl sat by the bed, still trying to digest what Li Yu said just now.

That had a huge impact on her. Even when her vote was surpassed by Blanco midway through the election, the girl firmly believed that the majority of the family supported her.

It was only because of the treachery of her uncle Antonio that she almost lost the election.

However, Li Yu now told her that this was not the case. The outcome of the election had lost its suspense early on. She was the only one who was still kept in the dark and was confidently preparing to face the already doomed failure.

Ilea felt chilled when she thought of this.

It was as if someone had pushed her head into the icy water, and no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get out.

Miss Rabbit sobered up a lot in an instant, "But what about the people who support me? Did they know that I was going to lose early? If so, why did they vote for me instead of Blanco? It doesn't make sense."

"I haven't been here for a long time, and I don't know enough about this world and your family. There are some things that I can't jump to conclusions."

Li Yu paused, and then added, "But you said that your aunt and uncle Ni have the best relationship, and your uncle changed his mind at the last moment..."

Speaking of which, Miss Rabbit already understood, drooping her ears, staring listlessly at the little tree outside the window.

Just like Emperor Chongzhen who went to Meishan, he looked completely hopeless.

Li Yu didn't speak again.

The house fell into a deathly silence, only a bouquet of irises in a vase swaying in the wind.

After a while, Li Yu noticed that Ilea's shoulders were shrugging, and Miss Rabbit was probably sobbing behind his back.

Seeing this, Li Yu returned the handkerchief that the girl lent him to wipe his mouth last night, "I asked the maid to help wash it before going to bed."

Ilea took the handkerchief and wiped her tears while saying, "Why is this happening? Who can I trust now? My uncle, or my great-grandmother Ona?"

"The current situation is still unclear. I suggest you don't believe anyone." Li Yu said.

"Then I can only wait for my stepmother to attack me? I came to Yanxue City with my aunt and the others, but in the past two years, I have spent most of my time serving in the largest temple in Scale City. The Silver Moon Goddess is definitely not as close to the accompanying knights and warriors as my aunt. Hmm... maybe I can go to the city to hire some mercenaries."

"Are they trustworthy?" Li Yu raised his eyebrows.

"It's unbelievable. Those guys only care about money and have no sense of honor. They can protect me for money, but of course they can betray me for more money." Miss Rabbit was discouraged before she finished speaking.

"How about I seek asylum from Marquis Cullen... No, that won't work either. It would be too shameful for me to seek help from the lord just after winning the election. It would only make me, the new lord, appear weak and incompetent, and it would also make the new lord look weak and incompetent." Marquis Coulun doubts my ability to rule the green fields."

"You can also immediately summon your clan members and announce in public that you will give up your position as the head of the family. This way at least your life will no longer be in danger." Li Yu suggested.

"Don't even think about it!" Ilea jumped up from the bed as if she had been stepped on, "I will not give in to that woman! The green field is the legacy left to me by my father and mother. As long as I still have breath, I will never give it away!"

The tears on the girl's face were not dry, but her tone was extremely firm.

Li Yu was not surprised by Miss Rabbit's answer, "Then there is only the second way. You were publicly elected by the core members of the family. No matter what they thought privately, hundreds of people witnessed the entire election process. Marquis Cullen Having accepted your allegiance, justice and honor are your most powerful weapons.

"You can use them to gather a group of people loyal to you and completely control the green field. When the time comes, whether it is your stepmother or other dissatisfied people, they will have no other choice but to bow to you.

"Of course, the premise is that you must be able to return to the green field first. In addition, do you have anyone you can trust in the green field? It's the kind of person who will still choose to stand without hesitation no matter how high the overweight offered by others is. people around you."

"Alfred." The girl spit out a name, "He was my mother's guardian knight. He watched my mother grow up. After my mother died, he swore allegiance to my brother Ramon, but unfortunately , Ramon also died within a few years, and then Alfred became my guardian knight."

"Some fools said that he served three masters, two of whom died, and that he would bring bad luck or something, but Alfred is the most loyal man I have ever met, and those two misfortunes were blamed on him. It would be unfair to put it on the head.

"After my parents left me one after another, he was the person closest to me in the world. Alfred was originally going to accompany me to Yanxue City, but his granddaughter passed away a few days ago. It was time to give birth, so I asked him to stay in Greenfield and take care of his family.”

"Very good, you can write to him and ask him to take control of the castle as quickly as possible and hold on there until you go back. Don't let anyone in before that. If anyone questions his behavior, you can let him He told those people that this was an order from the new head of the Arias family."

"No problem, I'll write now." Ilea finally cheered up and grabbed the quill on the table.

Li Yu continued, "Since we can't find a reliable guard, we might as well not ask for one. We will set off immediately after you send the letter and leave Yanxue City before others react."


Marquis Mansion, in another room.

Vanessa reached out and called one of her servants

"I haven't seen Ilea and her human advisor for a long time. What are they doing now?"

"I'll go check it out right away, madam." The servant bowed and left.

After a while, she ran back all the way, "I asked someone to inquire. Miss Ilea said that since she had become the head of the Arias family, she had to buy some new clothes for herself, so she went to the market to find them. Tailor."

"Look at her potential, haha," Vanessa sneered. "She starts to get carried away after just a little taste of the sweetness. How can the future of the Arias family be left in the hands of such a person?"

She waved her hand as she spoke, but soon changed her mind and stopped the servant who was about to leave, "Where is the human consultant named Merlin? What is he doing now?"

"He went to the market with Ilea."

The lop-eared beauty's expression changed, "During the previous election, Ilea relied on that guy to speak for her. Why, does she have to seek advice from a consultant when she goes shopping for clothes now?"

"What you said reminded me of something. Just before they went out, Miss Ilea seemed to have borrowed a black homing pigeon from Manager Matthias."

"No, they are trying to run away!" Vanessa's expression changed drastically when she heard this.

The servant was puzzled.

Vanessa also realized that her words were inappropriate, so she said in a different way, "It seems that the new head of the Arias family is going to leave us and rush back to her territory! Find Faja. The captain came to see me.

"Also tell the others to pack your things quickly. We are leaving for home today. Forget it... I will go find Faja myself. You just need to gather the rest of the people."

Just when the lop-eared beauty went to the tavern to look for her mercenary captain, Ilea and Li Yu had already slipped out of the gate of Yanxue City.

The two followed a dwarf troupe, heads lowered, trying to keep as low a profile as possible.

Considering that Li Yu's "weird" outfit was too eye-catching, they did go to the market before and bought a cloak.

The cloak was now draped over Li Yu's body, covering the Younger suit underneath.

After leaving the city, in order to prevent being caught by the pursuers who might appear behind them, the two gave up the easier and safer road.

Choose to cross the field ridge, ford the stream, and plunge into the dense forest.

Miss Rabbit accidentally knocked her knee while passing a river beach full of rocks. She groaned for a while before she got up and continued walking forward until she saw that Li Yu's beautiful trousers of unknown material were also covered by the bushes along the way. After opening a hole, her psychology became slightly more balanced.

But after walking for a while, I still couldn't help but complain, "I am obviously the winner of this election, why do I have to run away in a hurry now with my tail between my legs?"

"Only the one who survives is the winner." Li Yu replied.

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