Working Prophet

Chapter 148 Dragon’s Blood is on sale!

What Li Yu achieved this time was far more than just bringing hundreds of newcomers to Luye.

After this competition, the survivors of the Weiting family finally stopped watching and made up their minds to join the big family of Shuangxiu.

And this also means that the biggest shortcoming of the double break has finally been made up for.

Although they have lost their status as nobles and all their honors, and have become commoners, the vast majority of these more than a hundred people have received good education, can read and write fluently, and are well versed in various etiquettes and bratis of nobles. The customs and customs of the mainland.

No matter whether it is used for education or preaching in the future, it is a good hand, and it is a perfect complement to the lizardmen who are keen on fighting and not very fond of learning cultural knowledge.

In addition, no matter how good the crisis public relations of the Silver Moon Church are, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, Li Yu did win this competition.

This also made the Silver Moon Church's goal of cracking down on the reputation of Li Yu and Shuangxiu Church completely defeated, and because of the hard publicity of the Silver Moon Church in the early stage, many people came to watch the excitement this time.

These people witnessed the whole process of the competition with their own eyes, and they will surely brag to their family and friends when they go back, and their family and friends will tell other people the stories they heard from them...

So in the next period of time, even if Li Yu does nothing, more and more people will know about him and his Shuangxiu teaching.

The Silver Moon Church obviously didn't want to see such a thing happen, but at this time they were caught in a scandal of false miracles, and Li Yu still had the handle in their hands. At least in the near future, even if they wanted to deal with the Shuangxiu Church, they were powerless.

Li Yu also needs time to digest the gains from this competition.

In addition to being busy treating patients to increase the population of the green field, he also took advantage of the heat of this incident and launched the second product for trade three days later-the blood of the dragon!

Ilea helped Li Yu come up with this name, because according to the girl, there was dragon worship when the Enriquez family ruled the Western Region.

It is said that drinking dragon's blood can double the size of a man's nipple, and it is extremely hard. Until now, many people in the western region still believe this rumor, which can be used as a gimmick.

Li Yu followed his example and later priced the dragon's blood at twenty gold lions per piece.

The first batch is limited to 100 pieces, first come first served, while supplies last.

In Ms. Rabbit's opinion, this price is undoubtedly a bit outrageously high. You must know that the sum of various living expenses for an ordinary family of four for a month is only half a gold coin.

Twenty gold coins are enough for them to live for three to four years, but they can only make the buyer stay firm in bed for a short period of time. No matter how you look at it, it is a deal that loses money. Is there any fool who is willing to spend so much money?

The answer is yes, not only yes, but quite a few.

Ilea had just let people spread the news of the sale of the dragon's blood, and soon a buyer came to her door, and bought ten pieces at a time for two hundred gold coins.

The man was a small nobleman in Black Rock City. He claimed that he knew the fur trader who was cured by Li Yu from his illness. He heard about the magic of the dragon's blood from his friend. He was quite moved, so he bought so many in one go. .

But Miss Rabbit guessed that he was just a guy who ran errands, and the buyer behind him should be someone else. Otherwise, with the family background of that little nobleman, even if he had some spare money, he should not be willing to spend such a large amount of money on this kind of thing.

After that man left, a few other buyers came to the door one after another, mostly nobles from the neighborhood.

They were not so quick to pay the money, and there were many problems. In the beginning, Yi Liya received her in person in order to create a warm and hospitable image, and at the same time, to make Li Yu share 30% of her income.

As a result, both parties were embarrassed, and the girl later left the job to her new manager.

A few days later, a new customer came to the door. This time Yago couldn't make a decision on his own, so he brought the customer to Ilea.

"You want to buy all the remaining dragon's blood?" The girl was surprised.

"It's not just the rest. If you and Prophet Merlin have new dragon blood for sale in the future, our Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce also hopes that you can sell it to us first. For this reason, we are willing to give each piece of dragon blood The purchase price will be increased by two gold coins."

The vice-chairman of the Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce, a dwarf named Frodo said, "This is a very sincere purchase price, and selling it to us will save you a lot of trouble. If you want, we will You can sign the contract now.”

Hearing what the other party said, Miss Rabbit was not in a hurry. She leaned her back on the chair and said leisurely, "Twenty-two gold coins a piece, this price is too low."

Frodo was stunned when he heard this, "But don't you only sell it for twenty gold coins now?"

"It was sold at a low price in order to gain fame first. Vice President Frodo is also a businessman, so he should be no stranger to this commonly used method in business."

Ilea said freely, "It is not easy to make dragon's blood, but the blood of a dragon is used. Just think about it and you will know how precious it is."

The dwarf rolled his eyes, "Dragon blood? Isn't that just a gimmick, there have been no dragons on the Bratis continent for more than 3,000 years... What, is it possible that a dragon suddenly appeared on your territory?" The dragon is coming.”

"That's right. In order to deal with that dragon, the Arias family has lost a lot of people." Miss Rabbit said seriously.

Frodo didn't believe such nonsense at all, but he also knew that the purchase price of twenty-two gold coins would be difficult to win the right of first repurchase of the dragon's blood, so he gritted his teeth and reported a new figure.

"Twenty-four gold coins. This is the limit price that the Golden Fleece can offer. Don't talk about the cost with me. Miss Ilea, your territory is also in the western region. It should be very clear that the people here are generally There is no money. No matter how good the medicine taught by Shuangxiu is, it will be very difficult to raise the price.”

The dwarf was telling the truth, and his sincere expression was quite convincing.

However, the girl was unmoved, and a dazed look appeared on her face when she heard the words.

"The Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce originally wanted to sell the blood of the dragon to those rich people in the capital. No wonder the price increase also got the right of first refusal. It was because the big merchants in the capital would find that the blood of the dragon was very popular. I’m here to offer a higher price to buy all the goods.”

Frodo's face changed. He didn't expect the young female lord in front of him to change her mind so quickly. It was completely different from the rumors, and she guessed the intention of the Golden Fleece Chamber of Commerce to raise the purchase price so quickly.

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