Working Prophet

Chapter 124 Sacred Artifact

"This is really a fair deal," Jude said. "You know me. There is no reason why I shouldn't agree to such a fair deal."

"Very good." Ilea nodded and told the contents of the deal, "I need you to help me find the dragon."

"What are you looking for?" Jude was startled when he heard this, suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears.

"Dragon...that dragon in the swamp, I need you to help me find it."

"Is that all, you let me go after I find the dragon?" Jude asked.

"I won't let you go, because of your identity, I have to chop your head off." Miss Rabbit said seriously.

"Ha... Then why am I working so hard to see a dragon before I die?" Jude sneered, "Then you might as well kill me now."

"I will let people execute you, this will not change, but are you so willing to be killed by me?"

"What do you mean?" Jude was confused.

"Does it mean you can't run?"

"Look at what you said, if I could run away, I would have waited a long time..." Jude rubbed his chin, gradually thinking about it.

The stingy rabbit in front of him seems to be implying that if he can find the dragon, he will find a way to make some "accident" before the execution to make him escape.

This made the remnants of the Enriquez family quite moved.

As long as he can regain his freedom, it makes no difference to him whether he is let go or "escapes" himself.

Jude looked up again, looking at Ilea, "I need a guarantee!"

"Have you been locked up for too long and your brain has become stupid? How can I guarantee you such a thing? If you want to believe it, just believe it. If you don't want to believe it, forget it." Ilea said impatiently.

Jude quickly considered in his mind how credible the girl's words were.

Judging from the previous transactions between him and the other party, this stingy rabbit is quite reputable, not as shameless as ordinary nobles.

So Jude asked again, "It's just to find the dragon, why don't you just send your own people there?"

Ilea fell into silence when she heard the words, and said after a while, "How do you know I didn't send it?"

"They couldn't find it?"

"They failed to come back. A team of twelve people, led by a knight, and a retinue of knights, plus the family's elite warriors, everyone was equipped with the best armor and weapons. As a result, the entire army Overturned."

"No wonder this job fell on me in the end." After Jude finished speaking, he looked at the three lizard men beside him, "And it seems that you have even found a guide for me."

"You can put forward any request now, as long as it is related to the dragon hunt, and it is not too much, I can satisfy you."

"I still need people." Jude was not polite.

"Uh... As for fighters, now I can barely pick out three or four who are pretty good at it."

Jude interrupted Miss Rabbit, "I don't want soldiers from the Arias family, and I can't command those lords and mercenaries. Just find me some mercenaries."

"Are you sure?" Ilea frowned, "You said you can't command the soldiers of the Arias family, so those mercenaries who only care about money will listen to your orders?

"And the equipment and strength of most mercenaries are not as good as those of the warriors of the Arias family. The really powerful ones often charge ridiculously high prices. Although I promise to help you find someone, you still have to consider the cost."

"You don't have to look for those powerful guys. Just find some ordinary mercenaries for me. As for the command, I didn't expect them to listen to me."

This time it was Miss Rabbit's turn not to understand, "Then what's the use of those mercenaries?"

Jude grinned, "If we really encounter any danger, I have to rely on those guys to save my life. If I can't outrun the dragon, why can't I outrun them? As for my companions, I have Black Beauty, which is enough."


"I have another question," Jude paused and continued, "How can I prove that I have found the dragon? You probably won't believe what I say."

Li Yu, who had been silent until now, said, "I can lend you a sacred weapon."

"Holy weapon?"

"That's right, as long as you do what I say, you can truthfully record what you see with your eyes, so if you really find the dragon, the sacred instrument will bear witness for you."

"There are such magical things in this world!"

If anyone else had said this, the remnants of the Enriquez family would probably have scoffed, but when Li Yu said this, Jude couldn't help but not believe it.

After all, Jude had witnessed various miracles on Saturday when he sent Ilea back to the green field, and Li Yu seemed to have used similar means of recording sounds in Rock Snow City before.

It’s not surprising that images can be recorded now. Speaking of which, his identity as a spy was exposed and it seems to be related to the method of recording images mastered by Li Yu.

"But I'm not a Saturday believer, can I still use the holy weapon?" Jude then asked.

"Okay." Li Yu said, "When the time comes, I will unseal the sacred object. Anyone can use it, but the time it can be used is very limited. Without divine power poured into it, the sacred object will soon be destroyed. It loses its effect, so you’d better not open the sacred weapon casually before meeting that dragon.”

"Understood." Jude nodded, and then looked at Miss Rabbit aside, "I have no other questions."

"Then I will gather all the people for you as soon as possible. If it is fast, it will take three to five days, and if it is slow, it will take up to ten days. Then you can go to the swamp."

"Don't tell those guys that we are looking for a dragon, just say that there are monsters in the swamp, so that the reward can be further reduced, and don't mention what happened to the previous team." Jude reminded again.

The girl was shocked, every time she felt that she had reached the lower limit of the person in front of her, the other person would refresh her cognition again.

"It's not just about money." Jude explained, "If I had known that the target this time was a dragon, I'd be worried that everyone would disperse as soon as they saw the dragon, and I wouldn't be able to record it. How long is the image. You probably want to deal with the dragon, and you need to collect as much information as possible before that."

Ilea was told what was on her mind, she pondered for a moment and said, "If I recruit some mercenaries with bad deeds and evil deeds..."

"No problem, it's all used as bait anyway, I don't care if it's a good guy or a bad guy." Jude laughed.

"Don't you guys have any sense of morality?"

"Moral sense? Since I was born, both the bad guys and the so-called good guys around me want my head, so in my opinion, they are all the same. Maybe there is black and white in the world of ordinary people, but For me, there is only one color in this world, and that is the color of blood."

Jude sneered, "I don't need any bullshit morality. That thing is purely a burden and will only kill people. It's enough for me to have the ax and Black Beauty in my hand."

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