Working Prophet

Chapter 155 Very good, this is the answer I want

The furious mercenary clenched the weapon in his hand.

The distance between the two sides is now less than two steps, and with his own wingspan, as long as he takes action, the piercing iron ball can immediately fly to the head of the guy who is uttering arrogance!

The next moment that bastard who looked down on him would be lying in a pool of blood, regretting what he had done before.

However, just before taking action, the mercenary holding the flail hesitated again.

Obviously the guy in front of him did nothing, just looked at him quietly, but for some reason, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast!

The mercenary holding a flail didn't think that he was really just a weakling who was strong on the outside but weak on the inside as Jude said, relying on his loud voice and fierce appearance to scare people.

In fact, his hands were stained with the blood of the same kind, and quite a lot.

Because of this, he can sense the coming danger in advance!

The mercenary holding the flail couldn't explain why. He just had a strong feeling that once he really waved the flail, the only possibility waiting for him would be death.

That's why he hesitated.

In the eyes of outsiders, they could see the mercenary rushing towards Jude's eyes with great momentum, but then his movements seemed to be frozen, maintaining the posture of baring his teeth and claws, but he still did not make a move.

It perfectly explained Jude's previous evaluation of him.

The mercenary holding the flail just stood there, his face swollen to the color of pig liver.

As a result, Jude didn't even look at him. He turned around and stretched out his hand to the little mercenary. The latter's face was also ugly. He seemed to not understand why his companion was so timid and backed down at the last moment. .

However, he finally took out three gold coins from his body and silently placed them in Jude's hand.

Jude took the gold coin, weighed it twice, and grinned, "Okay, you two can get out!"

After saying that, he looked at the other people in the team, "Does anyone else want to leave?"


No one answered.

The little mercenary's expression changed several times, but in the end he didn't say anything and pulled his embarrassed companion back to the place where he sat down to rest.

However, his eyes did not leave the man with the horrific scars on his face. His eyes kept moving, not knowing what he was thinking.

After dinner, most of the people, except those who wanted to keep watch, followed the example of the three lizard men and found a nearby tree to climb up and start to rest.

Although there is a risk of falling when sleeping in a tree, this risk is nothing compared to lying directly on the ground to feed poisonous insects. You must know that night is the most lively time in the swamp.

Besides, even if there are really dishonest sleepers, they can still tie their bodies to branches.

In the latter half of the night today, it happened to be the turn of the little mercenary and his companion to stay on duty. The two of them were woken up by the person who changed the shift, and then they came to the bonfire.

After sitting there for a while, he waited patiently until the two mercenaries who had been keeping watch had fallen asleep. Then they looked at each other and stood up.

Walking towards the tree where Jude was sleeping, the two of them tried to walk as gently as possible, but they only took a few steps before they were spotted by the black beauty on the tree, who looked at them with vigilant eyes.

Seeing that the two were still approaching, the big black dog also showed its teeth and looked like it was about to pounce from the tree.

But the next moment, a big hand stretched out from behind and rubbed its head, and the tight muscles of the black beauty gradually relaxed.

"It doesn't matter. I was sitting there in the afternoon and those two cowards didn't dare to make a move. There's no reason why they suddenly have the courage now!" Jude's voice sounded leisurely, "Tell me, what do you want to do with me?"

Being called a coward, the little mercenary and his companions looked very embarrassed.

But they were also worried about how to wake up Jude without disturbing others. Seeing him wake up by himself saved them a lot of trouble.

The little mercenary walked over and said in a low voice, "Actually, it's still during the day. We don't want to continue exploring and plan to go back."

"Then you can leave at any time. Your legs are on your body and I'm not stopping you." Jude said calmly.

The flailed mercenary interrupted, "But without a guide, we can't get out of this swamp."

"Then it's none of my business. Everyone else has other things to do, and they don't have time to take care of you." Jude said and lay back.

However, the two people under the tree did not leave.

The little mercenary continued, "When I was at Teacup Castle, I found out something. There was another team that entered this swamp before us, and that team was composed of elite warriors from the Arias family. Yes, it is said that there are knights leading the team.

"But I heard their end was not very good..."

Jude sat up from the tree, a coldness flashed in his eyes, "What do you want to say?"

The little mercenary took a deep breath, "The Arias family has never said what the monster in the swamp is, but these days we have gradually found some traces of activity left by that thing. No matter what it is, from the footprints From the looks of it, it is obvious that it is not small in size, and its destructive power is also amazing.

"Actually, we are not the only two people in the team who regret taking this commission. It's just that most people don't know how dangerous that thing is, so they are still hesitating. But if I put a team's What happened told them..."

This time it was Jude's turn to be silent, and after a while he said again, "What do you want?"

"A guide who can take us away."

"There is also a hush fee." The mercenary with the flail added.

"How much do you want?"

"Thirty gold coins."

"You think too highly of me. All my belongings combined only include three gold coins, which I just won from you."

"Then give us your dog."

"Sorry? I didn't hear what you just said."

"I said give us your dog. It looks quite majestic. If you bring it to Black Rock City, someone should pay for it. It can be worth ten gold coins no matter what."

"At least fifteen, and if you find a rich expert, you should be able to get more." The little mercenary commented.

"Interesting." Jude moved his shoulders, "I only have one question left. Does anyone else know about this besides you.

"How can I guarantee that after I send you away, no one else will jump out and threaten me? After all, I only have one dog."

"No one else knows." The little mercenary said, "If you send us away, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"Very good. This is the answer I want." After Jude said that, he took out the tomahawk from his waist, jumped down from the tree, and struck the mercenary with the flail on the head with the axe.

The tomahawk split open his skull directly, and more than half of it did not enter his head, which shows how brutal the force of this split was!

Then the ugly-faced man smiled at the stunned little mercenary on the side, "You shouldn't come to me behind other people's backs, let alone try to steal my dog."

The little mercenary was startled and finally came to his senses. He planned to wake up the others by shouting when Jude's battle ax was stuck on the head of his companions.

But the next moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the darkness and bit him on the throat!

The little mercenary felt a sharp pain in his neck. He wanted to speak again, but he couldn't say a word. His vocal cords had been torn off by the big black dog.

At this time, Jude also pulled out the battle ax, wiped off the brains on it, and put it back to his waist, as if nothing had happened.

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